"Fengxiao, crusade against Yuan Shao, you don't need them to play."

On the way back, Liu Zhe frowned and asked after thinking about it for a long time.

"No need." Guo Jia shook his head, he understood what Liu Zhe was worried about, and he smiled: "Master, don't worry." Xiao Xin will be fine, even if they need to play, they will not let Xiao Xin lead. "

"It's best that way." Liu Zhe is worried about this, although Liu Xin gave him too much shock today, even if it has not been digested yet, Liu Zhe will not let Liu Xin go to the battlefield, no matter how bad the situation is, he will not let Liu Xin go to the battlefield, this is Liu Zhe's bottom line.

"You watch more of her here, and give her whatever you want." Liu Zhe decided to give Liu Xin the green light to see what surprises his sister could give him in the end.

"Oh." Guo Jia nodded, relieved in his heart, with Liu Zhe's words, in the future, Liu Xin will not need to take Liu Zhe's "holy will" to coerce him, but also ask him to keep secrets, which is a difficult job.

"Tread..." The sound of horses' hooves sounded, and Dian Wei and other guards hurriedly guarded.

"Report, Master, Changshi please rush back immediately." The person who came was someone sent by Xun Yu and brought Xun Yu's message.

"What's going on?" Liu Zhe and Guo Jia looked at each other, Xun Yu rarely sent people to use such a message to bring people, even if Gongsun Du rebelled before, he just let people bring letters.

"Chang'an has changed, and Emperor Xian escaped from Chang'an." Someone came with a shocking message about a person.

In April of the third year of Chuping, something shocking happened in Chang'an, which made the eyes of the audience who paid attention to the two Yuan and Cao competing to watch the theater on the Central Plains, and their eyes turned to Chang'an in unison.

It is said that Dong Zhuo forcibly moved the emperor of the imperial court to Chang'an and reestablished the capital. After the dissolution of the coalition army, Dong Zhuo returned to his old state and once again acted as a blessing in the imperial court, and no one in the imperial court dared to speak out.

Although the hundred officials did not dare to speak out, there were still many loyal ministers who plotted to kill Dong Zhuo, and during the period of time when the capital was moved, assassins were rampant, and many people wanted to assassinate Dong Zhuo, but Dong Zhuo was powerful, and countless warriors embraced each other every day, and their own force was not bad, and many people wasted their lives in vain in order to assassinate Dong Zhuo.

After Dong Zhuo set off a bloody storm, the loyalists finally gave up assassinating Dong Zhuo and turned to other ways to save the emperor.

Situ Wang Yun was such a person, he pretended to flatter Dong Zhuo, gained Dong Zhuo's trust, and asked him to replace Yang Biao as Situ and serve as Shangshuling, and entrusted the affairs of the imperial court to Wang Yun to manage.

One day in February, Wang Yun used his birthday as an excuse to invite Yang Biao, Huang Wan, Xun Shuang, Shangshu Zhengtai, and Sun Rui, the captain of Yang Zhan's city gate, who had been deposed, to celebrate in the palace.

However, when everyone was halfway through eating and drinking, Wang Yun retreated his subordinates and cried loudly, and everyone hurriedly asked what happened.

Wang Yuncai explained the reason for inviting everyone here: "Today is not my day, remembering that the emperor is still accused of adultery, but I wait for the courtier to be powerless, and my heart is sad and indignant, so I will be so gaffe." I invite everyone here today, everyone is a loyal courtier, I hope you can think of a way to kill Dong Zhuo and save the emperor. "

"Dong Zhuo is powerful and difficult to assassinate." Huang Wan touched his beard, shook his head and said, "The old man has already recruited several dead men to assassinate Dong Zhuo, but it is difficult to even get close to Dong Zhuo's side for ten steps. "

"How about asking the emperor to secretly write a holy decree and once again gather the world's heroes to fight against Dong Zhuo?" Yang Biao spoke up to raise an idea.

"It's useless." Mentioning this, Wang Yun sneered, if it weren't for those allied forces, why would Dong Zhuo have to move the capital, causing such a big catastrophe, Luoyang was burned and destroyed, and the people were killed and injured countless times.

"Then let Mrs. Liu send troops?" Someone continues to come up with ideas.

"The lieutenant will not send troops." Xun Shuang shook his head, he was Xun Yu's uncle, there were letters exchanged, he knew more than others, he said: "The imperial lieutenant cares about the safety of the emperor, and he doesn't care about anything else." The emperor is in the hands of Dong Zhuo, he will not coerce Dong Zhuo too much, what he is afraid of is that Dong Zhuo's dog jumps off the wall and endangers the emperor's life. "

"Alas, it's a pity that the emperor just let the imperial lieutenant take care of the emperor and the king of Hongnong..." someone sighed like this!

He means that everyone understands that Liu Zhe's emphasis on faith and righteousness is just a matter known to the world. If Liu Hong asked Liu Zhe to assist the imperial court at that time, how could it be Dong Zhuo's turn to jump here?

"Hmph, that's not necessarily, once the power is sidelined, no matter who it is, it will become Dong Zhuo. And don't forget that the imperial lieutenant is surnamed Liu, and not everyone can be Huo Guang. Wang Yun had a different opinion, and Liu Zhe was also surnamed Liu, which meant that Liu Zhe could ascend the throne.

Xun Shuang shook his head, he had a friendship with Wang Yun, knowing that Wang Yun was not cold to Liu Zhe, he pondered for a while, and said out loud: "Actually, the old man has a proposal, I don't know Situ, are you willing to listen to it?" "

Wang Yun said, "Ciming, please say." "

"Dong Zhuo is difficult to assassinate, and there are many minions under him, it is better to let the emperor leave Chang'an."

As soon as Xun Shuang's words came out, everyone present was shocked and said that they were leaving, but in fact, everyone knew that this was to let the emperor escape.

However, I don't know why, everyone thought this proposal was very good!

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