I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 41: beast heart

how about it?

He actually asked how she was?

At that moment, Princess Yongning felt that Gu Juefei was joking with her.

Does Gu Jue insist on any woman?

To join in the fun of Lu Jinxi?

How Xue Kuang died, others do not know, do they still not know?

Even if Xue Kuang had the intention to rebel, he was a chaotic thief.

But the achievements of the past cannot be erased!

Now that he is choosing a husband for his widow, how dare Gu Juefei say such a thing? !


How brazen!

The temples throbbed throbbing, as if a string was taut in it, ready to snap at any moment.

The eldest princess Yongning felt that her lifelong calm was all gone at this moment, and she was blown to pieces by his words!

A pair of phoenix eyes flashed with cold light.

She stared at Gu Juefei, her voice was cold and depressed, and the words seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth: "Are you serious?"

This is an undisguised question, with full oppression.

Unfortunately, it was useless to Gu Juefei.

He was still sitting across from her, like the zhilan jade tree in front of the court steps, and his demeanor had not changed a bit from beginning to end, and it seemed that the old **** was there.

"Where did the eldest princess see that I was joking?"

The seemingly absent smile on his face was a little deeper and a little more real, and his voice seemed calm and calm.

"In terms of age, temperament, appearance, background, talent... in the capital, is there anyone better than me?"


Princess Yongning only gave birth to thousands of absurdities in her heart!

"Is there anyone in the capital who is worse than you?!"

Gu Juefei wants to marry Xue Kuang's widow?

It is the most terrifying thing in the entire capital, even the entire summer!

It's only been six years...

Only six years!

The blood on his hands has not dried up yet, and it is still steaming hot, how dare he say such words in front of her?

An initiator who has been hiding behind the scenes for six years, actually said that he wanted to marry the victim's wife? !

The time that Princess Yongning has known him is really not short.

He talks about the world, about people's livelihood, and about government affairs, but he never talks about his own life-long events!


Do not.

Gu Juefei never joked about his life events.

"Murder a husband, marry a widow..."

Princess Yongning's voice trembled a little, as if she wanted to suppress something, but she couldn't suppress it in the end, and asked loudly.

"Gu Juefei, aren't you afraid of the scourge of heaven if you move this evil thought?"

"Evil thoughts? Scourge?"

Gu Juefei sneered.

He picked up a piece of crystal bean paste from the jade plate, raised the corner of his lips, and his smile became somewhat mocking.

"That's a bad word."

"The whole world knows that Xue Kuang died in battle because he was besieged and killed by the Xiongnu general Nayeza, and Ma Ge wrapped his body. Even if he died, he was a well-known and respected hero."

"I'm not sure what kind of virtue and ability can I have anything to do with his death?"

The airy tone, as if it were the truth.

The eldest princess Yong Ning had already heard a sneer, hissing of cold air in the cracks of her bones: "In front of this palace, are you also so hypocritical?"

"Gu Mou goes straight and never goes against his will."

Gu Juefei took a bite of the bean paste cake and seemed to think it tasted good, so he smiled with satisfaction.

He looked at Eldest Princess Yongning and said in a low voice, "Everyone has a love for beauty. I have only admired the general's wife for a long time, and now I finally have this opportunity. Why not consider it, Eldest Princess Yongning?"

Admired for a long time?


To put it plainly, at this moment, Princess Yongning was completely irritated by his attitude!

"Do you think I don't know who you are Gu Juefei?"

"Being connected with foreign enemies, offering a plan to the Xiongnu, uniting with Nayezha, and calculating that Xue Kuang would die under the tragic sword! That's not enough! Now you even want to get involved with widows and widows!"

"Since you respect Xue Kuang as your rival in life, aren't you afraid that he is watching from the spirit of heaven and looking for you to chase after your soul?!"

After three sentences in a row, at the end of the question, the thunderous anger was completely uncontrollable.

Gu Juefei laughed.

It is precisely for Xue Kuang to "have a spirit in the sky"!

Chaotic thief, he is waiting for him to claim his life!

I just don't know that the coffin board has been pressed for six years, can it be lifted?

Gu Juefei smiled slightly, with an extremely indescribable expression on his face, as if in a trance, like a memory, and there was a subtle and strange hoarseness in his voice.

"Princess, please be careful."

"General Nayezha of the Xiongnu has been at the border with General Xue for five years. It was not until six years ago that he exhausted all the troops of the Xiongnu and completed his work in one battle. Although he did not win that battle, he killed Xue Kuang, an old enemy. …”

"With such a record, he is also a famous general in the world."

How could it be related to him?

Gu Juefei slowly put the unfinished half of the bean paste on the delicate celadon plate, and then took the square next to him and wiped his fingers.

"A world famous general?"

"Nayezha is nothing but a famous general who was thrown away after you used it, a bridge that was torn down by you in cold blood after crossing the river!"

"Are there any famous generals in the world who died on women's beds..."

When Princess Yongning heard this, there was only a chill in her heart, and she couldn't help shaking her head.

"In that battle six years ago, Xue Kuang died first, then Nayeza died, and you became the final big winner..."

"Xue Kuang just alienated your father and son, but you have hated for six years. If you want to be jealous, you must report it here!"

"Nayezha is at your mercy. Knowing what you are doing, he deserves to die; but Lu Jinxi is an outsider from start to finish."

"He Gu of an orphan and a widowed mother..."

"You also have the heart to take out your anger and plot against them?"

After some words, Princess Yongning's eyes were already a little disappointed.

Xue Kuang is damned.

Gu Juefei killed him, but he was the one who died.

In this situation, the government and the opposition are fighting, and the two countries are fighting and playing games. How can they not die?

She has seen a lot and even done a lot.

She would not have the slightest sympathy for the insiders.

But Lu Jinxi was a victim from start to finish...

Gu Juefei is so vicious that she wants to marry her...

Let her marry an executioner who killed her husband?

Her chest was up and down, and Princess Yongning's emotions were difficult to calm down for a long time.

Gu Juefei's mood did not fluctuate from beginning to end.

Fingers have been wiped clean.

He didn't look at Princess Yongning, or even raised his head: "Now the imperial court has negotiated peace with the Xiongnu, and the envoy is coming soon. The Princess is afraid that it's better not to mention these unsubstantiated and chasing things, if it's bad. The two countries will negotiate peace, and the border will be ruined for countless lives."

No one ever doubted the cause of death of the Huns general Nayezha.

Does he care about...

Of course I don't know anything.

"As for today's event..."

Gu Juefei was silent for a moment, then slowly folded the square towel and pressed it to the edge of the mahogany carved lacquer table. Then he slowly raised his head and looked at Princess Yongning.

"You know, I never joke about my life."

"Marrying or not marrying, marrying or not marrying, it is a matter of mutual affection, two hearts, two people's affairs."

"If she wants to marry, you are neither a matchmaker nor a parent, so why would you stop her?"


What a vicious mouth it must be to say such a thing!

"Human face and animal heart! You are a lunatic!"

Eldest Princess Yongning now just wants to have someone drive him out, tear off his mask, and make his sinister and cunning face known to the world!

"I'll make the decision for her. Want to marry her?"

"Go dream!"

"You dare to try it!"

This is against him.

Gu Juefei laughed when he heard it, and suddenly Ruohong was out of the rain, Caiche Qu Ming: "It seems that I have to wait and see."

Princess Yongning's complexion instantly turned ashen!

He didn't seem to see it, so he got up from the seat politely and said leisurely: "I wanted to talk to the eldest princess, but it is impossible to see the situation now. When you go to the Taishi Mansion, Gu must hold a banquet to entertain you. Today, I will say goodbye first."

After saying that, he slightly cupped his hands, and walked away slowly with a smile on his face.

The eldest Princess Yongning could only see his tall and graceful figure, wearing that dark blue and dark bamboo leaf pattern crane cloak, went out of the warm pavilion, turned a corner, and disappeared.


The tea cup on the table was thrown down by her, and it was smashed into pieces!

The princess at Yongning Station is almost dying of anger!

"Damn Gu Juefei!"

"How can there be such a shameless, cunning and despicable villain in the world!"

It's not that she didn't know that Gu Juefei and Lu Jinxi had almost never had an intersection, at most they knew each other. Where did the "long admiration" come from?

All these words are bullshit!

No ghosts believe in cheating!

What's wrong with his tendons, he actually fell in love with Lu Jinxi!

And looking at that posture, it doesn't seem like a joke at all...

wait and see...

This is the **** eating the scales, and he is determined!

When Princess Yongning thought of it, she only felt the cold air coming straight up from the bottom of her feet, and there was chaos in her mind.

In fact, what Gu Juefei said was not wrong at all.

Marriage matters, parents' orders, and matchmaker's words, even for fornication, all need to talk about "the two love each other". In other words, whoever Lu Jinxi wants to marry, she has no reason to interfere.

Because she's just a bystander...

However, if she can really be happy with each other when she looks back, why should she be so frightened?

What she was afraid of was Gu Juefei's method!

In the past few years, Princess Yongning has known Gu Juefei, and she has always classified him as a "friend", because if he is an "enemy", how terrible would it be?

But now, she finally couldn't help but think: If she fights with Gu Juefei, what is her chance of winning?

There was a joke in Beijing back then-

If Eldest Young Master Gu is willing to propose a pillow seat, and Sanzhen Jiulie's wife, I am afraid that he will immediately become a slut!

With his temperament and appearance, even if he doesn't have the aura of the Gu family, there are still a lot of ladies and ladies who go forward one after another...

If he really made up his mind to seek it, which woman in the world could escape from his grasp?

Murder a husband, marry a widow...

What use does she know? !

Back then, in order to prevent mutiny in the army, the word "rebellion" did not dare to rely on Xue Kuang.

Now, who would dare to declare this earth-shattering secret for Lu Jinxi?

Who would believe that Gu Juefei did it?

At this moment, Princess Yongning was sitting next to her, thinking of her benevolent, kind and pure-hearted niece: Although she was enlightened by a serious illness, she was like a poor little lamb compared to Gu Juefei's black heart... …

A sense of powerlessness struck immediately.

She only felt a piece of emptiness in her heart, and she was in a trance: "It's over..."

The maids inside and outside the Warm Pavilion all stood with their heads bowed and did not dare to move.

On the other side, Gu Juefei had already left the palace of the eldest princess all the way.

Although it seems that he is not very happy with Princess Yongning, he has no scruples in his heart, and it is rare that he is in a good mood.

He wasn't even annoyed when a dirty, wet puppy came running on the road ahead and bumped into him.

The hem of the crane cloak and the uppers of the shoes were hit by the puppy and stained with a lot of muddy water.

It looked at it for more than a month, a small soft mass, gray-black, dripping with dirty water, and could not see the original color.

"Wang woo..."

It screamed in a low voice and backed away in fear, as if it only knew that it had hit someone, and it was extremely sluggish and embarrassed.

Gu Juefei looked at it, and suddenly laughed: "The mourning dog meets the mourning dog, you and I are 'meeting on a narrow road'..."

He didn't dislike the puppy's body covered in muddy water, he bent over and stretched out his hands, picked it up, held it up in front of his eyes, and looked at it.

Both eyes were black and very clean.

Overall it looks normal, nothing special.

"I'm homeless, why don't I go back with me..." Gu Juefei looked at the puppy for a while, with a strange color in his eyes, and the smile on his lips was also a little lazy, "From now on, you will be called Gu Juefei."

When he was done, he laughed.

The little milk dog didn't know if he understood what he said, but he was a little uneasy and barked twice.

Gu Juefei felt an indescribable feeling in his heart for a while.

Everyone considers him a friend.

One is because of interests, the other is because they do not want to be enemies, and the third is because they are comfortable with each other.

Everyone also thinks that he is the real disposition in front of them.


He stared at the little milk dog, his face as warm as jade.

In the voice, there was an empty psychedelic, mixed with a bit of unpredictable unpredictability: "The true temperament, even I don't know, what kind of thing this is. Killing a husband, marrying a widow, where are you going... "

He was afraid of angering the eldest princess Yongning, so he didn't mention it in the warm pavilion.

Consider Xue Kuang's posthumous son, Xue Chi, who is five years old this year.

The curvature of Gu Juefei's lips hadn't changed by half.

He put the little milk dog down: "Two Ranked Scholars, and the third one. I Gu Juefei accepted his son as a disciple, but it's not a disgrace to the lintel of his Xue family..."

I just don't know what the expression of that "excellent, excellent" general's wife will be?

Thinking about it, I was looking forward to it.

The love between men and women has never been involved in his short life.

One person has thousands of faces, and there are too many hypocrisy times, and sometimes it is inevitable that even oneself will be deceived, so it is difficult to clearly distinguish one's own thoughts.

Gu Juefei didn't know what Lu Jinxi would bring to him, but this novelty was a little exciting, and he liked it very much. even……


So, do it if you want.

What's the hesitation?

The light of the sky entered the deepest part of Gu Juefei's pupils, and there was only one group of dark and deep, broken light floating.

He held the dirty puppy in his arms, and stopped talking, he just walked along the long street in the inner city to the Taishi mansion in the west of the city.

At this time, it was almost noon.

Pan Quan'er passed by on a horse and saw Gu Juefei from a distance, thinking that he had read it wrong.

The younger brother of Huishengtang said that it was the legendary eldest son of the Taishi Mansion.

How do you walk down the road with a dog?

When she returned to the General's Mansion and went to the East Court to report Lu Jinxi's news, Pan Quan'er still hadn't regained her senses, and even the sound of greeting her was a little dazed.

"Pan Quan'er asks the second grandmother to say hello. The two trips you ordered, the younger ones have finished."

Sitting in the room, Lu Jinxi was bored watching the egret and the green bird sitting at the table, drawing embroidery patterns with skillful hands, faintly drowsy.

Hearing this voice, she barely regained her strength.


"Dr. Zhang from Huishengtang said that he was busy in the morning and was busy seeing people. He would have to wait until the afternoon for the application time before he could come over. Please wait."

Of course, Guishou Zhang would not be so polite.

But Pan Quan'er is not a fool either, just pick up a meaning and say it.

"I was willing to come..."

Lu Jinxi laughed when she heard this, her eyes twinkling.

In the end there is no trick, you can see it in the afternoon.

She was in no hurry.

After all, there is something interesting in this mansion, it seems to be the "problem" children of the Lu family.

She turned her mind and asked again, "Where's the eldest princess?"


As soon as she said it, Pan Quan'er broke into a cold sweat.

"Back to the second grandmother, when the youngest went to the Princess Chang's mansion, the maids said that the Eldest Young Master Gu had just left, and the Eldest Princess was angry and dared not let the youngest go to see him."

"So the little one only left a letter."

"They said that when the eldest princess calmed down, they reported the news again and asked someone to send a letter to the general's residence."

Hearing this, Lu Jinxi was a little stunned.


Young Master Gu, Gu Juefei?

He and the eldest princess Yongning watched at the banquet yesterday, didn't they still look good? This is surprising.

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