And then...

Emma came to the casino underground with her desires in mind.

A one-night dream.

With such a vague excitement on her chest, the girl danced down the magic elevator vividly in a gothic dress....

"Damn, it's buzzing again. Isn't this casino crazy?! (Angry)"

The BIG bonus is not always won at the target slot platform.

"... Emma, if it's not funny, let's go."

Then Delhi in the back said boringly.

"Hmm, that's not how it works!There's no mistake on this stage..... "

Yes, it is.

The incidence of this cherry and watermelon is exactly set to 6.

(Do you think you have invested tens of K?We can't stop here)

If you throw coins again with that in mind, you can feel Delhi standing up.

"Oh, Delhi, where are you going?"

"... it's too noisy here. I'll wait upstairs."


Emma kept looking at the slot stand.

(I wish Delhi didn't have to say that....)

She blurred her mouth to the side of her heart, but after a few seconds she looked back.

"Hey, Delhi."


"Well... I'll definitely win tonight.I'll buy you some later. "

"... fufu"

The tall swordsman groaned over his shoulder.

"Don't expect me to wait."

and left the casino.

◇ ◆ ◇

For the silent swordsman Delhi, she is roughly the only person she talks to from day to day.

In his case, like Emma, he didn't get involved in public conversations that didn't bother the party's elders.

Most certainly.

This does not necessarily mean that relationships within the party are scarce.

He definitely liked Cross and Tiana.

However, the attitude of “not opening your mouth nauseously in front of adults” was like Delhi's habit "Kushi", which has been going on since student days.

But he also has only one friend to take care of.

It's Mollier, who's close to his age at the party.

"You must be in trouble...."

I don't know.

At that time, Mollier was in the middle of a "handshake" in the space beside the lobby of the inn.

Sei-no-, Mollier-chan!

“Oniko" from thick fans.

Mollier shook hands at each of them and answered Delhi by the side.

"I don't feel like it's hard for me."

Lie to me.

Delhi cut back with eyes like a blade.

"Magic doesn't have the usual fullness.Are you tired after the triumphant parade? "

"That's... kind of..."

Mollier shakes her short hair with her neck.

"But it can't be helped. My God, I'm an idol."

"... idle, huh?"

That's what the tall swordsman said, scratching the silver hair of a stunning one-length with one hand.

On purpose, on purpose.....

A handshake that proceeds.

All the fans are sparkling their eyes.

(It may be that there is something that can be so enthusiastic that life wins.)

As Delhi watched the fans and felt that way, she began to wonder why the girl in her pants in front of her had become idle.

"... Mollier, you. Didn't you think when you were little, 'I don't want to be an adult'?"

"Huh? What, that?"

Delhi reflected a little on Kyotong's Mollier.

Suddenly bumping into a question after your thoughts is unlikely to convey your intentions to the other person.

"No, I wondered why you were so motivated to be idle.If that's the motive, you'd better stop.... that's what I've always thought. "

"You don't want to be an adult?"

"... yeah. That's why me and Emma left the country to become 'adventurers'.Not idols or athletes. "

Mollier only replied "Hmm" and kept silent for a while.

"I'm not like you."

And I returned it.

(I see....)

Delhi thought.

Yes, it is.

Mollier grew up in an 'independent little town, not rich, but deep in the mountains'.

Like Emma and Delhi, the children who grew up in "a city ruled by the Devil King, but financially rich," are completely different from the feelings that underpin them.

"When I was little, I used to think that the world seemed to be wide."


"Yes, it's wide, the world. I don't want my life to end in a small town in the back of the mountain.I always wanted to go out into the wider world and be number one in the world... and be something special. "

"... I see."

"That's why I wanted to be a boy when I was little."

Mollier kept his head open as if it were illuminated.

"I thought a man could get out of this town.But my master taught me to be the best man in the world. "

When she saw Mollier smiling so much, Delhi noticed.

In other words, "defeating the Demon King" and "becoming an Idol" are the same thing for Molier.

After all, I thought I was trying to fill things with idle energy that aren't filled by adventure, and I guessed the reason for that, but it was completely out of the question.

"... well, that's fine if you're having fun."

Ehehe ♪

That's how I stroked Mollier's head.

Hey, you're in trouble.

A man with black glasses like a manager came and complained.

"... what are you?"

"I'm Mollier's P" producer. "Besides, you're in the way of the handshake, so go somewhere. "


The manager said with a sigh as he slapped his neck.

"Hey, it's fun for fans to show how handsome people like you are getting along with Mollier!No matter how many miracles I have, I need you to meet me in the middle of the handshake. "

Delhi wasn't sure, but she didn't think she should get in Mollier's way.

"Well, I'll be over there."

That's how Delhi turned her back.

Sit on the sofa in the lobby a little away from the handshake.

I'm sorry.

And I can see a distant molier gesturing towards us.

"... don't worry about it"

And Delhi gestured too.


It's a bit clumsy, but Emma will be back from the casino soon.

That's what I thought. I was watching the handshake party on the far wind....

I was thrilled to see a beautiful bikiniamer lined up in the row.

"Fufufu, I was buying goods for this day as an adult. Let's go, Alfred."

"Well done, Miss Glico."

"I got 50 handshake tickets anyway!Today I will shake hands with Mollier 50 times! "

And the world's number one woman who makes her pant-like armor buttocks plump in mood.

Glico Fontanier should also be a big star, but for the handshake fans, Molier seems to be the only one to see, and she is also a brilliant blend of fans.

(It's not as boring as I thought....)

It was when I was looking at it like that.


And then, from behind, he slapped his shoulder and crushed his liver.

(Hmm!... who is it?)

I didn't feel a sign at all, so something cold ran around my spine, but Delhi looked back.

Then, a silver-haired boy with a large sickle stood there without any sign.

"Nice to meet you, Delhi."

"Yu, Yuri-kun...?"

"It's been three years... no, it's been four years."

The boy smiled and gently touched Delhi's long hair.

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