However, after the emperor fled, Fengji updated his strategy, allowing Yuan Shao to temporarily stand still.

Because everyone in the world knows the grudge between Liu Zhe and Dong Zhuo, the emperor is not in Dong Zhuo's hands, and after Dong Zhuo threatens Liu Zhe without the emperor as a hostage, Liu Zhe will definitely raise troops to fight Dong Zhuo.

Therefore, Fengji asked Yuan Shao to wait quietly and wait for Liu Zhe to send troops before going to deal with Liu Yu. In this way, even if he is in a battle with Liu Yu. Liu Zhe also had no time to help Liu Yu. At that time, as long as Liu Yu is quickly defeated, there will be time and opportunity to develop the strength on hand to deal with Liu Zhe's retaliation.

In order to make Liu Zhe feel at ease to send troops, Yuan Shao also adopted Fengji's suggestion to move his base camp from Bohai to Linzi, in order to make Liu Zhe relax his vigilance against Yuan Shao. Of course, Yuan Shao would not admit that he moved to avoid Liu Zhe's pressure.

Now that Liu Zhe has sent troops, he is holding forces with Dong Zhuo and Hedong, and he cannot return in a short time. The time to deal with Liu Yu in this way came.

"Time is ripe?" Yuan Shao was excited in his heart and couldn't help but ask more.

"That's right." Fengji nodded seriously.

This opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yuan Shao, Liu Zhe led the troops outside, the Youzhou troops were empty, even if he wanted to help Liu Yu, he was powerless, and at that time, as long as the White Wave Army took the opportunity to harass, Liu Zhe would have no energy to interfere in the war between Yuan Shao and Liu Yu.


Yuan Shao excitedly shot up and said, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time. "

"Order, Yuantu is the military division, the public is the superintendent, and the rest perform their duties, prepare for the attack on Xindu at a later date."


Ten days later, Yuan Shao was in the barracks, preparing to take the oath to go to war, and a scout came to report.

"Report! Imperial Lieutenant Liu Zhe defeated Niu Fu's 200,000-strong army, and he himself suffered heavy losses, which was a situation in which both sides were defeated. "

"Haha!" Yuan Shao was overjoyed, and in this way, Liu Zhe was even more powerless to interfere. By the time Liu Zhe recovered, he had already defeated Liu Yu.

"God help me too!"

Yuan Shao shouted: "Sacrifice flag..."


"Abominable Yuan Shao, deceived people too much."

Liu Yu slapped the table fiercely, and Yuan Shao actually wrote that he had soldiers in the river to contact, asking Liu Yu to give him an explanation.

Liu Yu's nose was crooked, this traitor, actually said such a thing. Yuan Shao's coveting of Jizhou is not a matter of a day or two, and now he is clearly looking for an excuse to swallow Hejian County.

"Master," Tian Feng stood up and said, "Yuan Shao is ambitious, he already wants to use troops against Jizhou. "

"Mobilization?" Liu Yu was surprised, and said furiously: "He dare? "

Tian Feng knew that his lord, in terms of character, Liu Yu was a first-class gentleman and a good person, but in military terms, he did not understand. He thought that if he hoarded heavy troops in the area of Hejian County, Yuan Shao would not dare to invade.

Liu Yu said angrily: "I have trained 100,000 troops, and I haven't gone to find him yet, he dares to come to the door?" "

Tian Feng and the others below were speechless, if it weren't for Liu Zhe next to him, he would have knocked on the door a long time ago.

These people had long advised Liu Yu to recruit more soldiers, but Liu Yu refused, he was a good official and refused to increase the burden of the people. The total number of soldiers guarded in other places in Jizhou was nearly 100,000, and Liu Yu's new 100,000 soldiers this time were specifically designed to deal with Yuan Shao, and he thought that it was enough, and raising 200,000 soldiers and horses in Jizhou alone was a heavy burden on the people.

Encountering such a lord, Tian Feng is also quite speechless, if it is in a peaceful era, Liu Yu is definitely a good official, but now that this has revealed the chaotic era, Liu Yu's approach is inappropriate.

"Master, let's recruit more soldiers." Tian Feng persuaded.

Liu Yu shook his head and said, "No need, Yuan Hao, you are also from Jizhou, you know how bitter the people of Jizhou are, and collecting soldiers will only increase the burden on them, and this is how the yellow turban came from." "

Tian Feng persuaded: "But, Lord Lord, Yuan Shao has an army of four and a half million, and Bohai County has 100,000 soldiers. "

Liu Yu said, "So the people of Bohai County have fled to us." If I also followed Yuan Shao's adulterous example, wouldn't all the people of Jizhou have fled? "

When Tian Feng heard this, he was speechless again.

At this time, Frustrated also spoke up and said: "Lord, if we are defeated by Yuan Shao and Jizhou is controlled by him, then the people of Jizhou will be ruled by Yuan Shao, and the people will be even more miserable." "

"Don't worry," Liu Yu said confidently, "Last time it was Ju Yi's betrayal, we will be defeated, but this time it won't." "

Frustrated, speechless. Liu Yu is really optimistic. There was no worry at all for these subordinates.

At this moment, suddenly a scout came to report:

"Report to Captain Hedong Dapo Niufu. But it also suffered heavy losses. "

Liu Yu listened. Fambergast. He said, "Brother Ziling Xian's defeat? Do you want me to come to the rescue?"

Tian Feng was even more speechless for these people. Now Yuan Shao is clearly coming to deal with you. Instead, you still worry about Liu Zhe? But soon . The faces of the two changed greatly. "Master. Beware of Yuan Shao's sneak attack"

However, at this moment, people continued to come to report 100,000 people:

"Newspaper. Hejian County was attacked"

"Newspaper. Plains County was attacked. Junshou Zhu died in battle"

"Newspaper. Qinghe County defended the city and surrendered..."_

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