Try hanging.

As the name suggests.

Before losing this water to Jiang Xiao, he had to find someone to try it to see if it was poisonous.

After all, the sponsor is rich, and the main thing is just in case.

This requirement may seem very reasonable at first glance.

But after a closer look, you will know that it is nothing!

Don't want to die? How many latent infectious diseases are spread through blood?

"Definitely! The main thing of our Wuliang Hospital is not to waste anything. Xiaoqin, hurry up! Get it tied up by Brother Jiang Xiao quickly!"

I don’t care what I say in the future for now.

Anyway, isn’t there a ready-made glucose solution that has been tested?

The little nurse came over with a cry on her face and stabbed Jiang Xiao again, finally solving this problem.

Hanging water is so annoying

By the way, you won’t have to let yourself [try hanging] every time in the future, right?

Jiang Xiao's side has just been tied up.

The door to the ward was pushed open again, and Dr. Qin Shou pushed a female patient to the bed next to Jiang Xiao.

"No, it just so happens that the patient in this bed just left last night, and there happened to be one free."

"Oh, then I'm really lucky. I hope I can benefit from a patient and be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible."


how to say.

The previous person's "walk" may be different from the older girl's inner understanding of "walk".

But if she is willing to understand this, it is not impossible.

"Miss, are you alone? What a coincidence, I am also here to fetch water alone today. Looking at it this way, we are really destined."

"Who is this"

Miss Big Wave looked at Jiang Xiao, the naive patient next door, with a puzzled look.

Before the doctor could speak, Jiang Xiao volunteered to introduce himself.

"Hello! My name is Nohara Shinnosuke. I am 5 years old this year! I am currently unmarried. I am currently studying in the Himawari Class at Futaba Kindergarten. I am also the captain of the Kasukabe Defense Team. Miss, do you want to go for a ride with me on my tricycle?"

Big waves:

The doctor smiled awkwardly and quickly tried to smooth things over.

"Oh, he, he lost his brain because of the fall. You two will have to stay in the hospital ward in the next few days."

"Goose box, goose box~"

Jiang Xiao smiled crazily and scratched the back of his head.

"How can I be embarrassed to live together so soon? Is our relationship progressing too fast? By the way, beautiful big sister, do you also like to eat green peppers?"

Yang Tao was a little confused, the other party's enthusiasm overflowed, and she couldn't hold it in for a while.

"Uh, no, I don't like green peppers."

"Then we are really a couple with a tacit understanding. I won't eat it either!"

Star fruit:? ? ?

what's the situation?

Could it be that this guy has watched too many pornographic movies from the island country?

Da Lang looked at Dr. Qin Shou with helpless eyes, and the latter could only shrug helplessly.

"You have also seen that except for ward four, you can only choose ward nine. It is your choice."

Star Tao's face darkened.

Are all the patients in this hospital so abstract?

The person in Ward No. 9 in front of me looks like a lunatic with some mental problems.

But as for No. 4, the little boy seems to be even more difficult to get along with.

"It's okay, Ms. Yang Tao, please rest assured. Although Brother Jiang Xiao has a bit of an out-of-touch personality, he is still a very good person."

Is this called character [somewhat out of touch]?

What a high emotional intelligence explanation.

Helpless, Yang Tao could only choose to live in the bed next door to Jiang Xiao.

Nurse Xiaoqin looked confusedly between her body and the star fruit.


How am I worse than her?

Why has Brother Fu never looked at himself when he faced him?

In addition to having a better figure than me, her skin is fairer and softer than yours, her breasts are a little bigger, her butt is a little more upturned, her legs are a little longer than yours, and her voice is a little more charming than yours.

How could she compare to herself?

Nurse Xiaoqin may not have any feelings for this female patient.

But Long Guo’s live broadcast room exploded.

There is no other reason.

Many men who hang out in bathing centers all year round are familiar with the unique temperament of this star fruit.

[Hello everyone, I am a Cadillac owner, and I have something I don’t know whether to say or not. 】

[The smell of star fruit is so authentic! Wash your feet properly, old girl! 】

[Technician No. 8, are you Technician No. 8? 】

[Isn’t it? Can a foot-washing girl be as good-looking as her? 】

Some people raised doubts, but others quickly refuted him.

【What year is it now? Why don't you go out and take a few more steps if you're not sick? Those with good looks are no worse than female celebrities! 】

[The appearance of this star fruit is really hard to choose, the vulgarity is just right~]

【Um? 】

[It means that you can see that she is a mortal woman, but it also gives you a pure aura without makeup. 】

【ah? 】

[You still don’t understand, do you? Well, it actually means a foot-washing woman who is very beautiful even without makeup. 】


[I know you are bullying people like us who have never been there, but next time please just say the last sentence. What kind of bullshit are you talking about? 】

【Really beautiful! 】

【is not that right? Open your carbon alloy dog ​​eyes and take a good look. With such a small figure and good looks, Star Tao is just a high-end version of Sanji Ayaka! Shet! Jiang Shen is so blessed! 】

Sanji Ayaka!

A word that wakes up the dreamer!

Like, it’s so similar!

No wonder Xiaoxin's personality, which has always been weak, directly outshines others and monopolizes Jiang Xiao's brain high ground.

It turns out that Nohara Shinnosuke is no good, he just didn’t trigger the body mechanism!

Yang Tao, who was really annoyed by the verbal harassment, could only interrupt Jiang Xiao.

"No, why do you talk so closely? Can't you stop and take a break? I'm sick now and don't have the energy to chat. If you want to chat, wait until I get better? OK?"

"Hmm~" Jiang Xiao nodded: "As long as you take good care of it, the water sickness will be cured, right?"

"Yes, but please stop saying a few words now. Sister, I want to rest."

After saying that, she turned sideways, not wanting to talk to this retarded love-minded boy.

Jiang Xiao, on the other hand, was staring at the woman's bottle.

After all, the nurse just said that you must always pay attention to the medicine in the suspension bottle.

Once the drip is finished and is not pulled out in time, blood may backflow, and if air enters, it may even directly endanger life.

"Go to sleep peacefully, I will take care of the potion for you!"

Hearing Jiang Xiao, a fool, help him look after the water, Yang Tao was so happy that he squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

. . .

"five four three two one!"

Finally dropped the last drop!

Jiang Xiao directly pressed the call button.

"Witter, come here! The water is out!"

Xiaoqin immediately ran over from the duty room in a hurry and planned to pull out the needle inserted in Carambola's arm.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiao stopped her directly.

"Wetter, take two more bottles of glucose and give them to the lady in the bed next to you. Get a big bottle like mine. By the way, remember to add ice. She just said she likes to drink ice."

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