Old man:


[Mr. Pai, is that you, Mr. Pai? 】

[No, Jiang Xiao’s eyes are not wise enough. He is obviously not Mr. Pai. 】

[But his performance today made me see the shadow of Mr. Pai. 】

【fart! Then I also saw the shadow of Sister Baoer! Huangyang Bingpole asked you if you heard it! 】

[Where did you put my captain? That sonorous "Old Li" sentence, are you deaf? 】

[Don't be so noisy and angry. If you can see, leave if you can't. The barrage is too dense and blocks my sight! 】

The old man pondered for a long time and finally got out of the swamp of "blind men touching the elephant".

"Kind young man, I am handicapped, please help me find my grandson."

However, Jiang Xiao obviously had no intention of talking to the old man. He seemed to have thought of something and lifted the old man's quilt directly.

Old man:? ? ?

Jiang Xiao frowned.

This old man is wearing a hospital gown, and you can't see the colors and patterns inside.

Considering that the old man had difficulty with his hands and feet, Jiang Xiao had no choice but to help him drag himself.

The old man watched with horror on his face as Jiang Xiao did whatever he wanted to him.

"Hou Li Crab! What the hell are you going to do? Do it!"

"Uh, didn't you say you have difficulty with your hands and feet? Let me help you take off your pants."

"Fake Squid! What kind of nonsense is this? I don't need you to help me drag my pants when I'm riding a horse! I want you to help me find my turtle grandson, turtle grandson!"

"But I want to see what style of underwear you are wearing."

Jiang Xiao spoke righteously without realizing anything was wrong.

"Wang Defa?! Fafafa! Didn't I say buddy? Is there any necessary connection between looking at my underwear and helping me find my grandson?"

"Of course! If you don't show me your underwear, how will I know whether I should listen to you or not?"


why? !

The old man who has lived for seventy or eighty years feels that his three views have collapsed today!

In order to avoid Jiang Xiao's claws, he did whatever he wanted on himself.

The old man who had been paralyzed for more than ten years stood up holding the bottle that was dripping water for him.

I am already quite old, and I really can’t stand the fancy things that young people do nowadays!

Let's just say.

If those doctors can't do it, stop doing it and let Jiang Shen come over and treat the patients.

Jiang Xiao pushed down the old man's pants hard.

The old man is risking his life by lifting it up!

But the more he resisted, the more Jiang Xiao felt that he was definitely the one wearing Meiyangyang's underwear.

Otherwise, why would you fight to the death and not give yourself a look?

I lost

The scene that happened in front of them had everyone shocked and dumbfounded.

It can only be said that although the old man is very old, he still has a sword that is still young.

Holding the bottle in one hand, he was able to fight Jiang Xiao evenly with just one hand, and still managed to protect his privacy.

For the sake of his dignity, the old man also risked his life!

It's just that the bulging veins on the old man's arms and the big beads of sweat on his forehead are still in sharp contrast to the calm Jiang Xiao.

Old man: ╭(; benefit`)ノ

"Get away, get away from me!"

Jiang Xiao: ‵

"No, just give me a look. Just take a look."


The old man’s teeth are about to be broken!

Is it a matter of one look or two looks?

There was a lot of commotion between the two, and the attending physician Qin Shou happened to get up and go to the toilet at night, and suddenly wanted to take a look at the surveillance camera.


A confused glance.

Um? !

His eyes were shocked.

Damn it!

The old man who had been paralyzed in bed actually stood up? ! !

What a medical miracle!

When this happened, the doctor immediately stopped feeling sleepy and went straight to Ward No. 9 with the instrument in hand.

"I told you two, why are you making so much noise if you're up so late at night?"

Seeing that the doctor finally came, Jiang Xiao had to temporarily loosen the rubber band on the old man's pants.

The old man cried aggrievedly on the spot.

(;┏ benefit┓`)

"Doctor! You're finally here! If you were any longer late, old man, old man, I would almost lose my insurance!"

Damn it!

The doctor doesn't want to care about their conflict at all now.

He just wanted to find out how the old man's condition improved so quickly!

No, it can't even be said that it will be cured quickly. Under normal circumstances, his illness will not be cured at all.

After all, it has been like this for more than ten years.

Now not only can he stand up and hold the bottle high, but the muscles in his arms have also been built up!

Look at those strong biceps.

Even his speech became clearer.

You must know that the old man was not only physically paralyzed before, but his brain was also hemiplegic due to cerebral hemorrhage.

Now it seems that all his stubborn ailments have been cured!


This is simply a miracle in the history of medicine!

"Old Suntou, have you recovered from your illness?"

The doctor's words stunned the old man, and then he looked at his current posture in disbelief.

"Is my illness... cured?"

"Old Suntou, please try again and see if your arms, legs, etc. are all ok?"

Try it?

Just do it, Lao Suntou did a one-handed backflip on the hospital bed on the spot.


Land firmly!

Not only does his body not shake, but the bottle in his hand is still held firmly!


What's going on?

The old man's face flushed with excitement, and his tone was full of disbelief.

"Doctor, me? Am I really cured? My disease is cured!"

Doctor Qin Shou poked the old man's body with an instrument, intending to test it first.

Jiang Xiao on the side also took the opportunity to comfort him.

"Hey, you don't have to worry too much about your recovery. It might just be a comeback or something."

Old man:? ? ?

For some people, not being able to speak is really harder than eating shit!

"Doctor, tell me, what's the condition of my body now?"

Dr. Qin Shou also put away the instruments at this time, with a warm smile on his face. .

"Hiss, old man, don't worry. Although I have never encountered your situation, I have heard of similar situations happening. Terminally ill patients suddenly became lively and energetic. Either they were injected with a large dose of epinephrine, or they were... There have been some extreme psychological stimulations, and generally speaking, this situation may not last long.”

The old man turned pale and fell directly on the bed.

Isn't your explanation just what Jiang Xiao said about returning to the light?

Why are you talking so much?

I thought my illness was cured.

Tonight is my last night in the hospital, but I never thought it would be my last night.

"Oh, old man, don't be too happy. The film hasn't been taken yet. It's too early to sentence you to death."

Jiang Xiao comforted him again.

Old man:? ? ?

I'm glad you@#*\u0026amp;? !

"That's right. As doctors who save lives and heal the wounded, we can't jump to such arbitrary conclusions. So, let's take a X-ray for you first. Maybe you can live another day or two."

Old man:? ? ?

Did you two come here together to mess with my mentality?

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