"Don't worry, they are all fine, but the doctor said that my body is too weak, so I need to eat more supplements."

Ye Xiaohan replied.

"It's all to blame that I was such a jerk before, always taking the money to gamble, so that you didn't eat a single meal of meat for months."

Li Chen deeply blamed himself.

"Well, that's all in the past, and you don't have to blame yourself anymore. As long as we live well in the future. The past is not important. Ye

Xiaohan was a gentle woman, and she didn't want Li Chen to feel too guilty about the previous things.

"Xiao Han, you are so good. It is really a blessing for my three lives to marry you.

Li Chen took Ye Xiaohan's hand and said movingly.

"You guy, this is in the hospital." Don't talk about these meaty words, let's go to the doctor and prescribe some nourishing medicine to eat. Ye Xiaohan lowered his head and reminded.

"Yes, go to the doctor and ask him to prescribe nourishing medicine.

Li Chen immediately helped Ye Xiaohan to the department to find a doctor, and then asked him to prescribe some good tonic drugs to Ye Xiaohan.

After coming out of the hospital, Li Chen went with Ye Xiaohan to buy some children's things.

After all, the day when the two little guys were born is getting closer and closer, and while the two of them are out of town, they have to buy them back by the way.

"Xiao Han, look, how about this double cradle? Buy it back, and then you can put them together. Walking

into the store, Li Chen first saw a double cradle.

"I didn't expect that there was such a thing as a double cradle, but the price shouldn't be cheap, right?" "

The price is not a problem, as long as it is convenient for you to bring the baby in the future." Let's go, let's go talk to the waiter.

After that, Li Chen helped Ye Xiaohan to tell the waiter that they wanted the double cradle chair.

"You guys really have a vision, this double cradle only came in stock yesterday, it is very suitable for families with two small children. If you like it, I'll sell it to you a little discount. The

waiter introduced with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then we're going to do it.

Li Chen immediately made a decision.

Ye Xiaohan touched his bulging stomach with his hand, and also showed a happy expression.

Now, she is more and more looking forward to the arrival of the two little ones.

In addition to buying a double bassinet, they also bought a lot of items that the little ones need after the birth of their children.

It wasn't until the back of the motorcycle was full that they went home laughing.

"Xiao Han, you sit first, I'll take the things."

Li Chen helped Ye Xiaohan to sit down, and then went to move the things on the motorcycle to the room by himself.

For this double cradle, the more they look at it, the more satisfied they are.

Li Chen gently hugged Ye Xiaohan from behind, and then whispered in her ear: "Now everything is ready, just wait for the two little guys to come out." It's been hard for you for a while.

"Fool, why say such a thing. I'm not hard at all. Watching you change, I feel like it's all worth it. Ye Xiaohan lowered his head and said gently.

"Brother Chen..."

Li Chen was about to say something, when suddenly Li Hua Mei broke in.

"Ah! I didn't see anything. You guys continue..."

Li Huamei just shouted, and when she saw Li Chen holding Ye Xiaohan in the back, she immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

"Okay, Flower Girl, don't go. We have nothing again. I just came back from buying some things that the kids needed and was discussing things. Ye Xiaohan also said immediately.

"Yes, Flower Girl, don't go. I'm going to pick red mushrooms with you later." Li Chen also walked out from behind at this time, and then spoke.

"Hee-hee, that's really embarrassing. In the future, I promise to shout before I enter the door.

Li Hua Mei scratched the back of her head with an embarrassed look.

"Nothing, it's all family. We also bought some drowning bags, come, you take a few to eat.

After that, Li Chen gave the drowning bag he bought back to some Li Hua Mei.

"Thank you Brother Chen and sister-in-law, Brother Chen and sister-in-law are so good to me.

Li Huamei ate the drowning bag and said happily.

Li Chen also had to eat a few drowning bags, and then go up the mountain to pick red mushrooms.

As for the acquisition of Shi Pingzi, he handed it over to Ye Xiaohan to handle.

Although Ye Xiaohan holds up a big belly, the stone climbers are all traded by the villagers.

Let the sixth aunt help me about the over-the-top matter, anyway, every time the stone climber trades, the sixth aunt will come over.

Ye Xiaohan is only responsible for giving money.

And if nothing else, there should not be many stone climbers today.

At the foot of the barren mountain, workers are also in full swing to build iron sheds.

Li Chen and Li Huamei walked over and took a look, there was no particularly big problem, so they went up the mountain to continue picking red mushrooms.

"Li Chen, you are here!" Tuesday

Dog was walking a yellow-haired dog in the mountains, and after seeing Li Chen and Hua Mei coming, he walked over.

"Yo, Ergou, you kid is so clever. I actually know how to sneak a dog over.

"Of course, who calls me a dog." And such a big barren mountain, without a dog, how boring I am alone. Tuesday Dog replied proudly.

"Yes, but don't let this dog trample the red mushroom to death." Li Chen specially reminded.

"Don't worry about this, my dogs are very obedient." I let it go east, it definitely did not dare to go west. Come, Ah Huang, run three times to the east. On

Tuesday, the dog plans to demonstrate in person how obedient his dog is.

Ah Huang shouted three times at this time, and sure enough, he immediately ran east three times, and then stopped.

"Okay, you kid really has a set of dog training. Li Chen gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"Of course. You know, my family is a family of dogs. On

Tuesday, the dog couldn't help but feel proud.

"Well, as many dogs as you have not sold in your house, you can pull them to the mountains." Just think I bought yours. When the time comes, give you money together.

This barren mountain covers an area of thirty acres, and Li Chen is also worried that some people will secretly pick red mushrooms one Tuesday. And if you can have more dogs to help guard, it will indeed be much safer.

"There are five more, then I will pull them all to the mountain tomorrow." Tuesday Dog replied.

"Okay, that's it. We went to pick red mushrooms.

Li Chen said, and then went with Li Hua Mei to look for the figure of the red mushroom.

Although the dog's job on Tuesday was only to guard the mountain, he did not stand still at this time, let Ah Huang patrol everywhere, and then went to help pick red mushrooms himself.

Li Chen was worried that he would accidentally pick a red umbrella, so he specially explained to him how to tell the difference between a real red mushroom and a red sparkle.

The three worked together, and a hundred pounds were quickly picked.

After descending the mountain, Li Chen asked Tuesday Dog to bring some self-defense tools over tomorrow in case it encountered the attack of some fierce animals.

Especially when they were picking red mushrooms just now, they also found a wild boar.

The wild boar is very fierce, and if it suddenly attacks the Tuesday dog guarding the mountain, it will be sad.

After returning home with the red mushroom, not long after the villagers had just sold out of stone climbers and left, Ye Xiaohan was recording the data he had just received with a pen.

"Xiao Han, how is it, how much did Shi Crawler buy today?"

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