He didn't expect that Youzhou, far away in the north, could actually see such a prosperous and thriving scene.

Liu Zhe did not reveal his identity when traveling, and usually eats and lives in ordinary inns and restaurants. Lü Bu and they could accidentally see the Youzhou army on vacation, and they were very popular among the people.

Lü Bu even saw an aunt who sold vegetables and knew that it was a Youzhou soldier who bought vegetables, and she said that she would not accept the soldier's money, and the soldier said that she did not dare to ask for anything for free.

Lü Bu also encountered such a situation many times, so that they understood what status the Youzhou soldiers had among the people of Youzhou.

Lü Bu and the others were very envious of those soldiers in Youzhou, seeing that they were very popular among the people, and once upon a time this was what they wanted to do.

Gradually, the resentment in the hearts of Hou Cheng and Cao Zhi gradually decreased, and everyone no longer resisted being sent to guard outside Serbia.

"How can it really make sense, you guys are endless?"

At night, Lü Bu was furious with Hou Cheng, Cao Li and the others who had gathered.

Lü Bu scolded them angrily and said, "At the beginning, you asked me to help you find the lord and ask for an explanation, but now you say it's okay, I originally helped you because everyone was colleagues, but now it's good, so that I am not a person inside and out." "

"Tell you, now everyone is colleagues, I am no longer your superior, don't come to me if there is something in the future, go directly to the lord, now you have to say this matter to the lord yourself."

Lü Bu can see much more clearly than these people, Liu Zhe usually looks harmless to humans and animals, but what he saw and heard along the way, Lü Bu understood where this is where harmless people can do it, this is called a big thing without informalities.

It's good that this kind of person is completely loyal, don't make small moves below, he will naturally not target you.

Lü Bu was punished by Liu Zhe a few days ago and stood outside the county, and Lü Bu decided in his heart that he would never be mixed with Cao Houcheng and these people again.

What about everyone who used to be colleagues? Now that the lord has changed, he naturally has to think more about himself. Moreover, Lü Bu also heard that Liu Zhe's subordinates also had a large number of subordinates with superb martial arts, and these people were all in high positions in Youzhou and were deeply trusted by Liu Zhe. Lü Bu thought that his martial arts were no weaker than theirs, and he felt that he could also achieve that step.

Seeing Hou Cheng's back as they left, Lü Bu suddenly envied Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, these two guys were so shrewd, they were involved in this matter at the beginning, and now they seem to be looked up to in the mind of the lord. As for Hou Cheng, Cao Sex and the others, they were scolded by Lu Bu so much that they did not dare to answer, and they all expressed their chagrin!

The night passed quickly, and the next day they went back on the road, Liu Zhe took Lü Bu and they continued north, this time, Liu Zhe seemed to no longer swallow slowly, but accelerated, there was nothing special, they rarely stopped on the road to inspect, just like that, after more than ten days, they finally came to the northernmost city in Youzhou.

White sandalwood!

This is the northernmost city in Youzhou, far outside the Great Wall. Set up by Emperor Wu of Han, the people of Enquan Wuhuan set up Wuhuan school guards here, but unfortunately with the passage of time, this place once became the territory of Wuhuan people, and Wuhuan school guards were also useless.

Even Youzhou officials do not recognize that this is a city in Youzhou.

After Liu Zhe became the pastor of Youzhou, he looked at the map, and there was actually a city here that was his own territory, of course, Liu Zhe would not cheapen those foreign races in vain, and then sent troops to retake this place and return it to the jurisdiction of Youzhou. And Liu Zhe's behavior naturally caused the dissatisfaction of the alien race, so more than a year ago, the allied army with the foreign race fought a lot here, annihilating more than 300,000 people of the foreign race.

Thus holding the White Tan City tightly in his hands, and Liu Zhe's prestige has spread far and wide to the grassland, making other foreign tribes famous and shocking, and no one dares to invade here again.

In the past three years, Liu Zhe's forces have continuously infiltrated the grassland, and the territory he occupies has been garrisoned by troops and firmly in his hands.

Shanggu, Baitan, Pinggang, Liucheng and these cities served as the front line of infiltration, and Liu Zhe devoted a lot of effort to them.

Take Bai Tan, for example, there have always been 50,000 troops stationed, the city wall has been constantly strengthened, and many Youzhou craftsmen have been sent here to build the city. There were at least 50,000 prisoners in the labor camp here, and 50,000 prisoners were constantly being built day and night, and Bai Tan had already been unrecognizable.

It has become a trading and exchange center for nearby foreign tribes, and the floating population once reached more than 100,000, and the population living in Baitan has reached 60,000 or 70,000, which is still the result of strict control, if not strictly controlled, hundreds of thousands of people are possible.

The newly defected Lü Bu and the others were all stunned by the prosperity of White Tan City. The endless sea of people, and the expanding city wall made them think that they had returned to the great city of the Central Plains.

There are many people here, both Han and foreign Hu people, and there are all kinds of people, some rushing to gather, some buying and selling, and even people who come to see the scenery.

Lü Bu's heart was shocked, and the prosperity of Bai Tan was even more prosperous than some cities in Youzhou. Here, the Hu people and Han people are at peace with each other, the trade is fair, and no one dares to take chances. There are no Han people bullying Hu people, and no Hu people bullying Han people, everyone seems to get along happily!

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