Jiang Xiao looked at the small footprints made by Mu Xitang and nodded secretly.

The divine power is restrained and can be released freely.

In a way, Mu Xitang's grasp of power is much better than his own.

If Jiang Xiao had stepped on him so violently, a large piece of the nearby floor would have been blown to pieces.

"The little guy is so angry? I haven't recovered yet!"

The old woman dodged Mu Xitang's piercing legs, and secretly said to herself that this little devil is so fast!

You can tell how strong this little devil is by the sound of cracking the air as it rubs his ears.


Mu Xitang:━=

The blow missed, and the moment Mu Xitang hit the target, he bent down and turned around, assuming the stance of a white crane spreading its wings.


Mu Xitang: (o`зo)

Jiang Xiao:?

From whom did she learn these ruthless feet and white crane wings?

Mu Xitang has only lived outside for a few days. What kind of sex stuff did Dr. Sun show her?

Not to mention Jiang Xiao, a father who was puzzled, the old chiefs in the military compound also began to 'raise troops to investigate'.


Dr. Sun pushed up his glasses and laughed awkwardly.

"Ahem, what's going on? I, I can explain it."

At this time, the three bearded men were making blind arrests again.

That's right.

They still couldn't help at all.

Even with the speed of the Xitang leader and the old woman, they couldn't intervene. It would be good if they could see clearly.

The figures of the two people kept crisscrossing each other in the small hall.

Let’s not talk about the power of Mu Xitang’s moves.

Let me tell you something, these flower shelves are so beautiful!

First came the Vajra Palm, and then the chain legs.

A fierce tiger descends from the mountain, a white crane spreads its wings, a tiger and a crane form two shapes, and a Shaolin dragon's claws and hands are displayed upward.

Of course, the most handsome thing is the set of shadowless feet rising into the sky!

But let's be honest, Xiao Fenmao's moves seemed to be a bit futile, and they never caused any effective damage.

On the other hand, the old woman.

Although he is very old, he remains unchanged in the face of changes.

No matter how fancy Xiao Fenmao's moves are, she can always block them in the simplest and least labor-intensive way.

In the end, the little pink hair was caught by the old lady.

When Mu Xitang used Shadowless Kick for the second time, the old woman held her little ankle.

Then a powerful throw will destroy this demon!

How could Jiang Xiao just watch little Pink Hair suffer?

"Stop! Ah Wei's Eighteen Postures. Guanyin Sitting in Lotus!"

Damn it!

What lotus?

The old woman was startled by Jiang Xiao's sudden flying and the spicy moves.

Her sixth sense told her that she couldn't block this man's moves.

Whether she was being sat on or sitting on someone else, how could she be able to handle it at her age?

So she made a quick decision and immediately let go of the little devil, quickly retreating to avoid this move. This move is Guanyin Sitting Lotus.

Oh, God!

Anyway, the name of this move is really terrible!

As Jiang Xiao hit the ground with a loud 'boom', the old woman's eyes shook uncontrollably.

A large pit with a radius of more than two meters appeared in the center of the lobby of the B\u0026B.

Mu Xitang blushed slightly and hugged Jiang Xiao's arm.

"Dad, I, I didn't perform well this time. If I play again, I'm sure I will use my unique skills!"

The trick she was talking about was naturally the Eighteen Awei moves taught to her by Jiang Xiao himself.

Is this man her father?

Only then did the old woman notice what the little devil called the man.

I didn’t expect that.

I met a big guy tonight, old lady?

It seems like even I need to go all out!

'Snapped! ’

The old woman took advantage of the big devil to comfort the little devil and pressed a switch on the table.

Damn it!

The faces of the three bearded men sank.

Is it possible that there are any hidden weapons or other mechanisms in this B\u0026B?


Not a hidden weapon?

The old woman turned on the music player button in this B\u0026B.

【This is why my life is a bit grindy】

[Like leaves floating on the water]

【I started to welcome death as soon as I was born】

【Feeling confused in the gray city】

Along with the music, the old woman started her own "second phase" exercise that was different from Kakarot's warm-up just now.

This is?

An old lady version of Tyson?

Good guy, he has butterfly steps on his feet, a pendulum head on his head, and he also makes rap gestures from time to time.

【I lost it! 】

[The eighty-year-old lady is a trendsetter! 】

[God, you know, I come from the streets. —AKA old lady]

【Born in 1796, dreams of becoming a rap leader】

[Trick you like a monkey, the old lady is so trendy! Love it, love it~]

[Shut your mouth! Listen to me, old lady: In 1974, I won the championship for the first time in kickboxing in Southeast Asia. In 1980, I defeated the Sakura slugger Lei Luo, and then for three consecutive years]

【Fuck! Everyone does speech-to-text, but you are the only one who knows how to convert text-to-speech, right? 】

The old lady was making butterfly steps with her feet, ready to dodge Jiang Xiao's attack at any time, and her face was also talking.

"Gift Crab! God, you saw it, they asked for it because I just gave them a chance to escape!"

Jiang Xiao sighed and motioned to Mu Xitang to cover his ears first.

"Hehehe, I remember back then, old lady, I was also known as the leader of the Thirteen Niangs of the Underworld! Tonight, I will let you see me."

'boom! ’

The sound of a gunshot interrupted the old woman's words.

Jiang Xiao took out the confiscated AK47 from his backpack.


"What are you talking about, you old man? The signal here is not good. What did you just say? I may not have heard you clearly. Can you say it again?"

old lady:



The silence at this time was deafening.

I thought you were going to use demonic powers.

I thought you would call on a few people over there to besiege me.

I even thought you would unleash some extremely evil and forbidden power.

The old woman just thought about a lot.

But what I didn't expect was that this guy actually took out a shiny AK47 from his mountaineering bag!

Madhu, you really don’t have martial ethics!

At this moment, an anxious shout came from outside.

"Wait!!! Oh God! Brother Jiang Xiao! Stop, don't attack old Mrs. Alaniya!"

'boom! ’

The door was kicked open by the swordsman who lost his sword.

Seeing the scene in the room, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and at the same time sighed that he was not too late.

"God, thank God, I knew you would have a misunderstanding! This is really too bad."

Alanya was also stunned when she saw the swordsman.

"David. What's wrong with your face? No, where's your knife?!"

The old woman suddenly remembered that Jiang Xiao seemed to be carrying two things behind his back.


This demon father defeated the swordsman David?

A closer look revealed that, yes, Jiang Xiao was carrying a long knife exactly like David's and a shovel on his back.

Comparing the size of the shovel with the red mark on David's face, there is a high probability that it can be fitted.

I see.

The old lady nodded, then everything made sense.

"I understand David."

"Okay, okay, madam, it's good if you understand, so I don't have to explain it again."

"Yes, I originally thought he was an evil robber demon, but now I understand that you are the robber, David! You stole the demon's sword, which led to the demon being born!"


Can I say that your understanding is slightly different from the reality?

David coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment, and said to Jiang Xiao and others at the same time.

"Why don't we go in and talk? In fact, there is no need for us to fight to the death."

Enter the room.

The swordsman David first made it clear to the old lady Alaniya that Jiang Xiao had great strength.

Otherwise, if this old woman gets confused and seeks death, it will be over.

Isn't he a devil?

How can a mortal achieve such power? !

After listening to David's words, the old lady's eyes almost popped out of her sockets.

One versus five at the Moonlight Tavern, the record of completely defeating the five masters is really terrifying!

Not to mention in the small town of Moro, he must be a well-known figure in the city.

"Okay, Brother Jiang Xiao, let me tell you about old Mrs. Alanya. First of all, she hates demons, but she definitely doesn't go to the extent of life and death."

"Me! I have a question to ask!"

The little pink haired girl raised her hands high.

"Why doesn't my power work on her?"

Old lady Alanya glanced at her sideways and said to herself, "What a little girl who knows what's going on!"

Didn’t you already know why you just asked me to put down the cat? Still asking?

"I only know a general idea about this. For more details, you can ask Mrs. Alaniya. Her answer may be helpful for your next four-day trip to the city."

David naturally knew why, but he gave the opportunity to explain to Mrs. Alaniya in order to ease the relationship between the two parties.

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