I can see the good intentions of this young man David.

Old lady Alanya did not continue to be harsh, but instead educated the little pink fur about the existence of black cats.

"First of all, whether it's us in the West or you in the East, some animals are naturally psychic and can ward off evil spirits. You should know that?"

Black cats channel spirits, and black dogs ward off evil spirits.

This is not only something passed down from the mouths of the old people of Longguo.

They exist in some ancient Western books and even children's adventure fairy tales.

For example, world-class children's publications such as "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" have records of cat psychics.

These things all subtly plant the seeds of "black cat psychic" in people's hearts.

As for the black dog.

There are few documents in the West on this point, but there are many records in the Dragon Kingdom.

For example, black dog blood often appears in movies and TV dramas

Another example is the Chinese Garden Dog, whose four eyes are covered with gold. According to many old people, it is the mythical beast under the legendary Golden Eyes Bodhisattva. Keeping it at home can ward off evil spirits and bring wealth.

There are many similar sayings about cats and dogs, but the sayings are different in different places in the Dragon Kingdom, and there are even more when you look around the world.

But the only thing they have in common is that they all have certain ‘sayings’.

"So? Then your black cat is the kind that can channel spirits?"

Mu Xitang interrupted the chattering of several people. She was only concerned about why her ability was repeatedly frustrated.

"Cute little devil, as you can see, my black cat is not only psychic, but it can also effectively resist the evil power in you."

"Are there many such animals in this small town?" The thoughtful black girl asked the core question.

The old lady shook her head and said, "No, as far as I know, the only psychic animal in Moro Town is my black cat."

Everyone felt relieved.

That is not bad.

Otherwise, if anyone had only one of these things, the little pink hair would be completely ruined.

"Besides in this town, are there any animals like this outside?"

"You're going outside?"

The old lady was obviously surprised. Why do these people want to go outside?

"Mrs. Alanya, not only are they going outside, but they are also going to a city called [Romia Cathedral]."

After listening to David's words, the old lady quickly waved her hand to end the topic.

"No, no, no, David, I don't know much about things outside, and I've never heard of this church. In short, the city outside is a real abyss of hell!"

Speaking of the city, panic appeared in the eyes of the usually calm old lady for the first time.

Is it so scary?

No matter how Big Beard and the others pressed him, the old lady stopped answering them.

Just tell them that the humans in the city are very abnormal!

Other than that, I kept silent.

Everyone didn't know whether the old lady had really never been to the city or whether she didn't want to tell them about the city.

"Okay, can you please tell me why you go to the bell tower to ring the bell at night?"


The old lady's eyes began to twinkle, and she hesitated, unwilling to say more about it.

"I, anyway, I am protecting the residents of Moro Town, and they all agree with the matter of ringing the bell."

"That's right."

David also helped the old lady.

"I can testify, or you can ask the villagers when it's daytime tomorrow. Everyone knows about the bell ringing, and they don't object."

"Okay, Mrs. Alanya, I have one last question. What are the lanterns hung on every house in the town for?"

"Please, strangers, stop asking these questions. If possible, I advise you not to go to the city, let alone think that the priest of Romiya Cathedral can save you."

The old lady really didn't want to say any more and ended the topic directly.

"Everyone, go to bed as soon as possible. If you want to leave early tomorrow, the accommodation rooms are on the second floor. You can choose any of them. I will also do a loss-making business tonight and let you stay for free."

Even if everyone still has some doubts in their hearts, since they won't tell them, they don't want to force it.

"Old madam, do you have any donuts here? I'm a silly fool right now." The bearded man was already starving.

"Yes, you go and rest first. David, help me go to the kitchen to get some food to serve to these guests."

"Okay, Mrs. Alanya, I'll be happy to help you."

Not long after.

David carried a large tray and delivered it to the people upstairs.

Looking at a table of sumptuous food.

The three bearded men, who had been hungry for nearly a day and a night, immediately started feasting.

For fear of accidents if they sleep separately.

So the three of them shamelessly asked to sleep in the same room as Jiang Xiao and Mu Xitang.

Of course, the three of them can sleep on the floor.

The three of them were showing off their food while talking about their understanding of what the old lady said.

"I think the dangers in the city are far greater than in the town."

"Nonsense! What are you doing here and here?"

"But looking at her expression, she seems to think that we are going to Romiya Church to find that priest for help."

"Brother Jiang Xiao, why haven't you spoken? Don't you have any opinions?"

Jiang Xiao was looking at the ancient knife that David had given him as compensation. Faced with Curly Hair's question, he blurted it out without thinking.

"At worst, I'll bury all those who block the road. Anyway, the more people there are, the more money I'll make."

Looking at the dazzling array of "trophies" at Jiang Xiao's feet.

The three of them were speechless for a moment. Jiang Shen didn't look like he was here to challenge the ghost talk, but rather like he was here to purchase goods.

"That's right, just use these useless things. I don't want the little girl to be kidnapped again when I'm not around next time."

Jiang Xiao gave the AK to Big Beard, then gave Curly Hair a spray gun, and finally gave Black Girl two Golden Sand Eagles.

Facing such a gift, the three of them scratched their heads in embarrassment.

After all, their previous performance was indeed somewhat unsatisfactory, and they looked like lying dogs.

But now there are guns.

Next time they are confident that their hips will not stretch as much as before.

As for the danger level of the city, the three of them knew it even if they didn't mention Jiang Xiao.

None of those fancy fatal rules have appeared yet!

"Ma'am, why don't you tell them what you know?"

After delivering the meal, David did not return to his room, but came to the old lady's bedroom.

"What can I tell you? They don't think that the priest can help the pink demon cleanse the evil power, right? This is impossible."

Alanya had guessed it when she knew they were going to Romiya Cathedral.

That powerful man named Jiang Xiao must have gone to the priest to help the pink demon wash away the evil power.

"So, madam, you actually know about the existence of this church, right?"

Alanya sighed.

Not only did she know the existence of this church, she escaped from it!

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