

Seeing that the financial owner was angry, the three of them also panicked.

The first person to bear the brunt was the security guard who was missing his brain stem, and he tore off the lasso of Meiyangyang.

I lost it!

Everyone:! ! ! !

In just two days, the same deep-sea python appeared in front of people twice!

【() Yi(ヾ)Wori, it’s disgusting for me, right? Eyes, my eyes! It’s so spicy that it hurts! 】

Let's just say.

You can take off the beautiful sheep if you want, but can you find a place where no one is around?

Fortunately, Nurse Xiaoqin and Doctor Qin Shou still had some bottom lines. They went out and changed their underwear before coming in.

"Brother Jiang Xiao, look, we have also taken off our clothes."

"No, I didn't see it, I don't believe it!"

Jiang Xiao pulled the corner of the quilt nervously and stared at the nurse and doctor warily.

These two people didn't take off their beautiful sheep in front of them. What if they lied to them?

Do not believe?

The two medical staff were stunned.

What if you don't believe it?

If it had been before yesterday, the little nurse would have turned around and left.

But now?

She took the initiative to approach Jiang Xiao and quietly lifted up a corner of her skirt.

"Why don't you touch a few to try it out? I really got rid of the beautiful sheep."

Jiang Xiao hasn't spoken yet.

The deep-sea python security guard on the side couldn't hold it any longer. He licked the big pussy's face and tried to feel it, but he was scolded by the doctor.

"Do I need you for this? Stand there!" Then he put on a flattering smile: "Brother Jiang Xiao, please touch me."

Nurse Xiaoqin's face turned red again, and her body began to twist around restlessly.

"By the way, brother, didn't you go around looking for someone wearing pink Meiyayang underwear last night? Today all three of us are wearing them, what are you doing?"


Jiang Xiao's expression changed from a panicked one to a wise one, and he rubbed his head in confusion.


"Beautiful Sheep? What Beautiful Sheep? You mean the thing with the horns on its head?"

The nurse and the doctor were stunned.

Does this donor have such a bad memory?

Last night, I asked everyone to verify my underwear. Why do you look like you have forgotten everything now?

"Horns? It seems, the beautiful sheep should have horns, right?"

Qin Shou said hesitantly.

"That's not Meiyangyang, that's Zhang Dabiao's sworn sister to Jinlan. She seems to be called the Bull Demon King. You're mistaken."

Three people:.

Although I don’t know what the sponsor is talking about, there is a high probability that it is not a creature of the same dimension as myself.

Could it be that he fell and not only suffered a concussion, but also suffered intermittent mental retardation-type amnesia?

The little nurse asked quietly in the doctor's ear.

"Tell me, Brother Jiang Xiao, is he looking for the kind of beautiful sheep pattern underwear with horns? The ones we just wore seemed to be without horns? Could it be that we bought the wrong ones?"

"Is that so? Then you can help me with the group purchase again. Remember to place an invoice and use the hospital's public funds for reimbursement. Just go through the purchase of medical protective suits!"

The little nurse nodded, saying that she knew this well and would still do it as usual.

After thinking about it, the doctor lowered his voice and said.

"Just buy two this time. This idiot security guard is just too successful to fail. We won't take him with us next time."

The little nurse looked at the security guard who was still playing with the mammoth with a silly look on his face, and couldn't help feeling sick.

"However, that's what I say, but what if he is not strict with his mouth?"

"Don't worry, the director's nephew will be looking for a job next week. He will take the path recommended by our Wuliang Hospital. Then we will recommend the position of security guard to him. This kind of job can get you money just by watching TV every day. Who can Do not want?"

"No way? Although this security guard is stupid, he is still the director of our department."

Xiaoqin was a little scared. If the director found out, Baoqi would put small shoes on her to punish her.

However, the doctor looked calm and felt that this was a sure thing.

"Afraid! What are you afraid of? There is a dean and a director. Who is older and who is younger? Don't you have any idea?"

The two of them had already made up their minds in a few words.

Let’s play together without security!

"Brother Jiang Xiao, how about I give you some fluids first? Then I'll do a brain CT on you when I have time in the afternoon?"

Dr. Qin Shou looked like a slave.

Ever since he knew that Jiang Xiao had strong financial resources, he could no longer push this financial backer to the fourth courtyard next door.

The three hospitals can treat what the four hospitals can treat, and the three hospitals can also treat what the four hospitals cannot!

"Dry water?"

Jiang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then looked at the doctor strangely.

"If you want to hang up, then go ahead and hang up. Why are you telling me?"


Qin Shou winked at the little nurse, who immediately came over.

"Shall we still give him the fake potion this time?"

Seeing Nurse Xiaoqin who looked confused, Dr. Qin just felt that iron could not make steel.

"Tsk! Why are you so stupid? Of course you are serious! This is the master. We must take good care of him. How much can we earn from fake medicine? What if we hang ourselves? We can only earn more if the sponsor is alive. ! You know, if something leaks out from under the fingernails of the financial owner, it will take us half a lifetime!"


The little nurse understood instantly.

No wonder he is a doctor and his situation is so much bigger than mine!

"If you understand, act quickly and arrange the most expensive glucose for the sponsor, and we will get the highest commission!"

"Oh, don't you understand?"

And when the little nurse was about to stab Jiang Xiao with a needle, an accident happened.

"Hey! What are you doing? You are so bold and cunning, you dare to use poison to kill me!"

Jiang Xiao directly used a small grasping hand to push the little nurse down under him. At the same time, he stabbed the needle he wanted to stab into the little nurse's snow-white thigh.

The latter rolled his eyes in pain and screamed like a pig.

"Brother Jiang Xiao! Brother! What are you doing! This is not poison, ah! It's stuck too deep! Pull it out, pull it out quickly!"

Jiang Xiao kicked him to the ground and stared at the person who was trying to murder him with a vigilant expression.

As soon as the doctor went out, he heard the little nurse's scream and ran back immediately. He thought there was some medical accident.

"Where? Where! What did you pull out? Xiaoqin, did the needle stick in the wrong place again? Did it stick on the patient's numbness again!"

"No, it's not. Doctor, look at him!"

The little nurse pointed at the needle on her thigh and complained about Jiang Xiao's bad behavior.


After listening to what Xiaoqin said, Dr. Qin nodded thoughtfully.

He secretly thought that Brother Rich might have some kind of mental illness in his head.

Isn't this just pure persecutory paranoia?

"Brother Jiang Xiao, it's just a drop of water. It's not poison. Don't be so nervous."

"Fart! You just want to drink water. What do you mean by trying to prick me with a needle?"


What can I use to lift water without needing needle pricking?

Oral glucose?

This does not seem to be a persecutory delusion, or rather, it is not a pure persecution delusion.

The nurse and the doctor looked at each other and nodded with serious expressions.

The sponsor's behavior seems to be the behavior of a mentally ill person?


Although they are slightly involved in mental illness, they are not professionally qualified.

It’s impossible to really send it to the hospital next door, right?

Will the sponsor’s Marxism-Leninism still make money?

In the end, it was the doctor who took action and patiently explained the reason for the infusion to Jiang Xiao in detail.

Finally, he pointed at the unlucky little nurse as an example.

"Nuo, look, hasn't Xiaoqin been stabbed by you? If it was poisonous, she would have died by now?"


Jiang Xiao looked at the little nurse carefully with intelligent eyes.

When the latter happened, his face was full of grievances, and he felt relieved.

"Okay, then you can do it, but I have one more request."

"Please tell me."

The doctor's attitude is great. After all, rich people are respected everywhere.

Even if this rich man is very likely to be mentally ill.

"I can lift it if I want, but I have to find someone to help me try it first."

Try hanging?

What new term is this?

"Don't understand? Then I guess your brain is not much smarter than Patrick's."

Then, Jiang Xiao elaborated with the doctor what the hanging test meant.

That’s it, that’s what it means. You should have told me earlier.


Isn’t this riding on a horse wrong?

Which serious hospital still has the business of [trying to lift]?

It's poisonous. The breakfast restaurant I ate at today is definitely poisonous. After eating, my hands were shaking and I was feeling flustered.

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