Mu Xitang in the distance thought at first that his father was going to have sex with the cattle.

Already rushing over to help.

Halfway through the rush, I found my father coming back with two cows?

What's going on?

The development of the problem is so abstract.

I didn’t understand the barrage either.

I thought there would be a human-cattle war, but it ended so hastily?

What did Jiang Xiao muttered to the Ox King?

Why did he let the other party lend him two cows?

What was in the bottles and jars he gave to the Ox King?

[Do you understand me? I really want to know the answer. 】

[Who is to blame if you are not careful? 】

[If you are careful, you should say so! 】

[My name is Brother Understanding. Jiang Xiao initially took out a lot of medicine in the medicine cabinet full of bottles and cans, and almost all of them were empty. 】

[Coincidentally, I specialize in treating birds and animals, so I am called an avian veterinarian. Almost all the medicines Jiang Xiao took away were for livestock. 】

[As for the ones given to the Ox King, most of them are mainly used to stimulate male hormones and estrogen, and some are small medicinal powders that increase the pregnancy value, so you guys understand? 】


After the avian veterinarian said this, everyone understood.


Most of them regard reproduction as their first priority.

Jiang Xiao gave this medicine to the Ox King accurately.


Mu Xitang flew over and hung it on Jiang Xiao, then took off the kettle from him.

Without saying anything else, I drank a lot of milk until I was full.

"Brother Jiang Xiao, who are these two?"

The three big enemies also rushed over slowly.

They were obviously more interested in these two cows than in the milk.

"Oh, it's a long way to go. I'm looking for a mount to save some energy."

I wipe it!


Are you still playing like this?

When Jiang Xiao just heard that Mu Xitang wanted to drink milk, he looked at the map and made his decision.

You must find a means of transportation.

Otherwise, just by walking, it would take a day or two to get out of this pasture, and that's if nothing goes wrong.

It's really too slow.

Therefore, it should be much easier to find a cow to lead the way.

In ancient times, the old horse knew the way, and the old ox probably wouldn't be too bad either.

And there's one more thing.

That is, the rules require them to ensure the normal intake of three meals a day.

In the world of ghost stories, who is sure that they can eat three full meals?

Catching a heifer can just solve this pain point!

After listening to Jiang Xiao's incisive analysis.

The faces of the three bearded men were full of shock.

Doesn't it taste right?

If I remember correctly, Jiang Shen from the Dragon Kingdom must be mentally ill?

In this situation, how do you look at it wisely?

"Is his illness cured?"

The black girl asked the two of them in a low voice, confused.

However, this idea was quickly overturned.

No, no, no

It is undeniable that the analysis just made them unable to refute.

Even very smart, killing two birds with one stone!

However, Jiang Xiao, who just took root in the old tree, does not appear to be a normal person.


Mu Xitang's eyes lit up after taking several large gulps of milk, and then he reacted belatedly.

"Dad! My power seems to have become stronger!"

Has the power increased?

The three big enemies were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes immediately became fiery!

No wonder, that's right.

No wonder Jiang Xiao was so obsessed with sucking just now that he didn't even want to talk about it!

It turns out that milk has this wonderful effect besides whitening!

He saw the burning glances the three humans cast on his wife's belly.

Da Zhuang let out a dissatisfied "moo" and signaled that his husband was still watching from the side, so don't worry about it!

"Oh, if you want to drink, you have to wait until my little pink hair reaches the limit before it can be your turn."

Ignoring the threat from the big bull, Jiang Xiao directly divided the ownership of the milk production of Dahua in the next few days.

Da Zhuang:? ? ?

We were enemies just now, you are awesome, just ignore me.

Now that we are all on board, can you show us a little respect?

Although I don’t know what the upper limit of a person’s absorption is.

But as long as they can catch and drink a few sips, the three bearded men will be satisfied.

This man is satisfied.

Even if Jiang Xiao didn't give them a sip, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

I don't owe the three of them anything.

Moreover, the most important thing is that after they have mounts, they don't have to walk. How much energy will be saved!


Jiang Xiao and Mu Xitang sat on the big flower.

The three big enemies with big beards sat on [True Tauren] Da Zhuang.

The group of people set off just like that.

Fuel consumption per 100 kilometers only requires a few kilograms of grass.

Low carbon and environmentally friendly.

This is the real mother nature!

The three bearded men sitting on Da Zhuang's back looked at each other and nodded to each other.

If we don’t mention it now, when will we wait?

"Brother Jiang Xiao, how about we give the team a name?"

"Don't be interested."

"There are five of us and two bulls. We are as big as a small team. The name is impressive."

"No shame."

"Brother Jiang Xiao, aren't you going to think about it? We have more people and more power?"

"don't want."


He is worthy of being a strong man, his unique existence is just different from them.

The three of them smiled bitterly and shook their heads, giving up on this small wish.

Unexpectedly at this time.

The little pink hair on Dahua's back spoke in an old-fashioned manner.

"Well, from now on, you can just talk to me about such matters that are full of team significance. My father is not very bright. Well, how about you give me Mu Xitang some face and let me form a team?"

Ah this?

The three of them looked at each other again.

They just wanted to use Jiang Xiao's name to gain some popularity.

If this guy gets out alive, he'll be able to brag about it.

You, a little girl with no hair on your head, come to lead us grown men.

Not quite right?

"If little sister Xitang forms a team, who will be the captain?"

The black girl carefully asked the question that the three of them were most concerned about.

Little Pink Hair spread her hands:


"That's not the fire in my crotch. It's me."

Seeing the flash of disappointment on the three people's faces, Mu Xitang immediately changed his tune.

"It's my father who will be the captain!"

The three people's eyes lit up!

"Is this true?"

"Is there still a lie? If you don't believe it, you ask him? My father promises not to refuse!"

Little Pink Hair looked determined!


Jiang Xiao:.

Forget it, if Mu Xitang likes it, just let her do whatever she wants.

"Okay! In that case, let's give our team a famous name!"

The four of them had a heated discussion about this.

Of course, it was said to be a discussion, but as soon as the others opened their mouths, they were vetoed by Little Pink Hair.

Only Mu Xitang's small mouth kept talking about his thoughts.

"Beautiful Sentai?"

"Balala Little Demon Fairy Team?"

"Team Paw has made great achievements?"

"Blue Cat Dragoons?"

"King Kong Calabash Baby?"

Three people:.

"Sister, why don't you think about us? We are a team now. Well, the name of the team should have a core. For example, it means that everyone unites together? Or it shows our unity and cohesion or something?"

What the three of them meant was obvious.

That is, the name of the team must take into account the existence of their three countries.

This team must have some elements of their country, right?

Who can stand your arrangement of cartoons?

"Huh? That makes sense."

Mu Xitang touched his chin and considered it seriously.

Seeing that my chosen one is so good at doing things.

The faces of the senior officials of the Three Kingdoms were also filled with smiles.

Ha ha!

In this era, if you can bind your country to the Jiang God of the Dragon Kingdom.

It will have a strong deterrent effect both internally and externally.

Tsk tsk tsk~

These three boys are so smart that they could think of this trick.

Wang Ju also felt a little helpless, but since we formed a team together, he couldn't say anything.

Damn, let them enjoy Jiang Xiao's warmth, it's actually nothing.

Anyway, the relationship with them has always been friendly.

'Snapped! ’

The little pink-haired Maocai suddenly clapped his hands.

"I thought of it, it contains all the elements you mentioned!"

"What?" x3

"Just call the capital team that Jiang Shen said!"

? ? ?


At this moment, the air froze.

Even the two cows they were riding on staggered and fell to their knees on the spot when their hooves gave way.

Batie's curly hair was still confused.

What's wrong?

Why is everything Jiang Shen said right?

Could you please explain what he was right about?

"You see, my dad is the core. He is right about everything he said. Doesn't that mean unity and cohesion are all there?"

What a trough?

Three people: =()

Speaking of which, is it really impossible to refute this?

Did this little pink fur grow up wearing Bird's diapers?

Otherwise, why would you have such a genius idea?

Did Jiang Shen say all teams? ! !

Looking at the dumbfounded expressions of other senior officials of the Three Kingdoms on the high-definition screen.

Wang Ju pinched his thigh tightly.

Serious, must be serious.

I have received professional training, so I must not laugh out loud!

Jiang Xiao has just embarked on his journey.

The team with the fastest progress has already gone as far as the old nose.

But no one expected the leader of the Chosen One.

She's actually that little girl from Sakura Country who looks like she's still underage?

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