"Mental damages?" The dean was stunned.

"What? You don't want it?"

The dean sneered twice and glanced at Jiang Xiao as he looked at a countryman.

Tsk, the total cost of the whole body is probably less than 300 yuan, yet you still have to put on a rich tone.

That’s what we said.

Who is a rich person who can live in this small Wuliang hospital located in the suburbs?

"How much money can you have, kid?"

"Everyone else is paying 51,000 yuan, look at this." Jiang Xiao didn't know how much to give, after all, he had never had this kind of experience.

"Ten thousand?"

Niu Wuliang's face darkened.

"What do you mean, everyone else is paying 51,000 yuan? Have you ever seen anyone pay 10,000 yuan when someone dies? Let me tell you, this is not about money at all!"

"Ahem, dean, we are just asking, is it possible that what they are talking about is the golden ticket?" Qin Shou reminded carefully from behind the dean.

"Golden ticket? With a golden ticket, you can do whatever you want? It's great to have money, right? They are my beloved relatives and friends, brothers and sisters!"

Seeing Qin Shou and Xiaoqin looking at him with strange eyes, the dean softened his tone and said, "Well, was my voice too loud just now?"

"No, no, Dean, you have a high moral integrity, love and justice, regard money as dirt, and don't care about such yellow and white things in the world. It's really shameful for us!"

The dean was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that he had just pretended to be too much. He just wanted to raise his stakes.

"Actually, what the heck, actually I'm not a person who doesn't care about yellow and white things at all."


If you want to ride a horse, just say so. Do you have to pretend to do it all at once? The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Xiaoqin and Qin Shou know Brother Fu, who is rich, but their emotional intelligence is really not high, and they definitely can't understand the dean's little intention of wanting money now.

that's the truth.

Jiang Xiao was a little confused. The dean just said that this was not about money at all, and now he said he cares about money, so does he want it or not?

"Well, this is not about money." The dean raised his face and said solemnly: "But after all, I am the only relative left in the world by my two relatives."

"So I must not let hatred blind me for the rest of my life. I must live well. Of course, I am not living for myself. I am living with the beliefs of my lover and my nephew."

"Well, but how can we live well?" The dean gave Qin Shou a look that made you understand.

Qin Shou, who has high emotional intelligence, immediately took over the conversation.

"Money, of course, is money. Although money cannot bring two people back to life, it can make our dean live happily and let go of the hatred in his heart."

Qin Shou deliberately emphasized the word "put down".

The implication is that if you spend money, the dean will not call the police or anything like that.

"Oh." Jiang Xiao scratched his head and said, "It turns out that you still want money after doing this for a long time."

The dean's face darkened, how could you speak so frankly?

Just when he was about to argue, no, just when he was about to argue, he was blocked by the golden ticket that Jiang Xiao took out.

"Although the person's death has nothing to do with me, I have the slightest responsibility for this matter. I will give you 50,000, is that enough?"

In the office, you can hear a pin drop.

Fifty thousand words

Xiaoqin became wet on the spot.

She would never be able to save this amount in a lifetime!

The dean also began to swallow his saliva subconsciously.

How many illegal drugs and expired water do you have to sell to earn so much?

"Brother, what's that? I admit that my dog ​​barked a little loud just now. Don't take it to heart."

A man who can bend and stretch is a man!

At the same time, looking at Jiang Xiao, who was not very smart, Niu Wuliang's pupils flickered with an inexplicable light.

"Hahaha, it's been resolved satisfactorily. In that case, you two please go back and rest. You're tired, you're tired!"

Jiang Xiao wanted to ask something else, but unexpectedly this person, Dr. Qin Shou, had already issued an eviction order.

The tense Yang Tao immediately pulled Jiang Xiao out of the dean's office as if he had received an amnesty.

"What's wrong? Even though the problem has been solved, you still look depressed? Fifty thousand, is just water for you, right?"

At this time, Jiang Xiao was sitting on the hospital bed, and Yang Tao was kneeling behind him, massaging and asking.

"The money is nothing, just a few pieces like this? It's nothing."

How many?

If you put it like that, it’s really not many, only five, but the denominations of these five are golden tickets worth 10,000 yuan!

Yang Tao stuck out his tongue, how rich this rich man must be.

"Money is not a problem, but I think the problem has not been solved yet."

"It seems that the deaths of Niu Genchang and Zhao Rou were indeed caused by a series of unexpected reasons, but is it really that simple?"

Yang Tao tricked the ants into climbing the tree, so that Jiang Xiao barely managed to scream.

"Oh, stop the conspiracy theories. The surveillance and facts are all in front of us, and the cause of death of both of them has been found. It is indeed food poisoning. Please stop thinking about it."

Jiang Xiao didn't speak. Unfortunately, he was too stupid. Even though his intuition told him that things shouldn't be that simple, he couldn't find any logical loopholes.

"Still unhappy?"

"Well, it's hard to be happy."

Jiang Xiao doesn't like this sense of unknown. In comparison, he prefers to be the [sense of unknown] for others.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm very experienced in dealing with depressed men. I'm not bragging about it as my sister. People who know me well on the road will affectionately call me their life mentor."


Jiang Xiao glanced at her in surprise. Is this woman who seems to be full of dust and dirt a psychological expert or an emotional guru?

Doesn’t his face look like a life mentor?

Um? ! !

Including Jiang Xiao, all the men and women in the live broadcast room had their eyes widened.

What a great life coach!

That's what you said about the guide, right? !

Jiang Xiao screamed and immediately stopped Yang Tao's bold behavior. It was too bold!


Seeing the panicked Jiang Xiao, Yang Tao showed a proud smile on his face.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect you to be sweaty, brother~"

Facing the wild attack in front of him, Jiang Xiao gritted his teeth and refused to obey!

Mad, there are so many people watching in the live broadcast room.

He doesn’t have the habit of broadcasting live!

To put it another way, it’s just a performance.

Then the whole big show password room, or paid live broadcast room or something!

Is there any reason to be prostituted for nothing?

"No! Tao, we have only known each other for a day, right? It's too hasty. It's really too hasty. If others find out, won't it ruin your reputation?"


Yang Tao blinked her big eyes, she didn't have Qing Yu, but she could pinch Qing Yu Feng.

"It's okay, it's okay, they can't find it, because I'm always steady in my work, and I don't say anything."

Everyone:? ? ?

God beats no one and makes no sound?

What kind of fight are you?

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