The door of the house was filled with toys of various shapes, which made Cheng Xu feel creepy.

(Deleted, can't tell the reason, after reading a few posts, it's too dangerous to be so straightforward)

All kinds of models, shapes, styles, everything.

Cheng Xu walked around the extremely weird door and entered the living room. The scene in front of him made him a little unacceptable.

In that living room, there was no conventional furniture such as a TV or a reception table, only a huge fill light and a bench.

On the bench was a metronome and a dozen small toys of different shapes.

On one side of these things, there was also a camera, which looked very expensive.

The camera was connected to the computer next to it and was still recording.

Cheng Xu walked over to check the recorded content and was even more shocked.

When the survival game started, Sun Luyu had been recording herself.

She showed a very charming smile to the camera and then showed her stool.

"Dear subscribed bosses... the metronome exercise class I promised you is about to start... If you like it, we will have an upgraded version next month!"


Cheng Xu closed the computer and did not continue to play the video.

This kind of thing was meaningless to Cheng Xu. He began to search around in her room, looking for usable supplies other than these things.

As a result, this room was worse than he imagined.

The bedroom was full of various express boxes, which looked like hundreds of items.

There were also many clothes on the bed, so many that Cheng Xu really didn't know what to say.

In her bedroom, there was only garbage and clothes, and cosmetics, not even a knife.

After searching for a long time, Cheng Xu found nothing.

The kitchen was full of takeout bags that had not been thrown away in time, some of which were already moldy and smelled terrible.

Naturally, there was nothing in her refrigerator.

Except for a few frozen rotten vegetable leaves (still changed TAT).

"Why is there garbage everywhere..."

The door of the bathroom was locked, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

Cheng Xu pushed hard and opened the rusty door.


The scene in the bathroom was too disgusting, and it was difficult for a ruthless person like Cheng Xu to accept it.

On one side of the bathroom, there were piles of toilet paper, all used, full of foul smell.

On the other side, there were several basins with turbid liquid in them, and I didn't know what it was.

Cheng Xu gave up the idea of ​​going in to search for supplies. This whole room was somewhat difficult for him, a normal person, to accept.

"Teng Qie: It seems that the killer also has his own weaknesses. This house seems to make him doubt his life."

"Ru Qie: After all, it is indeed a bit dirty. For normal humans, no one can live in such a place."

"This place should be transformed into a trap house. It is impossible to live there."

The house at the middle door is not suitable for staying at night. There are too many windows and the room is larger than Cheng Xu's own house, but the password lock is still safer.

So Cheng Xu decided to use the middle house as his storage room and store the extra supplies in a dispersed manner.

After exploring these two houses, Cheng Xu prepared to explore further down, because a family downstairs was slaughtered by hounds yesterday, and there must be supplies that can be used.

At this moment, statistics suddenly jumped out.

"Last night, the number of survivors killed: 2269 people"

"The number of survivors remaining: 2456 people"

When death becomes cold data, it is not so real. At least in Cheng Xu's cognition, the death of others has nothing to do with himself.

The three people at the middle door on the third floor all died in the monster riot last night, but Cheng Xu was not sure whether these three people were residents of this floor.

The two rooms next to it seemed to be undamaged, and the doors were closed, so it was impossible to tell whether there were any people there.

The middle door that was knocked open by the hound was still hanging there, and the twisted hinges and the torn wooden shell all left traces of the brutal massacre.

Cheng Xu was not in a hurry to enter, relying on his skills to wait at the door for a while and observe whether there were other people.

After confirming that there was indeed no one inside, Cheng Xu opened the damaged door and walked in.

The supplies in the room were richer than he expected, and the three people seemed to have collected supplies yesterday.

In their house, Cheng Xu found more than 20 cans of different kinds of canned food and four uniform heavy protective suits.

Cheng Xu even found three "wooden boards" embedded in the windows, which were highlighted by the system.

"The owner of the house is dead and can be disassembled"

Cheng Xu gently broke it, and the wood embedded in the glass window frame fell off and was held in his hand.

The "wooden board" had no weight, and the edges appeared illusory.

Cheng Xu put it on the ground, and the two ends of the "wooden board" quickly stretched until they hit the wall.

Cheng Xu tried to widen it in his mind, and the thing gradually widened until it filled the entire living room floor.

"Just right for repairing the window."

Cheng Xu collected the three wooden boards, put them in his backpack, and walked back to his house with the supplies.

After placing the food and clothes, Cheng Xu continued to fiddle with the three wooden boards.

After barely sealing the broken window, Cheng Xu found that his house had been strengthened to level 1.

"House strengthening system is on"

"Please select the house strengthening route:"

"1. Trap-type house"

"2. Settlement house"

"3. Fortress-type house"

For the first type of house, there will be more space for constructing traps, but the living land will be compressed, the comfort is very poor, and the firmness is also very general.

Settlement houses are more balanced, and there will be no traps that lure people into a trap. The overall structure of the house will be very balanced, and there will be improvements in living use, trap layout, and defense against enemies.

Fortress-type houses focus on strengthening the firmness of the house, and strengthen the defense capabilities of the entire house in a way that is almost isolated from the outside world.

There is also a thoughtful tip under the option:

"When you survive in an ownerless house for more than three days and nights, the house will belong to you, so don't worry too much about the type of house strengthening."

Cheng Xu thought about it and decided to transform his base camp into a fortress-type house.

He is a person who has been accompanied by loneliness for many years, and the feeling of being isolated from the outside world is just a proof of safety for him.

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