
Xiaoqin's meaningless words confused everyone.

what's the situation?

How do you know the murderer?

As soon as Xiaoqin finished speaking, Dr. Qin Shou also reacted and rushed to the kitchen first.

When he saw the food placed on the stove, he immediately showed a look of understanding.

"I see."

Seeing the startled look of the medical staff, everyone followed them into the canteen.

I saw a pan on the stove with some uneaten eggs in it.

There seems to be other substances inside the eggs, but because of the heating, it is no longer possible to tell what this substance is.

"Xiao Qin? Where are your sugar cubes? Do you still have them?"

Faced with the doctor's three consecutive questions, Xiaoqin could only shake her head helplessly, indicating that the chef had to leave.

"Tell me, you two, why are you so surprised?"

Qin Shou touched his chin and carefully added the eggs to a vacuum bag.

"Huh? If Jiang Xiao didn't kill the person, then maybe there is an explanation."

"Eggs + saccharin."

Eating these two foods together can be fatal under certain conditions.

Although the most important physical evidence [sugar cube] is now lost, it is impossible to determine whether the sugar cube is composed of saccharin.

But it is enough to test whether the fatal cause of the chef and the dean's wife was food poisoning.

Moreover, the eggs in the pan can also be used as physical evidence, and the unknown substance can also be detected. Qin Shou feels that it is most likely saccharin.


The bald chef's physical fitness is certainly not good enough, and there is a high probability that this kind of food poisoning will not kill him.


What if the bald man himself was seriously injured or even dying?

As for this silly thing, why do you put eggs and sugar cubes together?

Everyone had a vague guess in their minds.

When a person is exhausted, the best supplement is sugar water and salt water.

Think of the day-to-day lives of the chef and the dean’s wife.

Well, the bald chef has probably already lost his temper.

And when a person wants to replenish his body, the best supplement is actually eggs.

An egg contains far more nutrients than bird's nest and other fancy things.


So, this is the case solved?

The cause of death of this adulterer and adulterous couple was a coincidence of food poisoning?

But the masses are still discerning, and some patients are now raising questions.

"Uh, but what happened to the chef's injuries?"

"I don't read much, so I reluctantly accept that saccharine and eggs killed him, but you can't say that eating eggs will leave a person covered in scars, right?"

"More than that? If they weren't seriously injured, how could a mere food poisoning kill them? You have to know that this is a hospital. As long as they have the strength to make a phone call, someone will come to the rescue right away. "


"It's like this, because I discovered the adultery between the bald chef and the dean's wife, and I felt dissatisfied, so I fought with the bald head a few times." Jiang Xiao couldn't stand it and was very angry!

Seeing that the suspicion was about to be cleared, Yang Tao became more energetic and immediately followed.

"Yes, yes, we just beat him up. This can be called a brave act of justice. It even made an outstanding contribution to the city's anti-pornography work!"


"But, isn't it a bit too coincidental?"

"It just happened that Xiaoqin brought a sugar cube, which happened to be saccharin. It happened that the chef and the dean's wife had eaten eggs, and it happened that they were beaten up today? Isn't it a coincidence?"

All of the above, even if one of them is avoided, the two of them will not die.

But that’s the truth~

But things are far from over.

Because no matter what, Xiaoqin can be regarded as sharing a small amount of responsibility.

Jiang Xiao and the chef could not escape the charge of fighting each other.

It's just that one of the two dead people was the dean's nephew, and the other was the dean's wife.

As the only direct relative of the two victims, the dean was still in a coma, so Qin Shou did not choose to call the police immediately.

The afternoon of the second day of three days.


6:35 p.m.


Dean's private office.

Character status:

Madam Dean【Dead】

Bald Chef【Dead】

Jiang Xiao【Fearless Buff】

Carambola [Hesitation debuff]

Nurse Xiaoqin [Panic debuff]

Dean Murao [Absence of Mind debuff]

Dr. Qin Shou [in a happy mood]


After a long time, the dean sighed deeply.

"Rourer and I have no elders or younger children, and Chang's parents are both dead."

It can be said that Niu Genchang and Zhao Rou are the two closest people to Dean Niu Wuliang in this world.

Now that something like this happens, the most uncomfortable person is the dean himself.

Call the police?

To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing. If this spreads out, Niu Wuliang will stop messing around.

Not calling the police?

It would be a bit unfair for them both to die.

"Oh, I have made money all my life, but in the end I was cuckolded by my closest nephew and favorite wife. Now that I think about it, who did the money I saved in all these years go to?"

The money you saved?

Nurse Xiaoqin and Doctor Qin Shou suppressed the urge to scold him.

Save some money!

All of your money was derived from squeezing our living costs, which is a waste of conscience!

Seeing the dean's inner struggle, Jiang Xiao generously stepped forward and patted his arm.

"Oh, don't cry. One of them cheated on you, and the other cheated on you too. If you die, you won't lose."


Are you so comforting?

Although, after these two people died, apart from being sad, the dean felt a little bit of relief in his heart, quite happy?

The adulterer and adulterer deserve to die!

Seeing the dean's intention, Jiang Xiao continued to comfort him.

"Think about it, if they hadn't died, wouldn't you be feeling more uncomfortable now?"

"Regardless of family ties and love, and completely break up with them? Wouldn't that make you even more pitiful?"

"Or choose to forgive them? Then wouldn't you become a modern textbook character who is like a sheep, riding a thousand miles alone?"

"I think you are the head of the house, and you don't want to be the busiest person in the circus or the king of poker, right?"

Niu Wuliang's brows couldn't help but jump.

Clown boiling sheep?

No, he doesn’t want to be this kind of person!

"There is a saying in Taoism that there is a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is not good. They both died today due to various coincidences. It may not be God's retribution for them."

"Let me tell you, not only should you not call the police, but you should also thank us for our generous intervention!"

Dean:? ? ?

Studio:? ? ?

You indirectly killed their last two relatives in this world, and now you actually want them to thank you?


Niu Wuliang stood up suddenly.

"They are my relatives! Niu Genchang is my brother's only bloodline left in the world, and Zhao Rou is also my only wife. Now they have both died indirectly at your hands, how can you let things go so easily?!"

The dean's eyes were red, thinking of the previous scene of the three of them having fun together, and he couldn't help but feel sad for a moment.

"Uh, how about I pay you some mental damages?"

Jiang Xiao asked tentatively.

The other three people in the room immediately sat up straight. Is Brother Fu going to show off his multi-talented side again?

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