Chapter 177 Let Fenmao pretend!


The moment Jiang Xiao jumped onto the chain carrying a big-horned cow that looked like a hill.

Everyone was sweating for him.

If this falls.

Even if it is Jiang Shen, it is 100% certain that he will die.

It’s easy to see the fear in the desperate eyes of the bighorn cow.


One person and one ox fell steadily onto the chain.

no problem!

Although the chain is shaking a little, judging from the magnitude in front of you, it will definitely not break.


Just when everyone thought Jiang Xiao was going to show off.

He actually turned around and turned back, throwing the big horned bull back to the shore of the abyss.

"After the test, the iron chain is also a 'rule'. The weight should be infinite. As long as two people don't stand on it together, there will be no accidents."


Jiang Xiao, what does this mean?

The resentful trio all have black question marks on their faces.

What was tested?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Find a way to walk there by yourself and don't force me to carry you."

Big Bull was in a daze, obviously not knowing what Jiang Xiao meant.

"What are you looking at? I'm talking about you, Bighorn Cow."


There was a humanized surprise on Da Zhuang's face.

The thick cow hoof first pointed at himself in disbelief, and then pointed at the iron chain in disbelief.

Isn't this just plain embarrassing?

"Stop pretending! I can feel it. You were not only stable in my hand just now, but I moved my body a little and you were able to fine-tune your position according to the position of your balance point. If you say you don't have two brushes, Do you think I believe him or not?"

As the saying goes, an expert will know if something is there as soon as he makes a move.

The strength of the Bighorn Ox can deceive others, but it cannot deceive Jiang Xiao in his current state!


Da Zhuang let out a desperate cry, as if he didn't expect that his acting skills could be seen through so well.

"Dad, why don't you just take it over? What's the use of testing it?"

Little Pink Hair's brain capacity is somewhat incomprehensible to her father's operations.

"Even if I can lift it, I can only carry one at a time. The chain spans dozens of meters. What if the other end takes this opportunity to slip away? How many of you can stop it?"

Not only that.

"What if I carry one end to the other side, and when I come back halfway, both the male and the female choose to run away. We will lose one end at a minimum, and maybe both ends at the same time!"


Jiang Xiao locked his eyes on Da Zhuang and Da Hua.

"Both of you, come up with me! Otherwise, I will let you feel what it means to be smoky and burning!"

The two cows looked at each other.

Forget it, just listen to this human being.

At worst, I'll just give him a ride. Anyway, we've overcome nine or eighty-one difficulties, so we won't miss this last tremor.

So the two cows jumped onto the chain one after the other.

It's exactly what Jiang Xiao said.

This slender iron chain is restricted by the [Rules]. Although it is shaking violently, it has no tendency to fall and break.

As long as two "people" don't get on it at the same time, the rest probably won't be unbearable no matter how heavy it is.

"Don't be too fast, wait for me!"

No need to lift a big weapon, Jiang Xiao did a cool kite flip, followed by three front flips and then turned 720 degrees, perfect.

His perfect hands and feet held the chain together, relying on the friction of his hands and thighs to move forward at a turtle's speed.

He rubbed the chain and threatened the cow.

"Both of you, please slow down. If you want to run away, don't blame me for shaking the chain like crazy! Don't rely on me if you fall and die, hahaha."

Two Cows: I’ll @#¥%\u0026amp;*!

Are you kidding me?

Can you please stop being such a mean person?

As for the three big enemies on the shore, they were stunned for a long time.

Isn't it, brother?

You have such a cool forward swing for casting spells, a front somersault, and Thomas's.

In the end, he actually moved forward in a crawling posture using both hands and feet?

Mu Xitang looked at the chain, then at Jiang Xiao, and finally nodded his head wondering what he was thinking.

The barrage at this time was also speechless.

At the same time, someone also discovered a very interesting problem.

[Should I say it or not, Jiang Xiao’s conjecture just now is quite smart, isn’t it? 】

[Indeed, otherwise there is a real possibility of losing the cow. 】


[The word ‘smart’ and ‘Jiang Xiao’ are so inconsistent when combined together. 】

[Ahem, after so long, Jiang Xiao has been described in many ways. This is indeed the first time I’ve seen him smart. 】

[Am I the only one who feels that Jiang Xiao’s accent has changed from Trump to Mandarin? 】


Yes ha.

[There is a sense of déjà vu that has changed from Guagua’s Baoer sister to the cheap Zhang Chulan. 】

In the end, there was no danger.

Jiang Xiao "driven" the two cows to the other side smoothly.

"I'll do it! Let me do it below!"

Mu Xitang spread his arms and stared at the chains with burning eyes.

"Look at me, Awei's Eighteen Styles: Invincible Hot Wheels!"


The three bearded men only felt a small whirlwind blowing in front of them.

The pink-haired leader who was beside him just now has landed firmly on the iron chain.

Moreover, Mu Xitang's speed in crossing the chain was not only extremely fast, but his posture was also very handsome.

She leaned forward slightly and put her hands behind her back, especially her little white skirt that was blowing in the wind and her cute short pink hair.

It formed a strong visual contrast with the eerie black mist beneath her feet.

After reaching the other side, the little pink hair jumped sideways 720 degrees and jumped into Jiang Xiao's arms, who was just about to hug her tightly.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Fenmao anticipated Jiang Xiao's actions.

I saw her stretching out her foot and stepping lightly on Jiang Shen's palm to use her strength to perform a graceful 360-degree front somersault.

Finally, it landed firmly on Dahua's back. No, it was on Dahua's corner.


After landing successfully, Mu Xitang blew his bangs with a calm expression.


So handsome!

This set of moves is so smooth that if you don’t know better, you might think that it has been rehearsed dozens of times in advance!

[I didn’t expect that I was assaulted by a little girl of four or five years old. 】

[Is anyone recording the screen? I want this handsome set of actions of Little Pink Hair as my dynamic wallpaper. 】

[Made, you are so handsome! The last time I saw such a handsome Qinggong was when I saw Gui Hai slash Eunuch Cao in anger. 】

【Jiang Xiao! If you don't get Shi Shi out, I'm going to fan Mu Xitang! I advise you to be more knowledgeable! 】

He saw the admiring looks on his face from the three younger brothers and sisters across from him.

Little Pink Hair pretended to be indifferent and waved her hands to them.

"Basic exercises are all basic exercises. The main thing is that I'm used to it. If you practice more, you might be able to reach my level in the future."

Ouch, shit!

At such a young age, she can make her pussy look so smooth and smooth.

Is this okay if you grow up?

Force Wang Mu Xitang? !

Jiang Xiao, modeled by Zhang Chulan, looked at Mu Xitang standing on the horns with envy.

I knew he was so handsome.

Just now I had to show off my skills!

"Ahem, what's going on, Bighorn Bull, why don't we go back and walk again? Then I'll step on your back, and then, I'll do some crazy poses that make you look cool and awesome."

The two cows glanced at Jiang Xiao speechlessly.

Without even swiping at him.

As for the resentful trio on the other side, they were trying to flatter Mu Xitang like crazy.

It seems that this little pink hair is not only Jiang Xiao's daughter, but also has real abilities!

Seeing his father's envious eyes on him and the compliments of the three people opposite him,

Mu Xitang, who looked calm on the surface, was already secretly happy!

This set of silky movements.

When Jiang Xiao was driving the cow onto the chain, it was playing on a loop in Mu Xitang's mind!

It seems.

What was said in the books that Dr. Sun read to her was indeed correct!

The most joyful and exciting thing in the world is to show off!

Fortunately, Jiang Xiao didn't know what little pink hair was thinking about right now.

Otherwise, when they go back, they will step on Dr. Sun's head and ask him what kind of weird books he showed Mu Xitang!

At this time, Mu Xitang's popularity and image soared in everyone's mind.

Except for the perianal abscess last time.

Another person dominates the hot search list.

That is the pink-haired leader Mu Xitang.

But no matter what time, there are always people who like to find some pictures for themselves.

[Despite this, I still want to say that it is obvious that she is pretending]

[Yes, I tried my best to gain a sense of presence before, but now she succeeded in pretending but pretended to be indifferent. Haha, you can just pretend if you want? I didn’t say not to let her pretend. 】

[Anyone who is not blind can see that she is just faking, right? Don't argue, if you argue you are right. 】

Everyone was originally happy, but these barrage comments were as eye-catching as rat droppings.

[Go to hell! It's also wrong for you to step on the horse without fighting! 】

[Ignore them clowns, the two of us are far ahead now, but isn't there still someone making a mocking sound in every video of Xia Mianmian? 】

ps: Because the lottery list was just drawn at 12 o'clock, you have to wait a while and it will be sent out within ten minutes at the latest.

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