[Am I just talking about things? Is it wrong to say that she is pretending? 】

【That's right? I stepped on the horse and now want to scold your mother? how? Am I wrong? 】

[Xiaofenmao is a little girl of four or five years old. What do you disgusting scum want? 】

[I just said she was pretending. I didn’t say anything. What did I say wrong?]

so disgusting..

This kind of tone is so disgusting and needs to be beaten!

[Well, as a boy, or if you are a boy, let me ask you, haven’t you ever imagined yourself transforming into Ultraman or an armored warrior? 】

The barrage paused.

It seemed like everyone's little thoughts were pricked.

After a while, a girl with the ID name Gummy Bear posted a barrage.

[I’m not afraid of your jokes. I’m a high school girl. I often fantasize about the school being invaded by black magic or monsters. Then when everyone is scared and flees like crazy, I have no expression on my face, and even a little jokingly, I take out the hidden The magic wand in the hole in the table.]

【Me me me! Sister, I am too, but my fantasy is that I can transform into a fairy and know magic, but because of my low-key personality, I change my appearance to look like an ordinary person. Everyone looks down on me until I use some tricks. Well, I You won’t be laughed at, right? 】


What's so funny about a girl like this?

【Fuck! I will stand here today to see who dares to laugh at you! I didn’t expect that there are girls in the world who think exactly like me? ! But what I want to change is Ultraman! 】


Is that how you play?

The big guys stopped pretending and showed off their cards~

[You are not alone, but Ultraman is too childish. What I want to become is the kind of sword-wielding immortal who kills the kind of evil demon with the black mist lingering all over his body! It would be best if the world was also sealed by evil spirits! I held a three-foot green blade, held my sword in front of everyone, and shouted: This sword is for the people of the world! Break the seal with an invincible attitude! 】

[I fantasize about being a martial arts master. I originally wanted to live an ordinary life, until one day I saw a little girl falling into the water, and I had no choice but to perform Qinggong floating on the water in front of the girl I liked]

[I fantasize about armored warriors. Yanlong’s hand-waving gesture is imitated by Kuku every day on the way to school. By the way, I’m a high school student. Is that childish? 】

[Well, as a college student, I already have a complete set of fantasy moments, is anyone interested? 】

【Hurry up! Speak quickly, want to hear, love to hear! 】

【I lost it! ! ! Mad, it turns out that I am really not alone! 】

All the barrages were waiting nervously.

Because no matter what the fantasy scenario of this college student is.

But just send it out.

This scene becomes their fantasy template next time!


The college student crackled for a long time.

【Transformation? Only children like to transform, look at me. 】

[This was an ordinary class in the afternoon, and the originally clear sky suddenly turned dark! A huge claw tore open the void, so that the space began to distort, like the broken mirror. 】

[A figure that covered the sky and the sun slowly appeared from the broken space. It was covered with metallic muscles, the canine teeth in its mouth were exposed, and the golden ring on the back of its head glowed with black evil light. 】

[The smell of death began to fill the air, and all the teachers and students in the school stared blankly at this scene.]

[It wasn't until the giant beast roared that thousands of teachers and students exploded into a ball of blood mist, and everyone realized it and ran away screaming. 】

[And you sighed and slowly walked towards the monster against the flow of people. All the teachers and students were so shocked by your weird behavior that they forgot to run away. The teacher screamed for you to come back quickly. People who usually like to bully you called you Dasha, the girl you love is looking at you with tangled eyes, and there seems to be some tears shining in it...]

[But you just turned your head and gave a bitter smile, saying: 'Actually, I didn't want to be exposed at first, but with greater ability comes greater responsibility. ’ After that, you still slowly walked backwards towards the giant beast. 】

[It wasn’t until you were a hundred or ten meters away from the giant beast that you slowly stood still, shook your head helplessly, and softly said: ‘Here comes the sword. ’ Your small voice now resounds throughout the entire land of Dragon Kingdom! Even the giant beast froze with a look of surprise on his face, unsure of your strength for a moment. 】

[At this time, countless divine weapons buried underground and ancient famous swords collected in museums around the world all burst out with bright and exciting light! It seems that I didn't expect that there are people in the world today who can actually surpass the ancient immortals in strength! 】

[In the school, everyone heard you say "Sword is coming" and there was no movement for a long time. They couldn't help but frowned. The giant beast that was originally frightened by you also let out a disdainful sneer, and slowly pressed down on you with its giant claws. 】

[There are endless taunts from the crowd all around, 'What the hell are you doing?' 'What are you pretending to be?' 'Everyone, run, this idiot bought us time.' Even the girl you like showed disappointment, And a lonely expression. 】

[And just when the claws of the giant beast were about to crush you, you only heard a sharp sword cry and a poignant and decisive sword light! 】

[The giant beast’s claws suddenly broke at the root! A beautiful long sword appears above your head and keeps buzzing and circling. 】

【hiss! This is? This is the pure Jun sword among the top ten famous swords of the Dragon Kingdom! The old professor of archeology in the school, whose hair had long been gray, wiped his reading glasses in disbelief and told the origin of this sword. 】

[No, no, the old professor’s pupils suddenly shrank! Not just a pure Jun sword! There is more in the sky! Xuanyuan Sword! Fish intestine sword! Mo Xie, the male and female double sword general.]


Waited another two minutes.

Really gone?

[Brother, please update quickly, I’m really excited to watch it! 】

【As expected of a college student! My supernatural beast invaded the campus, and the story of me transforming into a flame dragon hero to save the beautiful school beauty is completely incomparable! Hey, I, Kuku, who has been practicing for two or three years have been blinded in vain (Yanlong throws his hands). 】

[That’s right, I’m a college student. What do you think is the complete logic of this story? 】

[Indeed, I am just a scattered piece of pretentious fantasy. I really have this in my mouth, but it doesn’t matter. I will be the one to summon that sword next time. 】

That's right~

I don’t care how handsome you think you are?

Next time I will just put myself into your story template!

[Brother, please, please continue writing? It's okay to publish a book, I'll pay to read it. 】


As if sensing everyone's call, the old man started talking directly.

[Voice: [)60″] (Why are you urging me? He hasn’t finished his weekend homework yet! He has to go to a cram school for the fourth grade soon. You guys know how to lead him into trouble, so I will)]

The barrage instantly calmed down.



Is the fantasy moment of a fourth-grade elementary school student so exciting now?

【oops! No matter what, our little pink haired boy is so handsome! 】

[That's right, both employees and employees are at work, and they also fantasize about transformation when they are in the office. Give me a chance, and I will only be more pretentious than her! 】

[And he does have the ability to dress up? Not convinced? If you don't accept it, don't say anything. Hold it in. If you have the ability, wait until the little pink hair comes out. You can go find her and practice alone? 】

[Does he dare to practice? The pink-haired leader directly blasted his head! 】


If someone hadn't reminded him, everyone would have forgotten Mu Xitang's strange identity.

Do you question her pretense?

You won't think so when she crushes your head!

Finally, those accounts that ridiculed Mu Xitang for showing off were canceled in less than five minutes.

[Stop arguing, those three goods finally moved over. 】

The three resentful people also wanted to be as handsome as Little Pink Hair and pass the iron chain.

But the action is really stretching the crotch, all in tribute to Jiang Xiao.

All of them were holding chains and crawling over using their hands and feet.

As for the third one, who will go first?

The beard and curly hair generously let the black girl pass.

After all, according to the rules, the first three "people" will be rewarded or something.

"What? What's the reward? Let me make it clear first that I don't want it, I'm just curious and want to experience it. It doesn't matter if you don't tell me."

The bearded man who came last urged him impatiently.

words of reward

Jiang Xiao spread his hands, and three strange fragments appeared in his hands.


What is this thing?

Not only the bearded man didn't know, but also the aborigines Big Horn Cow and Mu Xitang were confused.

The rules don’t lie.

Indeed, each of the first three people who came over was given a piece of debris.

The void was generated and fell directly into the hands of the three people.

But Hei Mei and Mu Xitang both gave what they got to Jiang Xiao.

Little Pink Hair firmly remembers what her father told her before she came in.

That is to try every means to hang up the baby!

Holding the three fragments in his hand, Jiang Xiao could feel the power inside them being transmitted to his body.


The effect seems to be to increase endurance.

Not a temporary reminder of endurance, but a real, permanent improvement.

This can be confirmed when you look at the properties panel after the story is released.

In addition to improving endurance, the fatigue of the day seems to be slowly being removed by this fragment.


Lottery pictures in paragraph review

Winner list id.

1: Floor 25, Theory of Fall

2: Floor 438, late z

3: Floor 455, book friend 20230815143243411

4: Floor 397, leaving d separation

5: On the 18th floor, I was drunk and laughing like crazy.

6: Floor 482, drinking wine and walking on the top of the mountain

7: Floor 130, goblin, I’m hungry

8: Floor 319, just hammer it and it’s done

9: Floor 318, book friend 20220828175544603

10: Floor 51, different_

Those who are drawn will be added to the following group: 859900271. Please don’t join indiscriminately. I will disband it later.

One troublesome thing is that the host automatically shuts down after a beep sound.

You have to unplug the cable and power supply and plug them in again to restart.

Meituan bought a connecting cable between the host and the monitor but it still doesn't work. Can anyone give me some advice?

I searched Du Niang and said that I need to clean the case or buy a power cord. I don’t know if it’s true or not. It hasn’t been two months since I cleaned the case.

I will draw these things from time to time in the future. I will be more careful next time. I did not expect so many people to draw them.

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