I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 174 [The draw will be in the early morning tomorrow] My brother and you are heart to heart,

The communication line has started to connect.

It's just that the efficiency of Asan's wiring is really low.

to be honest.

As one of the five permanent members of the oil pipe, Ceiling Ah San.

The mentality has always been that God is the boss and he is the second child.

He didn't even like the lighthouse before the strange stories came, let alone now.

It took a long time.

A senior executive from Asan wearing a white headscarf appeared on the screen with a reluctant look on his face.

"What? Are you crazy? Why do you need us to remind you that we are a team! You should ask others about this kind of thing! Do you really think that our Ah San is a grudge?"

Ah San refused at first, so he certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to be cannon fodder!

Love so and so!

Our chosen one, Lacy, is obviously the weakest among the four-person team.

And the golden retriever bitch from Lighthouse just wanted to sell out her teammates!

If Ah San takes advantage of the reminder from the outside world.

Then don’t they have no say at all outside?

The main thing is.

As the weakest Lacy, if she doesn't take any precautions, she will definitely become a stone for Jack and the others to explore and the first to be abandoned!

Judging from Beacon's consistent urine nature, there is no doubt about this!

In this case, it is better to reserve the opportunity to remind yourself, so that you can have more say.

Rejected by both Kimchi and Ah San.

It was only then that the lighthouse was truly discovered.

Their previous strong and unequivocal voice in the international arena has disappeared.

"Boss, how about we contact Sakura? After all, they are..."

At this time, the liaison officer on the side reluctantly took off his headset.

"I'm sorry, about Sakura, I contacted you from the beginning, but the other party didn't reply."

No reply?


The Secretary-General proposed again.

"Then, how about we take advantage of the reminder? Otherwise, Jack may suffer a big loss."


Of course I don’t agree with this proposal!

"We use it? How is it possible! They want to rebel collectively! No, I don't believe that those small countries can bear not to remind them in the end!"

Hey, okay.

Now that the boss has said so, the others no longer advise.

Anyway, Jack's strength is still considered the second strongest among them.

If the lighthouse didn't warn them, then Ah San and Pickles would definitely be more anxious.

"Keep in touch with Sakura! You, the master, don't listen to anything you say!"

Sakura high-rise

This was the sixth time they had refused the Beacon's connection request.

For the first time, I acted openly and honestly as a "rebel boy".

Make them feel scared and excited at the same time.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, these arrogant lighthouse guys are still living in a dream, we don't listen to them!"

"That's right, Nako's last words are very pertinent and reasonable!"

"Baga! What a waste of your mother's last words! I firmly believe that Naiko must still be alive!"

"Well, then should we remind Xiaoya and tell her that bighorn cows are in danger?"

"I don't think it's necessary. There are three other countries. Since they can't contact us, they will definitely remind us."

"Yes, the top priority now is to repair the relationship between us and the Dragon Kingdom according to what Miss Nako said before."

Komura Jiro, who had been giving them a cold look, finally spoke.

"Why do you think Dragon Kingdom can accept us?"

Unexpectedly, he was laughed at by these congressmen as soon as he said his words.

"Haha, what if we sincerely admit our mistake? Just bend down a little lower. If 90 degrees doesn't work, then bow 120 degrees! Your attitude must be sincere!"

"That's right, aren't they just waiting for the first day? Is it possible that they can refuse our apology?"

"Well, we still have to hold a press conference. When we apologize, we must shed tears of regret, saying that the problem lies with our ancestors who were worse than beasts and has nothing to do with us."

Looking at the congressmen who were discussing how to apologize more sincerely, and even whether to ask the new boss to kneel down.

Komura Jiro helplessly shook his head.


He finally saw that his country had a "little family spirit" that he couldn't get rid of.

I like to pick out details that others don't care about at all.

Let’s not talk about why the attitude of apology can be linked to the degree of bending.

The Dragon Kingdom is now at its peak, what effect can your apology have?

Of course, if you agree with this character, you can also say that the people of Sakura live a very delicate life and like to pick out details.

But whether it is compared to Dragon Kingdom or Lighthouse.

The cherry blossoms have lost the sense of confidence and generosity of a great country.

Even bad!

None of them are as confident as the lighthouse, they only dare to do it secretly.

This also has a lot to do with the short cultural history of Sakura's home country.

The top leaders of the four countries did not expect this.

Just because of Jack's skillful operation, the other three countries actually gave up the idea of ​​reminding them.

Until Jiang Xiao and his group walked away.

Xiao Yacai took three teammates and set off to the cattle gathering place.

"Lasi doesn't take any precautions. I'll have to rely on your invisibility later!"

This was still a thousand miles away, so Jack began to take command.

"Haha, the invisibility time is eight minutes and the cooling time is eight hours. Of course I know how to use such a precious talent."

"When the time comes, I will still need Brother Pu's treatment to keep an eye on me. After all, we are the weakest. What if I am not careful?"

"That's natural. I will spot the opportunity and insert healing techniques into you instantly."

Instant treatment?

Jack's face darkened.

"Then when you were going up against me just now in the big horned bull, why didn't you insert one into me right away?"

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention. Next time, I will definitely be Smecta~"

Pu Renmeng's indifferent attitude has the word "perfunctory" written all over his face!


He even proposed to abandon me and Lashi Bu Zhanshou and took Xiao Ya to join Jiang Shen.

You still expect me to fuck you instantly?

I fuck you instantly!

Jack is angry!

"Asshole! What's your tone and look? I swear, man, you must have deliberately not penetrated me just now!"

"Haha, people make mistakes and horses make mistakes, Smecta, I just didn't pay attention to Smecta~"


Looking at the three teammates who combined had more than 800 tricks, Xiaoya smacked her lips helplessly.

What should be said should not be said.

Why is there such a big gap between his own team members and Jiang Xiao's team members?

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing. You already know my talent. As long as you obey me, I can take you flying."

Seeing Xiao Ya speaking, the three of them became quiet.

But conflicts among the team members have arisen.

If Xiaoya, a teenage girl, wanted to reconcile the conflict, it would be somewhat difficult for her.

You can only rely on your own strength to suppress it.

As they get closer to the herd.

The senior leaders of the four countries outside were all nervous.

what happened?

It seems that the four of them are about to stick to the butt of the herd, why hasn't anyone warned them yet?

Almost at the same time, the secretaries from the four countries all expressed their opinions to the boss.

"Boss, something is wrong. Let's just say, is there a possibility that the other three countries have actually secretly reminded their chosen ones, but these scheming guys did not share the news?" x4

Ouch, what the fuck?

"How can they be so selfish? The four of us are a team!"


The secretary was speechless.

Open your eyes and take a good look at these four guys with different ideas.

Not to mention that the four of them have eight hundred ideas.

But everyone has more than a dozen ideas, which are definitely pretty much the same.


His talent is unknown, and he only wants to prove his power and leadership.

But her talent is extremely high, at least the same as Nako's S level, otherwise the other teammates wouldn't listen to her.


He has a human head and a pig's head, don't be shy. You can call him bad, but he is so bad as a horse. Even Pickle and Asan don't buy his account, but he is second in strength.

Pu Renmeng:

She wished Jack would die, wanted to hug Xiaoya's lap, and at the same time looked down on Ah San.

Lacy is not defensive:

He is a mess, he knows his own talent, so he has the attitude of being dead and dying for eternity.

PS: Regarding the lottery issue! ! !

Some people may not be able to see it if I put it in the author’s words, so I’ll put it in the text and keep it short.

The gift has been made.

There will be a sentence at the end of the chapter that will be released in the early morning of tomorrow (22nd) for everyone to check in and leave a message for a lottery draw.

[There is no need to stay up all night, because the sooner you leave a message, the greater the chance of winning. The lottery is randomly drawn within 24 hours]

Then the chapter that will be released in the early morning of the day after tomorrow (23rd) uses a [random number] software to randomly select ten winning numbers.

This random number will correspond to the winning message floor.

[There is no default decision. When the time comes, I will upload a screenshot of [random number] with time, and I guarantee that it will be drawn on time at 00:00 tomorrow. (That is, there is only one chance, whichever one is drawn is the one)]

[An account can only leave one message. Those who leave two messages will be disqualified. 】

[If the winner is announced on the 23rd, just join the group chat and send me a private message (the group account will be released the day after tomorrow). At that time, you will need to provide a screenshot of the subscription (to prevent the trumpet from appearing. Did I mention it before? I found that the old yin in the group is better than There are so many complicated operations, and I have to do so many programs as a last resort, which makes me very tired). 】

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