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Liu Zhe only knew that the drama summoning banquet went to the city early in the morning to recruit displaced people, and how many people did not tell him that after seeing the black pressure suppressing the crowd, Liu Zhe was shocked, he felt that there were at least two or three hundred people in so many people.

"Sir, there are two hundred and seventy-twenty people in total, many of them are people from my hometown, loyal and trustworthy." The playful summoner said.

In view of the fact that some of the displaced people recruited before saw the wealth and seduced the thieves, the drama summoning table made great efforts this time and selected this group of displaced people who were safe and guarded.

Liu Zhe did not speak, it was the first time he saw so many displaced people, and his heart was greatly shocked.

Many of these displaced people are dressed in rags, with sackcloth on their faces, low spirits, and no brilliance in their eyes, and seem to have lost hope in the world. Many people are skinny and skinny.

They are not so much displaced people as they are a group of beggars, because of the disaster in their hometowns, many of them are migrants as families, leaving their hometowns, hoping to survive outside. Liu Zhe saw that many people were dragging their families with them, there were many children, the very young ones were held and carried, and the older ones followed their parents.

"Sir, if you think there are too many, you can choose some, you don't have to leave them all." Seeing that Liu Zhe did not speak, he thought that Liu Zhe felt that it was difficult to deal with too many people. In fact, Xi Zhaoxi also knew that he was going too far, but he really couldn't watch his fellow villagers suffer, so he simply brought them to Liu Zhe to choose.

"Take them, Elder Xiao, you must arrange them properly." Liu Zhe suddenly spoke, these people, Liu Zhe felt that something needed to be done for them. Raising a displaced person for thirty dollars a month, these people also cost Liu Zhe about one hundred gold a month for the simplest food and drink, but Liu Zhe felt that it didn't matter, and the money could be earned again. These people drove away one, and Liu Zhe's conscience could not get by.

"Thank you, sir." He thanked Liu Zhe for his fellow villagers, and then said loudly to the displaced people, "Quickly thank the master for taking you in." "

"Thank you for taking you in." The displaced people knelt down to thank Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe hurriedly jumped away, refusing to accept the kneeling of these displaced people, he said: "Let's all get up, the rules for coming here are very simple, you are not allowed to kneel down casually, you all listen to the arrangements of the housekeeper." "

After Liu Zhe finished speaking, he handed the matter over to the summoning table and ran away with a puff of smoke, he really didn't want to be bowed down by the displaced people. It's like he doesn't want to bow down at the theater.

It was not until noon that the banquet temporarily settled the displaced people, first giving them a meal, and then distributing tools for them to cut wood and build houses. Although Liu Zhe's Zhuangzi is big, it is impossible to live almost three hundred people.

After the displaced people finished eating, they were very energetic, and according to the summoning table, this was equivalent to their new home, the owner was Liu Zhe, the fields were distributed to them according to the heads, and before the next grain harvest, they ate all the grain provided by Liu Zhe. And only a small part of the rent is paid, and the rest goes to them.

At first, such good conditions alarmed the displaced people, because there had not been such a good owner in the world, and the displaced people even wondered for a while whether they had been deceived, but under the repeated guarantees of the summoning table and a bowl of white flowered rice, they believed it. After eating, there was no need to call Xi to talk more, they took the initiative to start working, tidying up their own world, cutting wood to build houses, and so on.

In the afternoon, Liu Zhe squatted at the door, watching the fiery work of the displaced people in the distance, and the more he looked at it, the more happy he became, not only happy that he could have so many tenants, but also happy that he could do something for these displaced people.

Originally, he couldn't stay idle and wanted to help, but as soon as he appeared, the displaced people knelt down to thank him, and resolutely forbade Liu Zhe to help, in their words, they had already eaten Liu Zhe's food and could no longer cause trouble to Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe had no choice but to return home, bored in a daze.

Recently, he has nothing to do, the matter of brewing wine, has added three rooms for brewing wine, and how to make wine in the church drama calling table, who knows that after the church drama summoning banquet, the drama summoning table itself is all inclusive, not letting Liu Zhe interfere too much. The reason for summoning the table is very reasonable, Liu Zhe is a master, and he can't do these rough jobs.

So Liu Zhe was already bored enough to watch the lively at the door. Just when Liu Zhe was bored watching, Guan Yu brought two people to find him.

"Sir, I think you should meet these two people."

"What's going on?" Liu Zhe stood up, very interested, he was moldy and had nothing to do.

"The two of them are good." Guan Yu said to Liu Zhe.

It turned out that Guan Yu and Dian Wei were arrested by the summoning table to be Zhuangding and help the displaced people work, so they knew that these two people's skills were okay, so they planned to introduce them to Liu Zhe!

"Good skills?"

Liu Zhe's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

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