"Is this really White Tan City?" Lv Bu asked Xu Shu in a low voice.

Bai Tan's prosperity once made Lü Bu wonder where he was.

"Of course, or where do you think it is?" Xu Shu was not surprised by the surprise of Lü Bu and these people. In fact, when the white sandalwood prospered, they did not believe it when they had not seen it with their own eyes.

"This, this..." Lu Bu didn't know what to say anymore.

"Lord, it's really not human." Lu Bu could only sigh like this in the end.

"That's right, you haven't seen the heroism of the Lord with your own eyes, so naturally you don't know anything about the Lord." Xu Shu nodded in agreement with Lu Bu's words.

Bai Tan can be as prosperous as it is today, which is the reason why Liu Zhe vigorously promotes business.

Liu Zhe once told Xu Shu and his staff that only by promoting commerce and trading with the people on the grassland could they win the hearts of the people on the grassland, and everyone was suspicious of Liu Zhe's words at that time, but later proved that Liu Zhe's approach was right.

Now that there are fewer disputes on the grassland, many tribes have gathered here, and they have even begun to support Liu Zhe, and many people have moved to Youzhou to become part of Youzhou.

If commercial buying and selling is a gentle policy for the steppe people, then the military is a big stick to the steppe people, whoever disobeys and dares to provoke them will be killed without giving them any chance.

Zhang Liao had doubts in his heart at the moment, and couldn't help but ask: "Since the Lord has made this achievement, why don't the people in the world know about it?" "

Zhang Liao, he lived in Hezhou and was isolated in Youzhou, but he didn't know these things.

Xu Shu thought for a while and said, "The emperor still knows these things, but I don't know why, the emperor didn't let the people of the world know. Later, after the emperor made the lord a lieutenant, I understood. "

It turned out that Liu Hong suppressed Liu Zhe's achievements, and later asked his heir to register and then reward Liu Zhe, so that he could win over Liu Zhe and gain Liu Zhe's loyalty.

"However, even so, there are many alien races in the prefecture, why can't we know from them?" Gao Shun also asked out loud!

Gao Shun was silent along the way, and now even he couldn't help but ask out loud, which shows how big the impact on them is!

At this moment, Liu Zhe, who was walking in front, suddenly looked back at Gao Shun and smiled: "I'll let someone tell you this question." "

Liu Zhe then asked Dian Wei to bring a Han man casually and asked him to answer Gao Shun's question.

There was no fear on the face of the Han who brought him, even if Dian Wei looked very vicious, but in Bai Tan he had seen more vicious Hu people, and he was not afraid of them. Because he knew that no one dared to mess around here in White Tan City, and whoever dared to mess around, then what greeted him was death.

The Han man saluted Liu Zhe and then said, "Guys, this question is actually very simple. Liu Yanhou of Youzhou is the only Hou Ye in the Great Han who does not discriminate against foreign races, and naturally, foreign races do not want him to leave Youzhou. Coupled with the fact that Hu people are also allowed to buy and sell freely in places like Baitan City, they naturally do not want our emperor to know about this place, lest the emperor order the closure of this place. "

After listening to this person's words, Gao Shun finally knew why they rarely heard about these things from the Hu people of Hezhou, it turned out that they were afraid that the emperor of the Central Plains would know about it, and they were afraid that the emperor would not allow Liu Zhe to do this.

Liu Zhe smiled slightly, "Even if the emperor knows, I will make sure that this place opens." "

Hearing Liu Zhe's words, the Han man was stunned for a moment, turned to great joy, and quickly asked in surprise: "Could it be that you are Liu Yanhou?" "

This Han man was about to kneel after speaking, but he was pulled by Liu Zhe and said to him with a smile: "Don't be loud!" I don't want too many people to know I'm here! "

The Han people were so excited that they promised not to say it, and then left excitedly!

For the city of Baitan, every month can bring back countless resources to Youzhou, gold, gems, furs, meat, war horses, etc., and the specialties of the grassland are available. Such a golden city, the emperor called to close, and Liu Zhe did not intend to listen to him. Closed, the lost money was enough to make Liu Zhe feel distressed and want to cross again.

After Liu Zhe took Lü Bu and the others to visit outside for a while, Yan Rou, who got the news, hurriedly brought people to greet him.

"See Lord." Yan Rou took Bai Tan to salute Liu Zhe.

"Let's go inside." Liu Zhe saw that his group had attracted the attention of the people around him, waved his hand, and asked Yan Rou to lead them into the city.

Yan Rou, commander 78, force 51, intelligence 71, politics 75, charisma 79.

Yan Rou was recommended to Liu Zhe by Guan Yu, and although his attributes were not outstanding, he was better than average, and he knew the foreign races outside Serbia very well, so Liu Zhe appointed him as a captain of Wuhuan to garrison Baitan, becoming the highest commander of Baitan and handling Baitan's affairs.

In the past few years, the four cities outside Baitan City have developed the best, which is inseparable from Yan Rou's credit.

However, what Liu Zhe didn't know was that as soon as their group arrived in Bai Tan, a pair of eyes stared at them, and when they saw Yan Rou, the supreme person in charge of Bai Tan, bringing people to greet Liu Zhe, those eyes suddenly lit up.

After Liu Zhe and them entered Baitan City, a light horse left from Baitan and quickly rushed into the distance!

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