I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 173 Brave Niu Niu, not afraid of difficulties!

Riding on a horse?

Da Zhuang felt that he had never been as speechless as he was today in his entire life.


Who knows!

Oh my god, as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, someone put a hat on me.

He was really watching his wife being fucked.

This is nothing more than being exposed to a tauren.

If you ride a horse by yourself, you have to endure the humiliation and bear the heavy burden and follow the person who has cheated you.

He also has to help him carry his teammates.

it's good now?

I am so miserable!

Four little bastards who came out of nowhere and wanted to separate themselves from their wives?

Borrow cattle?

Not just borrowing my wife.

And these four idiots still want to ride on my wife alone?

I borrowed your mother's #@¥% cow from riding a horse!

This big blond idiot talks as if he doesn't have teeth.

[A cow can completely carry our team]

Are you talking so easily while riding a horse with your mouth wide open?

Just let us as a couple double our burden? !

I just rode a crazy #@¥% cow!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't bear it anymore!


Brave Niuniu!

Not afraid of difficulties!


Jack was imagining the scene of mentally ill Jiang Xiao foolishly lending him a cow.

A dull cow roar suddenly interrupted his lustful thoughts.

Before I had time to react.

A huge horn had reached his chest.

Shall I wipe it?

this is not.



Σ_( ∠)

With a muffled sound, Jack vomited blood and was knocked upside down like a kite.

I lost

Is this kid going to be killed immediately?

Xiaoya looked at the cow in surprise.

Is this Niu Niu so strong?

"Sister Ya, Jack, he can't."

Pu Renmeng looked at the big-footed cow in front of him and even trembled when he spoke.

"It's okay, he can't die."

Xiaoya didn't even look back, her eyes were fixed on the big-horned cow in front of her.

"Where did you get your cows?"

"There are them over there. I've seen several groups."

The helpful Mu Xitang did not lie at all, and directly told Xiao Ya the locations of the cattle she had just seen.

It turns out.

There is more than one herd of cattle on this ranch.

Jiang Xiao and his group saw four or five groups alone.

"Sister Xiao Ya! Cow! There is a cow in front of us!"

Pu Renmeng excitedly pulled Xiaoya and pointed to the herd of cattle about less than a kilometer ahead.

There are so many of them, roughly estimated to be several hundred!

If you just grab two ends, what else do you need to use No. 11!

Jiang Xiao has an ox riding on him.

Why can’t I, Xiaoya?

Xiaoya swallowed and continued to ask Xiaofenmao.

"Uh, does this cow have a docile personality?"

Jack, who finally limped back, swayed when he heard Xiaoya's words, almost falling over for the second time.


Do you still have to ask about character?

The duodenum is in danger of being pushed out. Do you think it is docile or not?

No one knows better than Jack how powerful this bighorn bull is!

It's really comparable to a small truck.

If it weren't for my excellent talent, it would have been absolutely straightforward just now!

Even if I can stand up now, my whole chest still hurts like it's on fire!

"Pu Renmeng, help me recover."


The three bearded men looked at Park Renmeng in surprise, who smelled like kimchi.

Unexpectedly, the talent of this Pickle Chosen One is actually healing?

Facing Xiaoya's questioning, Mu Xitang touched his chin and answered deeply.

"It's not bad. In my opinion, bighorn cows are actually quite docile. They just look a little more fierce and bigger, but they are actually very well-behaved. Especially the cow. Not only does it not get annoyed no matter how I handle it, but it also gives me milk." Drink it!”

The eyes of the four members of [Super Ginger Rescue Sister Team] lit up!


How could I forget this, and milk!

It was okay if Little Pink Hair didn't say it just now, but now they are really hungry after mentioning it.

Keeping up the high-intensity drive all the time, even a tough person can't stand it.

"Is this true?"

"Of course! Dad taught me not to lie, you see!"

Mu Xitang shook his water bottle, and there was still half a bottle in it.

Then he pointed at Dahua’s belly. There was something on the pacifier.

Damn it?

Four people: ()!

Teeth marks? !

Can you just challenge him?


If you look at it this way, bighorn cows are indeed quite docile, right?

If it is fierce, will it make you angry?

One hoof won't kick you to death? !

And the taste of this milk is too fragrant, right?

Because Mu Xitang opened the kettle stopper and showed it, a rich milky fragrance filled the scene.

Even Jack, who had been skeptical of Mu Xitang's words just now, his eyes straightened now.

Smelling the fragrance of milk, he felt that his chest didn't seem to hurt so much anymore.

Not only is this filling, it’s also holy milk for healing?


Only a few bulls have bad tempers.

Cows are easier to talk to?

"Okay, thank you little sister, we understand."

Mu Xitang wrinkled his nose, obviously not liking Xiaoya calling her "little sister".

"Dad, let's keep going!"


The three big enemies behind Mu Xitang looked at Xiaoya and hesitated to speak.

The bighorn cattle are so docile that they deserve to be treated well.

In a humanitarian spirit, Big Beard and the others originally wanted to remind Xiaoya and the others not to mess with the cattle.

When they saw that bitch Jack, they chose not to say anything and decisively gave up the reminder.

There was no way, who made Jack disgust them first?

The Du team that Jiang Shen said patted their butts and left.

But the viewers of Lighthouse, Sakura, Pickles and Asan's live broadcast rooms were all anxious!

【Fuck! This harmless little girl is really a pitfall! 】

[It’s over, looking at Xiaoya and the others, they are probably getting ready to catch the cows! 】

[As expected of Jiang Shen’s daughter, she has the same bloodline, it’s so deceptive! 】

[I think she is fully developed in mind, body, art, and work, but she is immoral. Isn’t she planning to kill someone? 】

【Eh? You can eat shit randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Why did my pink-haired leader trick you? Didn't she tell the truth just now? 】

[That is, if you people are not good enough, don’t blame the uneven road! 】


In Mu Xitang's eyes, these bighorn cattle are docile.

He honestly gave her milk and let her ride. She didn't get annoyed no matter how much I jumped on its back.

It's your business to think that the cow is dangerous, and it's Little Pink Hair's opinion that the cow is docile.

The black girl estimated the distance on the map and said.

"Boss Jiang Xiao and Sister Xitang, according to the progress, we can leave this pasture by evening at the latest."

Although Mu Xitang took away the map at first and shouted to lead the way, the cerebellar IQ of the father and daughter was really touching.

So the important task of leading the way was entrusted to the more delicate black girl.

"Is it evening? Why don't you each take a few sips, and then we rush out of the ranch in one go?"

"Okay, okay, okay."

The voices of the three became smaller and smaller, because they felt the bull under their buttocks began to stir.

Previously they thought the bull had completely surrendered.

But just now they watched Jack being pushed away, and the three of them said in their hearts that they were lying.

"Well, actually we're not hungry yet, so why don't we just forget about it for now."

"That's right, I'm not hungry, not at all."

After hearing the three people say this, the bull gradually became quiet.

At the same time, Da Zhuang was also glad in his heart that he listened to the king and followed him.

Horse riding!

Otherwise, my wife will be sucked by a group of people!

Isn't this just naked group sucking?


Just thinking about my wife being sucked on by so many humans makes me feel like a cow.

"Kimchi, what do you mean? Quickly remind your chosen ones that the strength of the Bighorn Bull is very dangerous!"

Kuku, the senior executive of Lighthouse, slapped the conference table and yelled angrily!

Now the chosen ones from their four countries are together.

Just one person using Reminder Opportunity can prevent four people from messing with the Bighorn Cow.

Isn’t this?

As the big brother, Lighthouse immediately thought of his little brother Kimchi.


At this time, all the senior executives of Kimchi on the big screen looked indifferent.

"What? The signal is not good, brother, what are you talking about? Nisnei! You can't hear me clearly, I slipped away Smecta first! Then who, hurry up and let the communications department debug the equipment Smecta! Why do I feed you!" "

Seeing the stupid attitude of the senior management of Kimchi, the teeth of Lighthouse are about to be broken!

The equipment you use is obviously far ahead of the Dragon Kingdom!

Signal thieves, hurry up!

Even in the underground garage, there is a full 5G signal!

Why are you talking to me now about a bad signal?

Who the hell believes it!

After hanging up the communication, Pu Da boldly sneered disdainfully.

"Hehehe, it was Jack from your lighthouse who wanted to sell our Pu Renmeng first, and now you have the nerve to ask us to waste the opportunity to remind our country? Can't you, the lighthouse, take the lead?"

"But, is it appropriate for us to just show off like this?"

Someone asked.

"I'm so scared! I don't believe that the other three countries can resist not reminding them? Besides, our Pu Renmeng Oppa's talent is healing. Is it possible that we are afraid that they will kick Pu Renmeng out of the team?"

The lighthouse itself couldn’t even imagine it.

Just because Jack wanted to betray his teammates, his majesty as the big brother suffered an unprecedented blow.

However, Jack's operation of selling his teammates is really disgusting, and Beacon also sees this.

"Damn it! Our chosen one this time is really a big stupid pig without a brain! Connect me to Asan!"

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