Naiko Xiaoya.

This girl's attention is considered to be one of the more eye-catching among the many teams currently.

Because Sakura has already announced her age and identity information.

I just turned sixteen.

Her identity is that of Nako's biological sister who mysteriously disappeared into the ghost story.


Sometimes it's just so wonderful.

In fact, just by looking at their looks, you can tell that she and Nako are sisters.

Xiaoya has the same smooth and greasy skin as her sister Nako.

Her appearance is a little less gentle and graceful than her sister's, and a little more sharp-edged like a child.

The most obvious difference between the two sisters is their figure and dress.

Xiaoya's figure is a classic loli, naturally smaller than her sister's.

Let’s take a look at Xiaoya’s cyber-flavored outfit.

Wearing a peaked cap and a tight black sportswear.

There are also some shiny metal decorations on the clothes and pants.

Nako probably wouldn’t wear such clothes even to death~


The cyber girl casually spat out the grass root in her mouth.

"Hmph, my Xiaoya will use my strength to prove that I am stronger than my sister!"

Not only will she prove herself better than her sister.

And she also has to find a way to rescue her sister and make Nako admit to her face that her sister is better than her!

Accompanying Xiaoya are Jack from Lighthouse, Pu Renmeng from Pickle, and Laxibu Zhanshou from Asan.

The other three did not answer the girl's words.

But their respect and fear for this girl can be vaguely seen between their eyebrows?

Sakura's barrage also vaguely looked forward to the bond between the two sisters.

[How do you think Xiaoya compares with her sister? 】

[Yoshi, I like the smaller ones, and the little buds look cool, so they are my favorite. 】

[Will her missing sister appear in this strange story? 】

[Strange, now is not the time to discuss her sister, aren’t you curious about what her talent is? 】

As for talent.

In fact, they knew it was definitely not bad.

Otherwise, the proud lighthouse would not have obediently given up the position of captain to Xiaoya after she showed him her talent.

Moreover, Meiko always talks about surpassing her sister.

This kind of person is either stupid or has absolute strength.

And Xiaoya is certainly not the first.

"Axi, you're going to be exhausted from walking, Smita! Why don't we, the Super Jiang Rescue Sister Team, take a break first?"

Pu Renmeng couldn't stand it anymore.

"I can't, I can't, my body can't bear it anymore. Thank you, please rest."

Asan's Laxi didn't take any position and simply squatted on the turf without wanting to move.


Although Xiaoya complained, she didn't stop him.

They were rushing all the way, and their iron-clad bodies couldn't bear it.

Jack at the lighthouse seemed very relaxed.

From his well-proportioned body, it can be seen that Jack must be the kind of man who pays attention to physical health.

Pu Renmeng found a slightly clean place to sit down, breathing heavily and saying strangely.

"It's really useless for us, Assi. Ordinary people like us make three meals of kimchi a day, so of course it's useless, Smecta!"

The Lashi non-occupancy code shows its own national culture to the fullest.

Not only was he lying on the grass, he also took off his shirt and put it over his face to block the sun, as if he planned to take a nap before leaving.

"You guys!"

Xiao Ya's face became unhappy.

"Jack, why don't we go alone? We won't be taking these two oil bottles with us!"

Purely holding her back!

There was hesitation on Jack's face.

"But, Laxibu Zhanshou's invisibility talent"

Not only was he reluctant to part with Lacy's unpretentious talent, but Jack also had a deeper meaning.

Although there are many people in the team, sometimes it will cause them unnecessary trouble and drag.

But in certain dangerous moments, they are also the best scapegoats.

Xiaoya also reacted to Jack's reminder.

Sometimes this kind of waste can indeed be put to some use.

Seeing Jack and Xiaoya's hesitation, little Asan smiled proudly.

"Hahaha, you still can't bear to part with my talent, right? Tsk, what's the hurry? We set off so early, so we're going with all our strength. The progress must be the first echelon now, what's the rush?"

In fact, Lacy knew that she was the weakest among the four.

Similarly, the weakest person will not be the first to be abandoned in the whole group.

Because they need the existence of "pathfinders".

"Have a rest, your physical fitness is so good, we two losers can't compare."

Pu Renmeng is also helping Lashi Buzhanshou to speak.

He is also the one who least wants Ah San to leave among the other three.

If little Asan is kicked out of the team.

Then wouldn’t he, Pu Renmeng, be the best?

Xiaoya looked at the three people whose faces were full of stories and stopped trying.

Haha, three trash.

Let’s fight, let’s fight~

Whatever you three are thinking about, Xiao Jiujiu.

Anyway, Xiaoya, I am the most powerful one!

Xiao Ya shook her head and then turned around.

Just met the eyes of a huge cow


To be precise, he made eye contact with the strange two men and one woman on the cow.

What are the shapes of these three weird things? !

Human milk becomes one?

Oh no, man and cow are one?

Xiaoya's face darkened.

"Attention everyone, prepare to fight!"

Jack beside her was already ready to take action.

Pu Renmeng and Laxi also climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, staring at the strange combination of three people and one cow with vigilance.

The trio of grudges on Da Zhuang's back also became alert.

"Brother! Brother Jiang! Captain! It seems we have encountered trouble! It's still a gang!"

"What? Don't panic, I'm here!"

A cute and cute voice replied urgently.

Mu Xitang, who was hanging far behind, jumped off Dahua as soon as he heard that he had something to do.


It was finally time for her, Mu Xitang, to show off her power and become a saint in front of others!

She has been holding her old nose for a long time!

Under the shocked gazes of Xiaoya's foursome.

A little pink-haired creature rushed over from behind the big cow.

After finding themselves in the sight of Xiaoya and the others.

This little pink-haired girl immediately put away her offbeat look and pretended to be serious.

I saw her holding her hands behind her back and slowly moving over with small steps.


Mu Xitang: ()

"Are you four young men bullying my team members? Well, as the saying goes, it's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. I, Mu Xitang, why don't you four sell me tissues and shake hands to make peace?"

A breeze blew by~

All seven people were petrified on the spot


Why didn't they react?

Could it be that my installation steps are wrong?

Little Pink Hair carefully recalled the quotations about loyalty and the plots of gangster Hong Kong movies that she had learned.

At this time.

Should everyone have a bowl of [peace wine] or something?

No wine?


Under the confused gazes of Xiaoya and the others.

This little cute girl of four or five years old suddenly picked up the cowhide water bottle hanging under her neck.

!() "You can have this glass of peace wine as you wish, I'll drink it first!"

After saying that, he raised his head and started to show off.

(*) "Hi! Ha~"

(0`) "Hiccup~"

Everyone:? ? ?

Did I say buddy?

Why do you keep sizzling after drinking milk?

That milk burp made milk flow out of the corners of my mouth!


Why does this pink-haired little girl look more and more familiar the more she looks at her?

"She seems to be."

Before Jack could say anything hesitantly, he was forcibly interrupted by Little Pink Hair!

"That's right! It's me! Holding the sun, moon and stars in my hands, there is no one like me in the world!"

Mu Xitang turned around and turned his back to Jack and the others, looking old-fashioned.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that even if we are not in the same world, my name, Mu Xitang, will still be heard by you all. It really makes me ashamed! So ashamed!"


I really can't stand it anymore.

At this time, Xiao Ya and the others finally remembered who this little pink hair was.

"What are you talking about? Sister, aren't you the pink-haired daughter that Jiang Shen fished out of a ghost story? What are you pretending to be?"

Pu Renmeng looked at the little pink hair and couldn't help but show envy.

"Should I say it or not, this little pink-haired boy's worth is unique even in the world!"

"Because she is Jiang Xiao's daughter? Or because she was the first Weird to be fished out?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to be the case, because it was a waste of two tricks to catch her, so Xiaofenmao = two tricks."


After such a calculation, Mu Xitang's worth suddenly seemed to have become more noble.


Do they really know me?

No, no.

This doesn’t seem to be a matter of recognition or not?

The problem is that they are also the Chosen Ones from Blue Star?

Is it possible that all the Chosen Ones are sharing a super large map this time? !

Even the live broadcast room was stuck.

Although the skydiving locations are all grassland servers.

But the audience initially thought that each team was in a different region.

But at present, it seems that the area has been merged?

No wonder the rules say that the more people in a team, the higher the difficulty.

At first, everyone thought they were "encouraging" the four chosen ones to set off separately.

Now it seems that it is not recommended to form a team of four.

But it is not recommended to unite all the chosen ones in the region.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate.

Jiang Xiao rode Da Hua and slowly caught up from behind.

Don't blame Dahua for his lack of strength.

No matter which cow it was, after its body was sucked dry, it ran at full speed for so long.

It would be strange to lie down if you are not tired!

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