Li Chen thought of inviting someone.

As you have more and more industries, it is necessary to hire people in the future.

It is better to take this opportunity and ask someone to help you look at the mountain.

Li Chen discussed this idea with Ye Xiaohan.

Ye Xiaohan also agreed with him doing so.

She also didn't want to see Li Chen working so hard every day, and inviting one more person could share the pressure of Li Chen's work.

So, Li Chen went to find the Tuesday dog. I plan to ask him to help me guard the mountain.

Anyway, this guy also goes to the casino when he has nothing to do, asks him to work, and maybe allows him to slowly quit the vice of gambling.

"Li Chen, why are you here, are you going to borrow a motorcycle? No, I remember you just bought a motorcycle!" After

seeing Li Chen coming, the dog asked curiously.

"Ergou, I have something I want to discuss with you when I find you.

"What! Say it. If I can help you, I will definitely not shirk. "

Tuesday dog may not have other advantages, and he is absolutely top-notch.

"It's that I just rented the barren mountain in the village, because the price of red mushrooms is relatively expensive, I am afraid of being targeted. So I would like to ask you to help me guard the barren mountains. Li Chen said.

"What! help you guard the barren mountain, the legendary mountain keeper?" Tuesday

dog couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, I won't let you work for nothing. Give you a thousand dollars a month. What do you think?" said Li Chen.

"What are you talking


At this time, Tuesday Dog's father Zhou came over and asked curiously.

"Uncle New Year, it's like this, I want to ask Ergou to help me guard the barren mountain and give him a thousand yuan a month. Li Chen replied.

Ergou, you have to learn more from Li Chen, he used to be as lazy as you, but now he has completely changed. I look at this matter, you can promise him, have a job, or quit your gambling habit. Zhou Guonian said seriously.

"Yes, Ergou, come and work with me. I have seen through that thing in the casino. We want to make a fortune gambling, which is completely impossible. We must use our diligent hands to realize the dream of making a fortune. Li Chen also persuaded.

"Okay, I'll go work for you. But you can say well, a thousand yuan a month! Even the iron brothers can't regret it!" Tuesday

Dog began to move under the suggestion of his father and Li Chen.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a raise when I'm done." You won't be charged for your wages. Li Chen assured as he patted his chest.

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words. "

Tomorrow, tomorrow, you will go with us to pick red mushrooms, and then you will find a place in the barren mountain to check the situation of the barren mountain." Of course, I'll find someone to build an iron shed near the barren mountain later, and you'll have a place to stay.

Li Chen's plan was to build a large iron shed at the foot of the barren mountain, so that the roaster could be placed in it.

Otherwise, even if the baking machine is bought, there is no place to put it.

Because his family's house was just enough, there was not much more!

And the speed of the iron shed can be much faster. It can be done in two or three days.

"Okay, then that's it. Tuesday Dog nodded in agreement.

Li Chen went to the next village to contact the foreman in charge of building the iron shed, and then personally took him to the foot of the barren mountain to determine the location and area.

Li Chen didn't do it, and he directly decided to build an iron shed of more than 300 square meters, and then built another room of about 25 square meters for Tuesday dogs to live and guard the mountain.

After giving the other party's wages, the other party also quickly went to prepare the materials.

It is said that it is an iron shed, and it is not a particularly drifting tin house like the later ten or twenty years. Just put some stainless steel iron pillars around the perimeter of the house, and then connect the top with some iron sheets to shield from the wind and rain. In order to insulate the heat, you have to add some materials to it at the end.

Then the surrounding area is also fenced with iron sheets, leaving only one gate to enter and exit.

This is the humble iron shed of this period, and the price is not expensive.

If it was expensive, Li Chen couldn't afford it.

Although he borrowed 50,000 yuan from the bank, he now needs to spend money everywhere, and he has to use it leisurely.

"Xiaochen, I heard that you invited Tuesday dogs to help you guard the mountain?" In the

evening, after dinner, Li Chunchun came to Li Chen's house to chat, and asked about it by the way.

Now that they all know that red mushrooms are expensive, some people want to fight the idea of red mushrooms, plus in the future, I will make other investments in the barren mountain, so I simply asked him to help guard the mountain." Li Chen answered truthfully.

"Fortunately, I also heard about Li Wu and them. This person is a red-eyed criminal, so don't pay attention to him. If he dares to bully you, you don't have to be polite with him.

"Thank you Uncle for your concern, in the future, if you want to eat red mushrooms, you can go to the mountains to pick them at any time."

"I don't dare to eat too much of something so expensive." You better keep it and sell it for money. In addition, Xiao Han is almost due to give birth, right? Remember to take time to go for a prenatal examination with her.

Li Chunchun's words reminded Li Chen that Ye Xiaohan had not yet been taken for a maternity examination.

I was too much of a bastard before, basically took the family's money to eat, drink and have fun, and Ye Xiaohan's prenatal examinations were also very small.

This also led to Ye Xiaohan never paying too much attention to the matter of maternity leave.

Now hearing Li Chunchun say this, she remembered.

"Uncle, you see that I am confused, and I almost forgot such an important matter. I will take Xiaohan to the hospital tomorrow for a maternity checkup.

Li Chen felt guilty in his heart.

Said that he would hurt this woman well after being reborn, but he didn't expect to forget such an important thing.

"You can't be entirely blamed for this, I am responsible myself, and I didn't think about it.

Ye Xiaohan on the side said gently.

"You two don't blame yourself anymore, as long as you can live a good life in the future, those are not things. Just wait for the arrival of two chubby little guys. Li Chunchun said with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle, you are really a great benefactor of our family.

"You kid, talk to your uncle like that again." If you talk like that again, I'm going to be angry. Li Chunchun said.

"Well, in the future, uncle can come to us at any time if he needs anything."

"With your words, I am also very relieved. Okay, I won't bother you guys, I'll go back. "

Li Chunchun just had dinner, and he was bored for a while to come over and have a few words, and after speaking, he went back.


The next morning, after getting up and dealing with feeding the hens and picking up the green-shelled eggs, Li Chen took the Tuesday dog to the barren mountain, one task was to put him in charge of guarding the red mushrooms, and the other was to let him supervise the construction of the iron shed by the way.

After returning home, Li Chen went to town with Ye Xiaohan, and in addition to trading with the green-shelled eggs of the Happiness Hotel, the most important thing was to take Ye Xiaohan to the hospital for a maternity examination.

"Xiao Han, you go in. I'm waiting for you inside. Don't worry, everything is with me. After

paying the money and lining up, Ye Xiaohan needed to go into the room for inspection, and Li Chen encouraged her.

Ye Xiaohan nodded gently, and then followed the medical staff inside.

Li Chen was waiting for her in the corridor outside.

About ten minutes later, Ye Xiaohan walked out of the examination room, and Li Chen immediately went over to help her, and then asked with concern:

"How is it, there is nothing wrong with the two little guys, right?"

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