It's your first time, Delhi-kun.

"Yu, Yuri..."

Delhi was surprised to meet someone unexpectedly like this.


Yuri Fontanier.

He was a classmate in magic junior high school.

However, since Delhi ran away from home with Emma on the 15th night and left the country, it has been since the Magic Junior High Third Regeneration.....

"...... Yuri, were you here too?"

"Well, to tell the truth, I've seen you several times in Zaharbelt."I'm sorry I didn't call out, but I actually lost most of my memories. "


“Yeah, I had a career change.”

Occupationality is the very talent that comes with it.

Normally, without the eyes of the goddess Aiga, you can't really reveal "what people are for", let alone change jobs.

People can't choose their own talents.

However, some of the things called forbidden spells seem to make that possible.....

Prohibition comes with a price.

In the case of Yuri, that would have been a memory.

"But it's all right now. I've been feeling pretty refreshed lately."I remember a lot of things. I also wanted to dream about you..... "


"That's right. It's a burning dream of mine..."

The boy kept his eyes down toward his lavish shoulders.

"... to become a demon king"


I lose my words at the moment when I don't want to talk too much.

But Delhi remembered that he was a classmate who might have thought of that at the same time.

The mantra of Yuri in the Magic Junior High School was "There is no value in this world".

And there was certainly a time in Delhi when the decadent juvenile theory that was spoken of as ridiculous behind classrooms and school buildings was irresistibly novel and exciting.

However, Delhi now thinks that such feelings were like diseases specific to the early to mid teens.

"... don't think stupid. You're already 18 or 19.What are you going to do about becoming a demon king? "

"That's my line."It seems that you are the one doing adventurers with Dressler-san (Emma), but what is the point of (...) your (...) and (...)? "


Delhi felt that Emma and her companions were denied the connection between the words, and instantly felt the hot water in her stomach, but she suppressed it.

"You don't know..."

I only said that, and I stirred up long hair.

"You don't understand, do you?"You've come a long way to say things like adults. "


"You know that, don't you?"After defeating the "Shadow of the Demon King" that appears in this world, their body is in the dimension called "Hell" by the people of this world.It's not like you've taken control of the Demon King. "

"So... that's why we keep fighting."No matter how many times they show up. "

"That's sesame seeds."You will eventually die of old age.You can't keep saying, "The battle is over," can you?Born in a country ruled by a demon king, there is only one way we can escape our subordinate destiny. "

"... are you trying to say that it's 'becoming a demon king'?"

"Yes, that's right, but I can't do it alone."Together, we need a vassal [Kenzoku] that produces Demon King-grade power. "

Yuri loosened his silver forelock, and embodied a great sickle in his hand.

"That's why I switched jobs to Reaper."To gather the people who will take you to hell! "

And then, a wave of dark magic came out from the scythe.

(Dark magic?)

And Delhi was surprised.

That's right.

Yuri was originally a famous student on campus for his excellence in light magic.

Now I was manipulating the dark magic of the opposite attribute.

It seems that the story of the job change was true.


With a smile, Yuri suddenly drew a dark square into the air at the tip of the sickle.

Then, the darkness of the square was finally opened to the left and right, and a creepy black-and-white gate was created.


"You know that, don't you?" The gates of hell. "

Beyond the gate is a purple marble space, which, unfortunately, is as seductive as drugs.

"Let's go home to our homeland of Hell, the Destopia."

Yuri smiled coldly and gently took Delhi's hand.

The boy's sweet hands lure him to hell.

(No, don't.....)

Delhi tried to get rid of the fingers of the uri.

But, strangely enough, if your body doesn't move, you won't make a sound.

Is it the dark magic of Yuri?

it's no good to stay like this.....

However, this is one of the world's leading hotels, the Bilton Hotel.

If the crowd revealed such a magnificent gate of magic, wouldn't it make a scene?

Delhi thought so, but the hotel lobby is so dull.


The sigh of the travellers who arrived at the inn.

People queuing for check-in with big luggage.

Idol handshake events thrive a little further away.

A massive daily routine that goes too far.

as if they were "transparent" boys....

"Fufu, you won't be bothered."You were a little tempted by that dresser (Emma).You're supposed to be with me. "

Every time they talk like that, Delhi can't think anymore.

I can't help but think that I can't resist, but I can't help but slam my feet towards the door while he invites me to his hand.

But at that time.


A loud woman rang all over the lobby.

"Why am I leaving?!"

"That's why you're trying to chew on Morier-chan!"

Earlier P [Producer] scolded Bikini Armor.

"It's a misunderstanding. I was just trying to cheek a little..."

“What's the misunderstanding!”

If it's a cheek, it's safe, isn't it?

"Out! Leave now!"

The world's top adventurer is also a fan of the idol handshake.

Glico was seized by the hotel guards and left to be dragged.

"No, no! I have 50 handshake tickets.Shake hands with Mollier a lot! "


Laughter spills out of Delhi's poker face at such a sight.

Then what do you think?

Isn't the body that was in a state of being tied up lightly?

(Ugh, let's move)

The darkness that had bound Delhi had dissipated, and the gates of hell had already disappeared in illusion.


Meanwhile, a silver-haired boy bent over his petite body and cried out.

"Yuri. What's wrong...?"

Delhi worries about this ex-classmate and calls out, but Yuri just turns his head and shakes.

However, if you think that the tremor has stopped, it will not move at all.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?"

Shaking his shoulders, he noticed that his little lips were faintly moving.

I hear you're saying something.

"What? Tell me clearly."

"Eh... nh"


"Hey... where are you...?"

With that, he fainted.

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