"Old sir, is it still because of the price?" the little nurse asked.

The old man shook his head, obviously no longer wanting to deal with these two evil men.

The doctor on the side had no choice but to shake his head, and then sighed helplessly.

"Let's do this. If you think it's too expensive, you can lock my live broadcast room and click on the link on the 28th. At the same time, you can also participate in our zero-point flash sales and [cross-hospital] discounts and many other activities."


The little nurse yelled and immediately became panicked.

"Director, director! We have to lose money for this discount! And we will offend the brand!"

Pushing away the little nurse who was holding him, the doctor spoke righteously.

"Compensate? What's wrong with compensating! I'm seeking benefits for my family! Shut your mouth! I'll tell you a number!"

"How much!" the little nurse flushed with excitement!

"321 only costs 28! Link up!!"

"Family members, get on board! Purchase limit is 100 pieces per person! First come, first served! If you want to buy, hurry up!"



Why is there no movement from the old man?

Doctor Qin Shou pulled the old man's eyes to confirm that he had no vital signs.

And there were still wisps of black mist floating out of the old man's body.

But that’s strange to say.

The mist seemed to be suppressed and absorbed by some mysterious force after it came into contact with the doctor's white coat.

"Send it to the morgue, quickly! I won't last long here. Only there will be the strongest suppression!"


The little nurse who was about to leave while pushing the old man's body suddenly stopped again.

"Should we take a look at that film? Is it a medical miracle or a comeback or something?"

"What a bullshit! Burn it directly! What is the truth and does it have anything to do with us? Deal with it quickly."


The little nurse nodded and pushed the body to the morgue.

The only ones left at the scene were the confused Jiang Xiao and the doctor who was holding a lighter to burn the film.


The strongest will have its own strong hand, and every mountain will be as high as the next.

What is a beast?

I finally saw it today.

"Hey, your name is Jiang Xiao, right? What are you thinking about? How is your illness? Do you want to take a picture too?"

"Ah I?"

Jiang Xiao scratched his head and thought.

"I'm wondering whether the old man is wearing pink Meiyang underwear, but looking at it now, it doesn't seem to matter, and he probably isn't wearing Meiyang underwear."

Let's just say that the weirdness of wearing pink beautiful sheep underwear is the most amazing.

But at least he won't be as good as Lao Suntou, right?

Jiang Xiao's words made the doctor couldn't help but push up his glasses again.

"Jiang Xiao, I think your brain may be broken. Why don't I give you a CT scan?"

"Want money?"

"Harm! Look at what you said, of course you need money!"

The doctor said it with dignity.

But when it comes to money.

Jiang Xiao seems to be really in need?

"It's okay to take a CT scan, but can you let me see what style of underwear you're wearing first?"

doctor:? ? ?

What the hell?

"I would like to ask, is there any necessary connection between the two?"

"Of course! According to the rules of the world, if you are wearing Meiyangyang underwear, then I must agree to your request. The connection between the two must be very close!"

doctor:? ? ?

"The rules of the world? Are you serious?"

"You think I'm joking?"

Jiang Xiao's answer was also righteous.

"Well, we probably can't cure your situation even if we take a CT scan."

After thinking about it, the doctor handed Jiang Xiao a business card.

"Let's do this. You take my business card and report to the Fourth Hospital tomorrow. They have a set of professional treatment methods for your condition. Our hospital does not have a psychiatric department. We will not make any money if it is not ours."

Shall I wipe it?

These words.

It makes people look at Dr. Qin Shou with admiration!

You didn't steal Jiang Xiao's money?

[For a moment, I didn’t know how to describe this doctor. 】

["We won't make money that's not ours\

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