Just when the people of the world were shocked by the defeat of Liu Zhe and Dong Zhuojun in Hedong, the sudden change in Jizhou also attracted the attention of the people of the world.

Yuan Shao's lord Bo Chen Lin wrote an essay entitled "Liu Yuwen for Yuan Shao", in which he listed Liu Yu's crimes, saying that he persecuted Yuan Shao, ignored the people's suffering, and was extremely inflammatory.

This article made Liu Yu angry to death, he prided himself on caring for the people, but the text described him as a brutal state pastor, under his rule, the people of Jizhou lived a miserable life, which was to deny Liu Yu, which made Liu Yu unbearable.

After the message was issued, Yuan Shao immediately announced that in view of the disappearance of soldiers in Hejian County, this was Liu Yu's deliberate retaliation against him, and he wanted to send troops to seek justice.

Yuan Shao had already made sufficient preparations for this, and several ambush armies were launched at the same time, and the 100,000-strong army of Bohai County was launched to attack Hejian County.

The 100,000-strong army in Le'an County, Qingzhou, crossed the Yellow River and attacked Pingyuan County, and when rescuing Beihai, Gaotang Port in Pingyuan County was in the hands of Yuan Shao, and when the 100,000-strong army crossed the Yellow River, Pingyuan County did not have time to react at all, and Zhu Zhen, the county guard, died in battle, and Pingyuan County fell in less than a day.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the commander of Qinghe County surrendered the city.

Qinghe County fell into Yuan Shao's hands, and Xindu, located in Anping County, was instantly under Yuan Shao's troops.

Zhang Hao, who was fighting an army of 100,000 troops in Hejian Commandery against Bohai County, had to lead his troops back to help, and along the way he was pursued by Yan Liang, and at Guanjin he was attacked by Wen Chu Gaogan from the north of Pingyang County, and Zhang Hao was defeated.

And Liu Yu's newly recruited 100,000-strong army was also defeated, and at this point, there were no more available troops in Jizhou!


After defeating Niu Fu, Liu Zhe left Guan Yu to guard Hedong and Huang Zhong to guard Pingyang Commandery, which would be the first line against Dong Zhuo in the future.

He then returned to Gong County, Hanoi, where 50,000 troops were stationed.

Liu Zhe looked at his subordinates at this time and asked, "What happened to Yuan Shao?" Did you send troops? "

Hearing Liu Zhe's words, Jia Xu suddenly realized, he has been thinking about who Liu Zhe's target is these days, although he has guessed that it is Yuan Shao, but he does not dare to be 100%.

But is it necessary to work like this to deal with Yuan Shao?

In this regard, Jia Xu was puzzled, Dong Zhuobi was stronger, and he was not Liu Zhe's opponent. Liu Zhe wants to clean up Yuan Shao, can't he send troops directly?

"Wen He, the lord is the imperial lieutenant, the imperial uncle of today's son." Guo Jia saw the puzzlement on Jia Xu's face, and he explained for Jia Xu aloud.

These days, after Guo Jia gradually understood Jia Xu, he no longer had prejudice against Jia Xu, but because of their high intelligence, the two could find common topics in many things.

Guo Jia did not say it completely, but Jia Xu already understood.

Liu Zhe is an imperial uncle and a current imperial lieutenant, he cannot send troops wantonly, otherwise it will make the people of the world gossip, saying that he provoked war and had ulterior motives.

Of course, the crusade against Dong Zhuo will not be said, Dong Zhuo is already a national thief known to the world, the emperor ran away, Liu Zhe did not send troops to fight Dong Zhuo, but would make people gossip.

Guo Jia continued: "The Lord wanted to deal with Yuan Shao alone, but Jizhou Mu had to deal with Yuan Shao himself, and to be honest, if Jizhou Mu and Yuan Shao were to face each other alone, we would not be optimistic about Jizhou Mu. "

Jia Xu nodded, he had heard the news that Liu Yu's previous 100,000-strong army had been defeated by Yuan Shao.

Guo Jia continued: "The Lord and Jizhou Mu are friends, and some words cannot be directly explained. "

Jia Xu understands that even if the best friends can't say something, Liu Zhe and Liu Yu are friends, but if Liu Zhe runs to Liu Yu and says that you can't beat Yuan Shao, your strength is not good, people have self-esteem, and they want face, who likes to hear this? If you don't get it right, it's easy to turn against you.

"Jizhou Mu's recruitment of soldiers and horses cannot be concealed from Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao also knows that it is aimed at him. But because the lord was in Youzhou, Yuan Shao did not dare to make a move against Jizhou Mu easily, and he had to wait for the opportunity. The difference in strength between Jizhou Mu and Yuan Shao was very large, and as time went on, Yuan Shao's strength would become stronger and stronger, so the lord left Youzhou with his army under the pretext of fighting Dong Zhuo, allowing Yuan Shao to take the opportunity to attack. At that time, even if Jizhou Mu is defeated, we can quickly rescue us. "

Jia Xu completely understood Liu Zhe's series of layouts, layer by layer calculation, layer by layer, just to set a trap for Yuan Shao to jump.

"It is really a blessing for Jizhou Mu to have such a friend as the lord." Jia Xu finally couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Such a lord is also a blessing for me." Guo Jia patted Jia Xu's shoulder and said seriously.

Jia Xu smiled slightly, he knew what Guo Jia meant, Guo Jia still had a bad heart for his words that if Liu Zhe was not strong enough in the future, he would leave.

In fact, Jia Xu's idea has been dispelled, and in the past few days, he has seen Liu Zhe's strength. The generals under him were brave and invincible, and the soldiers fought to the death, and they were many times stronger than Dong Zhuo.

Later, Jia Xu also knew that after Liu Zhe came to Hanoi County with 150,000 people, he planned to stop and wait for Yuan Shao to send troops!

But what he didn't expect was that Dong Zhuo was actually bold enough to send troops to take the initiative and just hit the muzzle! _

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