[PS: Rush the list in the early morning, kneel for collection! ] Collection! Collection!! Thank you!! 】


"My lord, please redeem and refuse in the lower part, and you are used to being a hundred people in the lower one, and do not want to be an official." Liu Zhe owed slightly, did not lose etiquette, and politely refused.

"Oh? You don't want to? Ma Yi was surprised, he seized Liu Zhe's credit, saw that Liu Zhe could be a man, did not care, and wanted to compensate Liu Zhe with filial piety, who thought that Liu Zhe actually disagreed.

"Yes." Liu Zhe said: "It is not suitable to be an official in Xia, but there is something I want to trouble adults in Xia. "

"Just say it."

"In the next is a farmer, there are many idlers in the village, and there is a lot of wasteland nearby, so I want to buy it in the next and let the idlers on the estate cultivate, I wonder if the adults can help?" Liu Zhe said that there are large areas of open space around his Zhuangzi, and these open spaces belong to the county government, and Liu Zhe has been thinking about those lands for a long time, and now he takes the opportunity to say it.

"This is easy." When Ma Yi heard it, he thought what was the matter, those wastelands near Liu Zhe Zhuangzi were not cultivated at all, they had been abandoned for a long time, and now someone was willing to buy them, Ma Yi couldn't ask for it.

"Those wastelands are not willing to be cultivated at all, since Liu Gongzi wants to buy them, naturally there is no problem, tomorrow you let people come to the county to get the land deed." Ma Yi waved his hand and directly agreed to come down, without even talking about the money, those lands were not comparable to the credit of eradicating Su Niu, and Ma Yi generously sent it out.

"Thank you, my lord." Liu Zhe was overjoyed.

Leaving the county office, Liu Zhe secretly spat on the county office, dog official.

"Sir." Dian Wei Guan Yu, who was waiting outside, and the summoning table greeted him.

"Let's go, go back."

Back in Zhuangshang, Liu Zhe said the things at the banquet, and everyone was very angry when they heard it.

Dian Wei shouted, "Sir, let me go and give you a blow." "

"How to get angry?" Liu Zhe liked Dian Wei's straightness very much and asked with a smile.

"Pinch out his yolk." Dian Wei replied directly domineeringly.

"Less nonsense here." Xi Zhaoxi didn't like Dian Wei like this, feeling that he had no respect for Liu Zhe like this, glared at him, let Dian Wei touch his head and smile, retreated to the side and did not dare to speak.

"Sir, it's not kind for the county to do this, what do you plan to do, sir?" The playful seat asked.

"Leave him alone for now." Liu Zhe stopped and said, usually only the drama summoning table can discuss with him in case of trouble, and now the drama summoning table has no idea, only he will take the idea.

"Now our strength is too weak, first rest and recuperate, and let Guan Yu and Guan Hai take some young adults from those tenants to join the exercise, and contact Wang Er in terms of weapons, we have to expand our strength!"

Although the county magistrate robbed Liu Zhe of the credit and was not kind, he gave Liu Zhe a large piece of wasteland as compensation, which made Liu Zhe feel better.

This large wasteland is about 1,000 acres, because it has been abandoned for a long time and is overgrown with weeds, and the theater often looks at these lands and sighs, and feels sorry for their desolation. But at that time, because these places did not belong to Liu Zhe, he could only watch dryly. Now that the land belonged to Liu Zhe, the summoning banquet burst out with great enthusiasm, summoned a large group of displaced people, settled them, and rented them to cultivate.

For half a month, he was busy with this matter, and the enthusiasm made Liu Zhe secretly surprised in his heart, and he was very worried that he would be tired like this, and after persuading him a few times, the drama did not listen, and Liu Zhe could only go by him, and let Zang Jie help him. As for Liu Zhe, he didn't understand these things, he was now holding Liu Xinle and looking at Guan Yu as they trained more than a hundred newly recruited nursing homes.

In view of the robbery of the last time the summoning table, Liu Zhe felt that there was a shortage of manpower, and decided to expand the staff of the nursing home, these people were recruited from tenant farmers, and their parents and families settled here, and there was a sense of belonging!

Originally, after recruiting these people, Liu Zhe planned to divide into four teams and let Guan Yudian Wei Zang dominate each of them to lead a team. Who knew that Dian Wei was not interested in training people, Guan Hai was the same, Guan Hai didn't even bother to bring his brother, he devoted himself to martial arts training, and let Dian Wei guide him.

So these more than one hundred and twenty people, Liu Zhe asked Guan Yu Zangba to train a team each, Guan Yu Zangba, gladly accepted this task, and the two trained these more than 100 good people to death. Liu Zhe was watching from the side, and when he looked at them, he remembered the sad days when he was trained by instructors when he was in military training when he was studying.

It's hard to look back on!


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