"Well, that's a great deal!"

Huang Wan was the first to speak, he knew how difficult it was for Dong Zhuo to assassinate, and the only way seemed to be Xun Shuang's proposal.

"However, this law is difficult to implement." Xun Shuang shook his head, he had been a sikong, and he knew that the people in the palace were all Dong Zhuo's people, and wanting to take the emperor out of the palace was equivalent to the difficulty of ascending to the sky.

"The old man will figure out a way to do this." After Wang Yun thought about it, he spoke up and took this task on him.

"I'll leave the matter of the city gate to me." Sun Rui, the captain of the city gate, spoke up and said, "When the time comes, I will open the city gate and help the emperor leave." "

Yang Biao asked, "Then after the emperor leaves, where will he go?" "

Xun Shuang suggested: "Go to Youzhou? "

"Yes, Mrs. Liu is in Youzhou, and Dong Zhuo is most afraid of Mrs. Lieutenant, so he must not dare to go." Someone agrees.

"No." Wang Yun disagreed.

"Why?" Xun Shuang was surprised, he learned from Xun Yuxun's letter that Liu Zhe was really good for the emperor, and the emperor would not be wronged if he went to Liu Zhe.

"The imperial lieutenant is powerful, I wait for the weak force, the emperor has reached the imperial lieutenant, can you guarantee that the imperial lieutenant will not become the second Dong Zhuo?" Don't forget that his name is Mrs. Liu, and his surname is Liu. Wang Yun reiterated Liu Zhe's surname again.

Many people nodded in agreement with these words, indeed, when he went to Liu Zhe, it was difficult to ensure that Liu Zhe did not have a different heart.

"Then in Situ's opinion, where to go?"

Wang Yun is Situ, the largest official position here, and there is no way for the people present to go against his will.

"Yanzhou." Wang Yun named a location.

"Although Cao Mengde was a eunuch, he was loyal to the imperial court, and when he attacked Dong Zhuo, he alone led troops to pursue Dong Zhuo, and although he was defeated, his loyalty was visible."

Moreover, Cao Mengde's new Yanzhou Assassin, most of his officials were people left by Liu Dai, the former Yanzhou Assassin, and had not yet been completely mastered by Cao Cao. As long as the emperor goes, they will be loyal to the emperor. "

"Since Situ has made a decision, then I must also be prepared to leave Chang'an with the emperor this morning."

Finally, Wang Yun saluted everyone present and said, "I hope that you will work hard to help the emperor leave this land of jackals." "

After that, Wang Yun and these people met many times to discuss the plan, carefully arrange, strive for perfection, and constantly improve the plan, and finally when Dong Zhuo returned to Zhengwu to visit his mother, Wang Yun asked a small eunuch to pretend to be Liu Xie and pretend to be ill and not let anyone approach.

With everyone's efforts, Liu Xie was quietly taken out of the palace, and finally evacuated Chang'an overnight.

Guarding the palace was Dong Zhuo's younger brother Dong Min, and on the night that the emperor was taken out of the palace, Wang Yun's henchmen had long invited him to drink, and the drunkenness of drinking, coupled with the emperor's pretending to be sick, confused him.

When he came to his senses, he found that it had been five days since the emperor had run away. Furious, he divided the small eunuch pretending to be the emperor and Wang Yun's henchman Wuma, and after venting his anger, he went to pursue with all his soldiers and horses.

He led his soldiers and horses to pursue Hangu Pass, but unexpectedly Wang Yun and others had already expected it, plus Hangu Pass was heavily guarded, they did not think about taking Hangu Pass at all, but shifted direction, went south, and went straight to Wuguan.

The news that the emperor had fled from Chang'an quickly spread from Chang'an, and soon spread throughout the world.

This news also stirred up the world.

After Wang Yun left Chang'an, he quickly sent people to send messages to several princes in the world, wanting them to come to King Qin.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Xu Qian, and other princes all received a message from Wang Yun, but on the contrary, none of the princes surnamed Liu received it, and Wang Yun did not send a message to anyone, even if Liu Zhe and Liu Yu were famous good people in the world, he did not send anyone.

So when Liu Zhe received the news, more than a month had passed.


After Liu Zhe received the news, he quickly rushed back to Zhuo County.

Xun Yu and other major figures have already gathered, because this news is so important, it can even be said that it will change the pattern of the world.

"Master, this is the latest news." Xun Yu said the news he got.

"After the emperor escaped from Chang'an, they passed through Wuguan and entered the division. However, when passing the level, he was recognized, but fortunately the guards were sparse, and the guards around him fought to the death. It has now entered the division. "

Liu Zhe frowned slightly, "Where do they want to go?" "

Xun Yu shook his head and said, "They have already entered Hongnong County, but it is rumored that Dong Min has led his troops straight out of Hangu Pass and killed Hongnong County. "

"It is rumored that Cao Cao has received the news and has already sent soldiers and horses."

"Master, what should we do?"

After reporting the news, Xun Yu and the others looked at Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe didn't think about it and said, "Send someone to pick him up." "

But Xun Yu and the others did not act, but looked at him with strange expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?"

"Master, is there one thing you don't know if you don't know whether to talk about it or not?" The drama summoned the table to look at everyone, and finally he stood up and asked.

Liu Zhe asked, "What happened?" "

"Lord, what will you do if the emperor picks him up?"

A sentence from the summoning table suddenly made Liu Zhe fall into deep thought.


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