I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 40: remarriage object

Lu Jinxi's words were actually very vague.

But at that moment, Egret actually understood. After a long while, a blush appeared on his face, and he said, "Yes, this servant will go to inform Pan Quan'er."

Lu Jinxi nodded, and the egret backed out.

She didn't plan to go out in the morning.

There are things to be dealt with in the house every day, and now Lu Jinxi asked Qingque to bring in the maids and old ladies who were going to do things, and take care of things one by one, ready to wait for the news of Pan Quan'er, and then make plans for the next step. .

But he said that Pan Quan'er got up early in the morning and was busy with the garden.

This is what Lu Jinxi explained the day before yesterday, and he attaches great importance to it.

Unexpectedly, before he could go out to find a gardener, news came from the egret, saying that there were two important things for him. He listened, and felt a little confused—

Is this mansion going to change?

The second grandmother, who never cared about the life and death of the eldest son, actually asked for a ghost hand for the eldest son?

Be nice.

Pan Quan'er pondered for a while, vaguely feeling that she would be more alert in the future: the second grandmother's attitude has changed, which is really hard to understand.

The alarm bell sounded to herself in her heart, but Pan Quan'er did not delay, and immediately went back to Shengtang.

On the long street, there are more pedestrians coming and going.

The voices of the dealers' pawns were made up in this morning when the morning mist was still wafting, showing a kind of noise with smoke and smoke.

In the Huishengtang, people seeking medical treatment and medicine have come.

Gu Juefei woke up listening to the voice of blindly reporting the name of the medicine, his eyes slowly opened a slit, and a little light came in on the slightly yellowed window paper and penetrated into his eyes.

The curtains were lifted outside.

Ji Wuwei came in with a copper basin filled with hot water, and when he saw that he had opened his eyes, he was a little surprised: "You're awake, the lady is calling me to see you, and wants to wake you up for breakfast."

As he said that, he put the copper basin on the wooden shelf beside him.

That night, Gu Juefei didn't actually sleep for a few hours.

The body was covered with a thick quilt, and there was still heat.

When he saw it, he regained his senses. He lifted the quilt and got up: "It's your job. I didn't take precautions last night, and I drank too much. It's rare that your master didn't throw it out. I didn't wake up from the street this morning. I'm really grateful to Dade. It's over."

Ji Wuwei laughed when he heard it.

What kind of virtue their master is, they really can't be more clear.

"Master has the temperament of a child. But there is always a mother-in-law around on weekdays. Even if you come back to Shengtang in the future, you won't be thrown out."

After two sentences, Gu Juefei got up.

Because he didn't wear a loose crane cloak, his wide shoulders and narrow waist that were usually covered were exposed.

People stand in this room, slender and tall, with silver crowns on their hair, even if there are some wrinkles on the clothes, they actually feel that the room is full of brilliance, and people are like jade trees.

Ji Wuwei was stunned when he saw it, and then slapped his forehead and remembered: "Oops, I almost forgot your outer robe. The lady just explained it, you wait..."

Before he could finish speaking and wait for Gu Juefei to respond, he hurried out again.

Gu Juefei looked at it and shook his head helplessly.

I drank a lot last night.

When I woke up in the morning, I only felt that the back of my head was heavy, and my temples jumped suddenly, as if a string was tightened.

He couldn't help raising his hand and pressed it hard.

Recalling that in the past 29 years, I have rarely been so open-minded and indulgent, and the layer of ridicule in my heart has become heavier.

The copper basin was placed in the corner, and a clean square was placed beside it.

Gu Juefei saw it as soon as he walked over, and then subconsciously pinched his sleeve with the dark silver bamboo leaf pattern, and then reacted—

The robe is not there.


He suddenly laughed, pondered for a moment, and looked over to the Ondol.

The snow-white square that was handed over last night was now neatly folded and placed beside the throw pillow.

It was because he didn't pay attention when he got up just now, didn't see it.

At that moment, the feeling suddenly became a little complicated.

Lu Jinxi.

These three words appeared in his mind so clearly, reminding him of his words, words and actions under the setting sun yesterday evening.

A gentle smile.

Thoughtful demeanor.

Meticulous words.

He was a little lost for a while.

Fortunately, Ji Wuwei came in again at this time, this time holding the crane cloak that he had been splashed with the hangover soup yesterday, and it looked clean.

"Eldest son, your clothes. Last night, the mistress said that you and Master have been drinking too much, so it's not good for you to walk in dirty clothes, so she washed it on her own initiative."

Gu Juefei came back to his senses and reached out to take it: "Mrs. Zhang is very kind, there is nothing to make up her own mind, it's just that she has to work harder."

"My wife also made a half-bowl of sobering soup to go with today's porridge and vegetables. The medicinal properties are also warm and nourishing, and it is considered a nourishment. When you fell asleep, I had brought it to the table to cool for a while, and it should be ready to drink. "

Ji Wuwei touched his head, a youthful look on his face.

"Master said, let you use it anyway, so that you won't have a headache when you look back."

Gu Juefei turned his eyes and saw that the small round table had already been placed on a porcelain bowl with light brown medicinal soup in it.

In addition, there is actually a bowl of steaming white porridge, accompanied by two plates of side dishes.

It looks really simple.

But that little bit of heat seems to be able to blow into his heart, but the more so, the more he thinks of all kinds of things from last night...

He suppressed the **** aura and put on a modest smile: "Thank you for my wife, and thank you for your master."

Why even thank his master?

Ji Wuwei's eyes widened, and he didn't react for a while, but he didn't ask any more, just said: "Then you have to drink the medicinal meal first. I'll cut the medicine outside, and you can call me if you have anything."

Gu Juefei nodded and said hello.

Ji Wuwei walked out.

Gu Juefei stood in the back room for a while.

Maybe it's because during my study tour, I have walked a lot in such places and seen a lot.

Therefore, he stood in this simple or even shabby house compared to the Taishi's mansion, and there was no disobedience at all.

He put the robe aside, washed it first, and removed all the alcohol on his body, and then wiped off the water droplets on his fingers with a square towel.

At this time, only slowly put on the robe.

It's like wearing a layer of armor.

At that moment, all the mess and embarrassment from last night seemed to be covered by this crane cloak and disappeared.

On the slightly rippling water, another perfect Gu Juefei was reflected.

He sat down and drank the sober soup first, before using the porridge and side dishes on the table to suppress the bitter taste in his mouth.

By the time he lifted the curtain and walked out, the hall outside was already busy.

The doctors in the hall were busy prescribing medicines to see a doctor.

Guishouzhang, who also drank too much last night, now has a piece of ginseng in his mouth, and looks like he is okay, taking the pulse of the patient.

Fellow apprentices, do some tricky work.

On the small table in front of the medicine cabinet, there was already a small guillotine knife specially used for cutting medicine. Ji Wuwei stood there, pressing the guillotine knife in his hand, and at the bottom was a half-cut rhizome of Tian Nanxing.

But he didn't cut it right now, talking to a man in a cyan straight patch.

It wasn't someone else, but Pan Quan'er who came here to invite Ghost Hand Zhang at Lu Jinxi's order.

Ji Wuwei: "Did you still come to invite my master this early in the morning?"

"No, but not in a hurry this time."

Pan Quan'er laughed, this time more calmly.

"The eldest son of the court in our house has suffered from a leg problem since childhood, and he has never been able to cure it."

"Second grandmother sent me to ask to see if Doctor Zhang is free. It doesn't matter if you're not free for a while. Whenever you're free, the General's Mansion can wait."

"Is that so..."

Ji Wuwei frowned, thinking that he was going to inform his wife and master.

Unexpectedly, when I looked up, I saw that Gu Juefei had come out, and put down the guillotine for a while: "Eldest son, are you finished?"

Gu Juefei was standing not far away.

He has washed properly, his eyes are clear, his eyes are clean and deep; with one hand in front of him and the other behind him, he is calm.

The lobby is noisy, but his corner is quiet.

Pan Quan'er was a little surprised when she heard Ji Wuwei's voice and raised her head to look.

He has seen quite a few high-ranking officials and nobles, and at a glance, he can see that this person's identity is not ordinary. It's just that he hasn't seen Gu Juefei before, after all, and he didn't make a sound at the moment.

Gu Juefei came out, intending to leave.

But he didn't expect to hear the words "General's Mansion" as soon as he came out. He couldn't help but glance at Pan Quan'er for a while, and also noticed the sign of the General's Mansion hanging on his waist.

The General's Mansion, the second grandmother, the eldest son...

Come to think of it, this is actually the concubine of Xue Kuang and that Hu Jisheng?

Gu Juefei felt strange for a while.

If he remembered correctly, this concubine named Xue Tingzhi was not very popular with Lu Jinxi on weekdays, and he never had any sense of existence in the General's Mansion.

A lame leg is a lame leg, a child born to an orchid, with an unorthodox bloodline, who would care?

But now...

He actually heard the servant in front of him say that Lu Jinxi was going to find a ghost hand Zhang to treat this son's leg?


Anything rare came out.

Gu Juefei's eyes turned away from Pan Quan'er, with a gentle smile on his face.

He didn't reveal what he was thinking at all, he just walked closer and said to Ji Wu, "I've disturbed you all night, and it's time to go back now. But I see that your master is calling on people, it's not good. Go up to disturb. I asked you to help me say goodbye for a while, and said that I would bring wine soon, and told me to leave today without saying goodbye. "

Ji Wuwei was a little surprised.

But think about it, too, if you haven't returned all night, Master Taishi will definitely be worried.

He hurriedly laughed: "Then be careful on the road, I'll tell the master in a while."

Gu Juefei nodded and left the Huishengtang directly.

Looking back, the couplet is still hanging - I hope everyone in the world is safe, why worry about getting medicine on the shelf?

"He Chou put the medicine on the shelf..."

He read aloud and couldn't help laughing, but in a blink of an eye he thought of Xue Kuang and his own path ahead, and became a little confused.

Fortunately, I have nothing to do at the moment, and it is not too short to go back to the Grand Master's Mansion.

Gu Juefei pondered for a while, then walked down the street, entered the inner city gate, and went directly to the palace of the eldest princess.

The mansion of Princess Yongning was given by the late emperor, and it was still the "Princess Mansion" at that time.

Later, Xue Huan, who married the second room of the General's Mansion, expanded it a bit; when Xiao Che ascended the throne, he changed the "Princess Princess Mansion" and expanded it again.

Today, it can be regarded as one of the best mansions in the capital.

Gu Juefei and Princess Yongning are acquainted with each other, and they have also visited in the past. Therefore, the servant at the door directly led him in.

After not seeing him for six years, he only felt that the palace of the eldest princess had become richer again.

There are many rockeries and picturesque pavilions. There are birds of various colors hanging on the promenade, and the begonias planted below are already open, making them even more beautiful.

As soon as people came in, there were several maids who had already received letters because he sat in the warm pavilion and brought refreshments.

"The eldest son has been gone for a long time. The servants are still talking about when you will come. You can't help but read. But you came here by accident. The eldest princess drank a lot last night and hasn't got up yet."

Drink more?

When Gu Juefei heard it, he remembered the one who was ogling with Princess Yongning at the banquet yesterday, and suddenly snorted: "I haven't been here for so long, I forgot. I'll wait for a while, it's fine."

The maids covered their mouths and smiled when they heard what he meant.

Because they have been with the eldest princess Yongning for many years, they also know the temperament of this young man who has a good relationship with the eldest princess, so they don't talk much and silently retreat to the side.

On the small square table with carved mahogany lacquer, the tea cups and snacks have been placed.

However, there are also a few idle books, and there is a brand-new blue book on it, without any words.

Gu Juefei saw it, but didn't turn it over, only brought tea to eat.

After waiting like this for almost two to three minutes, the eldest princess Yong Ning walked in, with a bit of sullenness on her face, even with delicate makeup, she couldn't hide it.

As soon as she saw Gu Juefei, she couldn't hold back, twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled: "You Gu Juefei is so incomprehensible, you don't know the wind and the moon, and it is very suitable to go up the mountain to be a monk. I can't find it in these twenty-nine years. Daughter-in-law, it's hard to guarantee that you don't deserve it!"

Gu Juefei was speechless for a while.

When it comes to men and women, he is usually restrained, and he doesn't know what it feels like to say in the poem "the spring night is too short to rise, and the king does not go to court early".

Princess Yongning said this sentence, with a gun and a stick, how could he not hear it?

I just really don't know how to respond.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Princess Yongning snorted lightly and relieved a little.

The maids have brought new tea, she took it, took a sip, woke up, and said to Gu Juefei: "This morning, you were not accompanying the old master in the Grand Master's mansion, but you came to me. Here. Although the smell of alcohol is light, it can't be covered. Did you not come back all night?"

Princess Yongning has been immersed in the court for many years, and she has always been a shrewd person. There are few things that can be hidden from her.

Gu Juefei didn't ask whether she saw it on her own or heard the news from her eyes and ears, so she just took a piece of lotus seed cake and took a small bite.

"You know what happened to me and him, don't ask me again."

"The old lady still doesn't believe you?"

Princess Yongning glanced at him.

At this time, Gu Juefei had put one arm on the rose-purple money python big pillow next to him, and changed to a more lazy sitting position.

Hearing her question, he couldn't help shaking his head: I've already said it, no need to ask again.

Gu Juefei laughed and asked, "Does the eldest princess believe me?"

Princess Yongning was speechless for a while.

She put the tea cup down, moved the blue book on top of it to the front, opened a page, and looked at it slowly.

In my mind, it was the accident that happened six years ago.

At that time, Xiao Che had just obtained evidence of Xue Kuang's rebellion.

It includes the battle maps of the marches and wars in these years, as well as some letters from the border business and travel, and of course there are military payroll books that have been manipulated.

In addition, there are several witnesses.

Xiao Chemi called several confidants into the palace to discuss the removal of Xue Kuang.

It's just that Xue Kuang has always been loyal. Naturally, some people don't believe that he will do this. Instead, they suspect that someone framed it and pointed the finger at Gu Juefei.

These people proposed that they should thoroughly investigate the evidence and return Xue Kuang to his innocence.

But that night, a bizarre fire destroyed everything.

All the evidence on paper was turned into ashes.

Even a few witnesses detained in the Heavenly Prison were silently poisoned!

Only one of them had a bigger life, he ate less, and the poison developed more slowly, and he managed to survive until he was discovered.

That is, this person, before his death, confided the "truth" to Gu Chengqian, who was dealing with the matter at the time...

"It was me, Gu Juefei, who slandered Xue Kuang, and was afraid of being found out, so I killed and silenced..."

Gu Juefei took a sip of tea leisurely, savoring the fragrance that melted on the tip of his tongue, and there was a casual taste in his voice.

"You said that I have such great ability, that I can silently infiltrate the prison and poison the prisoner.

Eat less and die slowly!

This is the funniest joke Gu Juefei has heard in twenty-nine years.

He told the wise man from the second in the world, the first is reserved for humility and humility.

If he wanted to kill people, he would do it a thousand times more concealed.

How could someone be held accountable?

There is also a "poison to death", leaving behind some unwilling "end-of-life truth"!

So when he thinks about it to this day, he still feels embarrassed and funny.

Funny, because the opponent used such a trick to insult his resourcefulness against him.

Aggrieved, because although this method is simple, it is straightforward and direct, destroying the evidence, and causing trouble for him, causing them to disintegrate from the inside.

"The ministers who trust him, those who secretly burn evidence, and those who can infiltrate the prison to poison him. He, Xue Kuang, can lead troops to fight at the border, and he can also have such a deep foundation in the capital..."

Gu Juefei was playing with the tea cup, and there was already a little more serenity in his shallow tone.

"In this battle six years ago, it was me who lost to him."


Princess Yongning was speechless.

She stared at Gu Juefei for a long time, as if she wanted to see whether he was telling the truth or a lie.

But in the end, only to find that there was a faint tiredness in his eyes.


How can you not be tired?

Xue Kuang was the great general of Daxia until his death.

Gu Juefei couldn't take off any layer of glory from him, and even had to let him be buried under the yellow sand of the battle flag, and return the body wrapped in horse leather.

Who will lose and who will win is hard to say.

Princess Yongning's heart was also a bit complicated. She sighed with a smile: "If you lose, you will lose the relationship between father and son; if he loses, he will return to the west and have nowhere to bury."

Returning to the West with nowhere to be buried?

Gu Juefei listened, and smiled inexplicably: "He Xue Kuang has an unparalleled plan, and the world has underestimated him..."

This was said without beginning or end, and Princess Yongning couldn't understand it.

She and Gu Juefei really knew each other very well.

He was also here with her, and he showed a bit of a lazy and uninhibited true temperament, and occasionally said some very neurotic words.

So, she doesn't ask at this moment.

The blue book at hand had only turned a page, Princess Yongning sighed, not very satisfied, and turned another page.

Gu Juefei saw this thing when he came, but he didn't turn it over.

At this moment, seeing the eldest Princess Yongning turn over, frowning while looking at it, he smiled: "Which corrupt official has brought up good things with filial piety?"

Princess Yongning raised her head and laughed angrily.

She just pushed the book to Gu Juefei: "If it is such an important account book, can this palace put it here? I'm afraid it will become a handle in your hands when you turn around."

Of course Gu Juefei was just joking.

He took the book and looked at it, only to realize that it was actually a roster: a portrait was left on each page, with the name, place of origin, and temperament beside it.

"They are all over twenty-five years old, either they are not married, or they are waiting to be renewed..."

Most of them are from the capital, and Gu Juefei knows a thing or two about every name on it.

So this time, the expression on his face is a little bit like a smile, not a smile.

When Princess Yongning saw it, she couldn't help frowning: "What's wrong?"

Gu Juefei glanced at her, turned a few pages, and was too lazy to turn it again, only said: "This book, I'm afraid the matchmaker said it was used for matchmaking? All of them are jade trees, and their characters are so good that they can go to heaven."

This guy is too sharp.

Princess Yongning couldn't help laughing: "You are used to being amazing, and there are not many people in the world that can catch your eye. But the people on the roster in this palace are not bad. My niece chooses her husband. , can you pick the same lady as you?"


At that moment, Gu Juefei's eyelids jumped.

He almost suspected that he had heard it wrong: there are many nieces of Princess Yongning, but there are really not many who need to "pick a husband"...

"You also know that Xue Kuang and her had a bad relationship at the beginning."

Princess Yongning sighed, because she was familiar with Gu Juefei, so she didn't need to betray her.

"Now that Xue Kuang is gone, I can't bear to see her still arguing in that manor, like a living dead. Right now, I want to choose one or two for her. You've just searched a lot, what do you think?"

how about it?

Gu Juefei put his fingertips on the page, as if he was on the snow-white square towel again.

A subtle feeling, like ripples, gradually emerged.

He lowered his eyebrows, and no one could see under his deep eyes, whether it was the warm wind or the cold sword light...

The corners of his lips curled into a silent smile.

Gu Juefei slowly loosened his fingers, trying his best to let that subtle feeling get away from him, and then slowly said: "How... I don't think these people are very good."


Princess Yongning felt that she was choked.

Gu Juefei didn't seem to see it, and only read the page in front of him: "The fourth son of the Meng family who co-organizes the bachelor's degree, Meng Jin, Bingchenke Scholars, widowed, kind-hearted, and dignified..."

After reading this, the voice stopped.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the eldest princess Yongning, and said lightly: "This person is a scholar from my same department. I saw him at the Qionglin banquet, and it's a pockmarked face."

These days, the pockmarked face can be said to be dignified.

Princess Yongning's hands trembled when she heard this.

Gu Juefei turned another page.

"Zhou Deyuan, the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment, poor family, thirty-two years old, unmarried..."

"That's true, the outer room can't be counted as a wife."

"I don't remember much. Of the two he wrapped in Huaihua Hutong, which one came out of the hook?"

Princess Yongning took a deep breath and slowly put down the tea cup.

Gu Juefei turned to the third page and laughed when he saw the name on it.

"This is not bad, Wei Wei, the second son of the Wei family."

"On twenty-seven this year, my wife died."

"His family has a glorious family, but he himself is a piece of shit, a piece of trash, and a piece of mud. Old Wei has helped him immortally for more than ten years, but he didn't stick to the wall."

"Although a person is a bit inferior, if anyone has a bit of skill to marry in, they can kill him."

"In this way, prosperity and wealth are nothing to worry about."

Princess Yongning was so angry that she was speechless.

Gu Juefei swiped with his fingertips, and when he saw the page flipping over in front of him, he casually let go and let the roster close.

He turned his head to look at Princess Yongning with a leisurely tone.

"I'm not familiar with anyone at this age in the capital. If you want to choose a husband for your niece, why would you ask someone to make such a roster? Ask me if I'm more reliable than others?"

Princess Yongning didn't smile: "Ask you? You Gu Juefei are self-conscious, and you have arsenic on your tongue. Who can be good in your mouth?"

"Eldest Princess, you have wronged me."

Gu Juefei shook his head, took a sip of tea, lifted the lid with his slender fingers, elegant and calm, and very eye-catching.

"You said that there are very few people in the world who can catch my eye, but now there is exactly one, and the age is not much different from your niece."

Can you enter Gu Juefei's eyes?

Princess Yongning knew that he had friends all over the world, and maybe he really did, so she asked, "What do you say?"

Gu Juefei put down the tea cup and opened his mouth slowly.

"This person is also a Jinshi of Bingchen Branch, and he has no wives and concubines."

"Familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, the Ming classics are well-versed in strategy and theory; he is born with a dignified and good-looking appearance, and he behaves like a gentleman."

"He does everything well, and he has few leftovers when calculating."

"He treats people properly, and drills the seven orifices of his exquisite heart."

Princess Yongning secretly said: This is not bad.

She was a little interested: "As you put it, if you have fame and no wives and concubines, he should be a person of good character. I just don't know, what is your family background and what is your family's population?"

Gu Juefei squinted slightly, as if thinking.


"A glorious door with a very high lintel."

"The family's population is even more complex. There are about three to five hundred people in the family, and the branches of the side clan are innumerable."

"However, this person lost his mother at a young age, and he had a rift with his father after he was named on the Golden List, so the family lintel should not be bothered at all."


Why does it sound a little familiar?

Princess Yongning looked at Gu Juefei's indifferent face, and suddenly her heart skipped a beat, giving birth to all kinds of panic and anger, and almost threw the tea cup she had just served to the ground!

"how dare you?!"

Gu Juefei's eyebrows and eyes were cut like a knife, and he was dyed with a three-pointed smile, as if he had not heard what Princess Yongning said at all.

His face was calm, his tone was light, and he continued his previous words:

"This person's surname is Gu, his name is Juefei, and his name is first. This year is twenty and nine-"

"What does the eldest princess think about me?"

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