After the reinforcement, the pseudo-man seemed to have learned how to use his arms. It waved its arms and slammed the door with all its strength, making Cheng Xu's anti-theft door bang. Cheng Xu even saw the panel of his room begin to drop, and the life value of the door dropped to 99%. The pseudo-man slammed the door for a few minutes, then left and walked towards the stairs. It sounded like he was going upstairs. But the crying in the kitchen had not stopped, but the sound was much smaller. Gradually, Cheng Xu felt that his consciousness was a little fuzzy, and it seemed that he was a little sleepy because of the excessive tension that night. As the crying of the baby slowly disappeared, Cheng Xu fell asleep. In his dream, he returned to the school that he could not leave no matter what.

Every time he felt uncomfortable, he would return to high school, take an exam, or take an uncomfortable class.

"Hey, the plague god, you are here?"

The malicious head teacher appeared in front of him, because Cheng Xu asked for leave every day to see a doctor, and occasionally vomited and convulsed during class, disrupting the order of the class.

So the head teacher was very dissatisfied with him. In the dream, this dissatisfaction was infinitely magnified, making the head teacher's face distorted and full of flattering smiles.


Just when Cheng Xu wanted to raise his hand to slap him, a sudden explosion woke him up and ended the short dream.

There was only half a minute left before sunrise, and the house was quiet except for Cheng Xu's own breathing.

The explosion just now was the sound of the crossbow arrow piercing the bathroom door when he pulled the hanging knife of the crossbow in his sleep.

"I can't do this next time. If this crossbow arrow hits my leg..."

Cheng Xu waited for time to pass. Looking at the time that was gradually decreasing, his unhappiness was somewhat relieved.


The familiar bell sounded, which meant the arrival of a peaceful day.

Cheng Xu pulled the crossbow arrow off the door, put it back into the quiver, and opened the bathroom door.

The slime on the floor that he expected did not appear. Except for the two broken windows and the pots and pans on the floor, no filth was left.

At this time, Roselle issued a notice.


"You are now officially a member of the survival game! After a night of training, I believe you have a full understanding of our game."

"For your performance, we decided to give all survivors a gift, a gift that can help you survive better!"

At the end of the notice, a small red flower appeared, which looked like a real roselle petal.

Cheng Xu picked the flower off, and a red interface suddenly expanded in front of him, with many numbers popping out.

Finally, a bright red "6" stopped in front of him.

"Teng Qie: Boss, what should I say, this time it was randomly drawn, I don't mean to favor him at all"

"Nan Qie: Luck is also a part of strength. The fact that he can draw a skill of sequence 6 can only mean that he is really suitable for this game"

"Roselle: He is luckier than all the guys I have seen before..."

"Shui Qie: What is the highest sequence we have had before?"

"Ten Calyx Qie: 7"

"Shui Qie: New record!"

Cheng Xu looked at the red number, it slowly floated over, merged into his palm, and disappeared.

"Congratulations on unlocking the No. 6 skill sequence: Killer"

"This sequence will provide you with skills such as hiding, assassination, poison making, mechanical skills, traps, and body movements. You will become a qualified killer and shine in the survival game!"

There is an additional button "Survivor Skills" in Cheng Xu's system. After opening it, it is the "Killer" skill tree that the system just mentioned.

Currently, Cheng Xu has two skill points, and can only light up two points on the trunk, only one of which is a skill.


At the moment the skill was lit, Cheng Xu felt that his body had changed a little, becoming lighter and more energetic.

"All attributes increased by 10%, no wonder."

In addition to the first attribute improvement point, Cheng Xu also awakened the second skill.

"Hide your whereabouts"

"After turning on the skill, the sound of your walking will be eliminated, and the footprints you left will be erased"

"Consumption: 10 points of physical strength (if the physical strength is insufficient, the mental strength will be deducted, and the mental strength will be deducted

Insufficient HP will be deducted)"

"There is no such thing as mana..."

Soon, the second notification came, still with the red roselle symbol as the title.

"Very good, the monsters have been eliminated by us, I wish you all a happy collection activity during the day!"

The message was very short, but unexpectedly made Cheng Xu feel a trace of vitality belonging to a girl, as if the writer of this message was a girl.

Cheng Xu checked his refrigerator and found that there was nothing left in it, even the old cabbage heart he had placed in the corner had been eaten up.

The refrigerator's refrigeration and freezer layers were completely eaten up by the guy yesterday, leaving Cheng Xu with no surplus food.

Fortunately, Cheng Xu also picked up a lot of canned food, so he could still solve the problem of breakfast.

After quickly eating half a can of food and drinking a large glass of water, Cheng Xu picked up his weapon and prepared to go out to explore.

However, the area he explored was not the outside world, but his neighbor's house.

After opening the door, Cheng Xu saw three or four pieces of women's clothing dropped in front of his door, which were translucent, and he could faintly smell the scent of aromatherapy or laundry detergent.

After some searching, Cheng Xu found a key.

With the key, Cheng Xu tried to open the lock of the opposite door and found that it could be opened completely.

So Cheng Xu put away the key and prepared to explore the middle door with a password lock first, after all, it could not be opened again if it was closed.

The layout of the house at the middle door was completely different from that of Cheng Xu's house. It had two bedrooms and a living room, and it was a full sun room. At this moment, the room was very bright.

The simple decoration style was very much in line with Cheng Xu's taste, but its owner was a girl, so some things were still a little different.


Cheng Xu opened the refrigerator and found only two moldy tomatoes and a takeaway box.

"It's an office worker who only eats takeaways..."

Sure enough, there was nothing in the freezer, and the frame of the refrigerator was cleaner than a new one.

In Cheng Xu's impression, the girl at the middle door had never gone downstairs to look for supplies, so Cheng Xu didn't have much hope for her house.

In the end, Cheng Xu moved all her knives to his own home and took away a lot of clothes for emergency use.

As for household appliances, Cheng Xu only took a few lighting lamps, and left the rest in their original places. They were useless.

Before leaving, Cheng Xu also found a note hidden in the closet at the door, which had the password of the house written on it.

"Very good..."

Then, Cheng Xu came to the house opposite and took out the key to unlock it.

When he opened the door, the corners of his mouth twitched a little.

Because what greeted him was a whole cabinet of (forced harmony).

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