[PS: Rush the list in the early morning, kneel for collection! ] Collection! Collection!! Thank you!! 】


"Elder Xia, how to simplify the method?" Liu Zhe asked urgently.

"Just dredge it, and recently there have been plagues from time to time, many people are fleeing everywhere, and many people have no identity!" Xi Zhao Xi touched the beard on his chin and said lightly, which was completely different from Liu Zhe's mood.

Lean, it turns out that simple? Liu Zhe secretly cursed in his heart, it seems that he is overly worried, and he actually forgot that he can buy this thing with money.

I already knew that it was so simple, and I directly used money to smash it.

"But there's another problem." The drama summoned Xi Xi and said, "It is the identity of the master, and it is simple to apply for a household registration, but the identity is a little difficult." "

"So what to do?" Liu Zhe asked.

Xi Zhao Xi pondered for a while, and then said his own words.


After Liu Zhe listened, he was directly stunned.

According to the words of the summoning table, after he was a clan relative of the Han family, because his ancestor sat in the throne and lost his knighthood, and Liu Zhe's parents died due to a disaster, Liu Zhe was displaced, and later he finally earned a family business here!


Things are even simpler than Liu Zhe imagined, after Liu Zhe received several altars of high-concentration wine and a big red envelope from Liu Zhe, he found a document on the spot to enter the household registration for Liu Zhe, without asking a word, smoothly made Liu Zhe sigh: It's so fucking good to be rich!

"Liu Gongzi, this county can only help you naturalize, and you have to go to Zongzheng for your clan genealogy." The county lord is called Ma Yi, a middle-aged man who is blessed, and after receiving Liu Zhe's wine and red envelopes, his attitude towards Liu Zhe is as good as it gets.

Liu Zhe nodded, he only needs an identity, as for whether he can enter the family tree, he doesn't care, and he doesn't plan to go to Zong Zheng to verify the right body, after all, he came through to verify the right body, isn't this a death, a fool will do it!

Applying for household registration is a trivial matter, the reason why Liu Zhe came to Mayi today is that Ma Yi set up a banquet in the county to invite him, and there were also squires from Gaoyang City who were invited, and Liu Zhe looked at it at a glance, all of them were old people in their forties and fifties, and here he was a young man.

There was nothing to say about the banquet, but this banquet made Liu Zhe very annoyed.

At the banquet, everyone you praised me, I praised you, more praised Ma Yi in Zan County, and Liu Zhe heard some meaning from it, that is, Ma Yi took the credit for annihilating Su Niu, took the credit of Liu Zhe, and the credit has been quickly reported to the above, and when the time comes, Ma Yi will be promoted and rich.

The more Liu Zhe listened, the more uncomfortable he became, and several times when he heard the shameless words of these people, he couldn't help but want to lift the table, and it was so difficult to endure it.

"Liu Gongzi, did you have a good drink today?" After the banquet, Ma Yi personally sent Liu Zhe to the door, and then asked with a smile, his eyes were half-narrowed, if he looked carefully, there was no smile in his eyes.

Although Liu Zhe was angry, he couldn't wait to ask Dian Wei Guan Yu, who was waiting outside, to rush in and chop him up. However, he was not stunned in the end, and the reason in his heart made him suppress his anger.

"Thank you for the banquet." Liu Zhe smiled slightly, "Congratulations to the adults for removing a major evil for Gaoyang City." "

Liu Zhe understood that there was no benefit to him and Ma Yi turning over now, so he could only swallow this breath for the time being, and have the opportunity to take revenge in the future.

Seeing Liu Zhe doing this, Ma Yi really smiled, and he said: "Liu Gongzi is a young hero, he must not care about the false name, how about this, how about I recommend Gongzi as filial piety?" "

Raising filial piety, Liu Zhe heard the opera summoning the seat and said that the county official wanted to elect him as an official.

Although it is a good thing to be an official, Liu Zhe does not want to agree. He knew that the era of the Three Kingdoms was coming, and it was useless to be a big official at that time, it was better to honestly sell more wine, earn more money, recruit more people, save his life first, and then see whether to establish himself as a king or turn to someone later.

In fact, the deeper reason is that Liu Zhe is unhappy in his heart, he doesn't want to be a colleague with such a dog official, let alone he doesn't want him to be his top boss, this fat pig still wants to on Lao Tzu's head?

No way!

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