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Hearing Guan Yu say that the two people he brought were good, Liu Zhe's eyes immediately lit up.

Who is Guan Yu? People who can make him say that they are good are definitely talents.

Liu Zhe smiled and asked, "Have the two brothers eaten?" "

"I've seen the sir." The two people brought by Guan Yu looked somewhat similar, one grade was about forty years old, the other was younger, estimated to be in his twenties, and the two saluted Liu Zhe solemnly.

"You don't need to be so polite here." Liu Zhe stopped and said that he was very uncomfortable with the red tape of ancient times from later generations.

"Sir, his name is Zang Jing, this is his son Zang Ba, when I was helping, after trying it with them, I found that their hands and feet were good." Guan Yu said that he found that the two people were okay, so he recommended them to Liu Zhe.

"Practiced before?" Liu Zhe asked curiously.

"Back to the master, I have practiced a little fist and foot kung fu." Zang Ji replied.

"How did you become a displaced?" Liu Zhe is curious, he knows martial arts, shouldn't he be so bad?

As soon as Liu Zhe's words came out, the faces of the two father and son of the Tibetan ring were a little ugly, obviously there was something difficult to say.

"Oh, I'm sorry, count me abrupt." Liu Zhe waved his hand and said that he was abrupt, he was just curious just now, and did not plan to seriously pursue it, everyone should have their own privacy.

However, what Liu Zhe didn't expect was that his attitude made Zang Jing's father and son deeply moved, but because the matter was too important, Zang Jie opened his mouth, and finally did not say it.

However, Liu Zhe looked at the increase in loyalty above their heads and knew that the two of them were definitely not those who had malicious intentions!

"Since you know kung fu, are you willing to come to the nursing home?" Liu Zhe asked.

Now there are only two people in the nursing home, Dian Wei and Guan Yu, knowing that this is the Three Kingdoms era, Liu Zhe has been thinking about how to recruit more people, but he has never met the right person, so he gave up. Now that he meets the right person, Liu Zhe will of course make a move.

The two Tibetan tyrants showed excited expressions, and they learned from the first group of displaced people that the best errand here was to be a person in Liu Zhe Zhuangzi. They can't be housekeepers, but nursing homes can still be. A salary of 100 yuan a month (after Liu Zhe sold alcohol, he raised the salary of the next person), and there was wine and meat at every meal, which was simply a dream life.

I don't know how many displaced people want to enter Liu Zhe Zhuangzi as a subordinate. Especially the displaced people who have daughters hope that their daughter can become Liu Zhe's maid, or even a concubine, but Liu Zhe has not been recruited.

"We do." After Zang Ring and Zang Ba glanced at each other, they replied without hesitation.

"Uh-huh, good." Liu Zhe nodded in satisfaction!

Although the current loyalty of the two is not high, only +60, Liu Zhe does not care at all!

As for testing something, Liu Zhe doesn't need it anymore, Guan Yu has already tested them, and brother has a system cover! Loyalty above your head can't fool people!

"You go to the theater butler and let him arrange your accommodation." Liu Zhe asked them to find a summoning table.

"Sir." However, before they left, Zang Jie called out to Liu Zhe, "Actually, there is something my subordinate has to tell you. "

"What's going on?"

"Actually," Zang Jie gritted his teeth, glanced at Guan Yu, then at Liu Zhe, and finally made up his mind and said, "We have committed crimes before. "


"I committed a crime before, I was arrested by the government, and my son gathered a group of people to rescue me. In order to avoid being pursued by the government, our two fathers and sons pretended to be homeless people and wandered around. Today, when I met the drama butler to recruit people, I wanted to hide here for a while. Zang Ji said with some concern.

However, soon he saw that Liu Zhe's face seemed a little wrong, and thought that Liu Zhe was worried that his two father and son would affect Liu Zhe, so he continued out loud: "If the master is worried that we will affect you, we will leave now." "

"No, it's not like that." Liu Zhe waved his hand and asked curiously, "I'm strange, why tell me?" You can continue to hide it." "

"Because the lord is a good man!" Zang Ring sent Liu Zhe a good man card, and he said: "The old man is benevolent, and we don't want to deceive the old man. Although we are rough people, we also know the word righteousness. "

"Good!" Guan Yu next to him flashed his eyes and shouted good.

Guan Yu is a person who attaches great importance to righteousness, and just now heard the Tibetan Ring admit that the two father and son had committed a crime, and Guan Yu quietly approached Liu Zhe two steps, obviously to prevent the father and son of the Tibetan Ring. However, after hearing Zang Jing's words that they would rather be recognized than be involved with Liu Zhe, their liking for the father and son of Zang Jie was greatly improved.

"Sir..." Guan Yu wanted to intercede for the father and son of the Tibetan ring, but was interrupted by Liu Zhe, who looked at the father and son of the Tibetan ring with a slight smile and stretched out his hand: "Welcome to join our criminal capital." "

As for what the father and son committed by Zangjie, would Liu Zhe care?

Lao Tzu has already taken in two murderers, and he will be afraid to take in two more prison robbers?

What a big deal!

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