Getting dressed up so early in the morning?


Shouldn't Jiang Xiao generally do this kind of abstract work?

This time the security guard, with his big feet, took the spotlight a bit.

"Get out of here and smash it! Put it down! The horse is already dripping acid water!"


Jiang Xiao's expression turned ferocious.

This is just the time it takes for my stinky legs to stretch out.

The top of his bedside table was smoked yellow.

He had reason to suspect that the security guard's feet were capable of killing some people with mild mysophobia.

It's not even a problem to fuck two normal people.

The four flavors are full of lethality.

"Go away. The boss is annoyed when he sees you now. Let Xiaoqin come over."

Big Basket retracted his big feet in grievance and moved his mouth. He wanted to say something but was afraid of making Jiang Xiao unhappy, so he swallowed his words in the end.

It didn't take long.

Xiaoqin, wearing pink bubble slippers, came to Jiang Xiao's room coquettishly.

After arriving, he hesitated for a while and chose to kick off his slippers directly, placing a pair of petite jailers in front of Jiang Xiao's face.

There are also some golden chains thoughtfully tied on it.

She wasn't wearing any leggings today.

Well, I'm not wearing socks either.

As we all know, this rich guy likes to go barefoot.

"Oh haha, Oni-chan, ehdou, Qiaodou sack~"

After saying these words, the little nurse's face became wet and flushed with embarrassment.

Studio:? ? ?

Wang Defa?

Why are the weird people in this weird story all abstract artists?

"Brother Jiang Xiao, the security guard just came over and said you want my jailer. I...I don't know. Is it right to pose like this?"

"Well, should I say it's right?"

The two stared at each other, and the atmosphere gradually dropped to freezing point.

In order to break the awkward atmosphere, Xiaoqin spoke again.

"Have you eaten? If not, you can have some."

Eat some?

"Should I eat it?"


I admit that your lethality is very high.

But if you let me eat it.

It’s true that some people don’t know how to speak.

"Ouch! No, no, no, not eating my feet!"

The little nurse immediately retracted her feet and explained in a panic.

"I mean have you eaten? If not, I will go to the cafeteria and get you a breakfast."


What a waste of excitement!

Jiang Xiao didn't show any disappointment yet, but there were sighs in the live broadcast room.

[Uzumaki Naruto's younger brother has something to say. 】

[That’s right, I didn’t have a chance to appear in the last ghost story. Now I have to speak, Uzumaki Mouth, thank you! 】

【What a foot! That being said, I think the jailers of these young girls in Kaitan really don’t have a choice. 】

[Hehehehe, this nurse Xiaoqin, looks so innocent, hehehe. Nurse uniform. Goose Box is painted with sexy black nail polish. The contrast must be extreme.]

[Jade Foot was slapped in Jiang Shen’s face just now and he was indifferent? What if you just hold my words in your mouth and don’t spit them out! 】

[Not only do I want to eat, I also want her to soak her feet, and I want to drink some soup, which is so delicious. 】

[Brothers, please control your emotions! She is weird, she is weird! 】

[Every weird thing in this hospital is more abstract than the last. Compared with it, I feel that Jiang Shen is very normal. 】

【you sure? 】

[Let’s take a gamble and see if Jiang Xiao’s behavior is normal within the next ten sentences. How about that? 】

[I’ll bet again! I think Jiang Shen may be abstract, but the degree of perversion in this hospital is definitely not weaker than him. 】

All right.

The little nurse stumbled and explained for a long time before Jiang Xiao figured it out.

It was the stupid security guard who misunderstood what Brother Fu meant.

Brother Fu just asked the security guard to call him, but the security guard mistakenly thought that Brother Fu didn't like his feet and wanted to see the feet of the little nurse.

"Brother Jiang Xiao, why did you call me here?"

The little nurse looked confused. Brother Jiang Xiao tore up her leggings last night, didn't he just like his feet?

Why now

"That's it. I've decided. Find the people in the hospital and line them up from low to high. I'll check one by one what style of underwear they are wearing."

Jiang Xiao looked very proud when he said this.

Really, he admired himself for this wonderful genius idea!


[Nonono, where is the person who just said Jiang Shen is normal? Heizi speaks! 】

The little nurse's expression paused, and then, like the security guard just now, she also showed a hesitant expression.

"Brother, actually, we actually know what you like, Nuo, is that so?"

The little nurse's face was so red that she was about to bleed, but she still gently lifted a corner of the nurse's skirt, revealing a patch of pink underneath.


what is this?

Hearing the benefactor inside mention underwear, the door of Ward No. 9 was instantly squeezed open by two people who were eavesdropping outside the door.

Doctor Qin Shou and Big Basket Security Guard?

What are these two people eavesdropping at the door?


"It's okay, I didn't think well. This kind of thing should be left to the doctor."

Jiang Xiao considered that the little nurse was so quiet that no one might pay attention to her, so she repeated her plan to the doctor.

Unexpectedly, Dr. Qin Shou also showed the same shy emoticon as the little nurse.

The expressions of these three guys are as if they were printed from the same mold!

It's just that the shyness of the little nurse is the sweetest, and the shyness of the security guard is the most disgusting.

"Why are you standing still? Let's take action?"

The three of them looked at each other, then nodded, and finally began to "undress and take off their belts" in unison.

The nurse lifted up her skirt, while the doctor and security guard unbuttoned their belts.

I lost it!

You want to disgust me, right? !

Jiang Xiao's eyes flashed, and he jumped up from the bed to prepare.

We are polite people, but if the other party wants to play tough with us, we are not a coward!

"Brother Jiang Xiao, look!"

Jiang Xiao:? ? ?

Did I lose it? Pink legend? !

[Arigado, beautiful sheep and sheep~]

[Ahem, let me just say, this hospital’s abstract work is definitely as good as Jiang Xiao’s, 50-50! 】

Jiang Xiao was also stunned.

He was still looking for people wearing pink beautiful sheep underwear last night. Why did three people pop up today? !

Especially the security guards!

That's a damn kid's version!

Can you, a strong man about three meters tall, carry it? !

You can’t get away with it at all, okay?

It's not so much about wearing it as it is about putting it on.


The doctor bowed gracefully to Jiang Xiao.

"Donor, look, we have bought the underwear you have tried so hard to find. How do you like it? Do you like it?"

After saying that, he put his hands behind his head and kept posing in front of Jiang Xiao in all directions.


Jiang Xiao felt that his mind was a little confused.


This is wrong

[Rule 2: If the other person is wearing pink beautiful sheep underwear, then you must agree to his request. 】

I just want to find out this weird thing and kill it.

Why did it suddenly become three now?

The workload has greatly increased!

This is not possible!

"Who asked you to change your underwear? Doctor, if I remember correctly, you were wearing Antarctic underwear last night, right?"

The doctor was still complacent about his plan to change his underwear, so he replied proudly.

"Hehehe, it's not that the masculine ones are unaffordable, but the pink ones are more cost-effective! Brother, do you like them?"

I'm crazy about the price, I like your grandma!

"Take it off, take it off! Come on, come on! I can't see the pink beauty! Take it off for me quickly!"

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