The new situation is getting worse.

Cheng Xu browsed the administrator group and found that there was no new news. No one mentioned the delivery of weapons and other supplies.

Therefore, Cheng Xu decided to continue to explore other houses upwards. He remembered that someone upstairs seemed to have been killed by a monster.

But he found that his "survivor skill" had an extra red dot.

Opening the interface, Cheng Xu found that there was a task system there at some point.

"Complete any three tasks to upgrade to a higher level"

"The task will be refreshed once during the day and at night"

"Current task: 0/3"

"1. Complete an undetected tracking (10 minutes)"

"2. Complete an assassination"

"3. Make a trap"

Cheng Xu looked at the three tasks, and only the last one was relatively simple.

He thought about it and took a bundle of wire and a pair of wire cutters from home.

Those were the things left over from his renovation. They were tough and thin, and were very suitable as a simple tripwire trap.

Cheng Xu walked to the fifth floor and looked at the door for a while. He found that the doors of the three households were wide open, without any half-closed.

This degree of openness made Cheng Xu a little alert, and he took out the saber he had always carried with him.

Cheng Xu held the saber and came to the partition wall between the elevator room and the residents' residence, listening carefully to the sound inside.

A few seconds later, a rustling sound came, accompanied by a very faint voice.

"... so damn poor, these old bitches are nothing good."

"Okay, okay, it's not a wasted trip, at least we can get something."

"Brother, why don't we pick a room to stay in, and it will become our territory in three days."

"Okay, you take the things back first, and put the clothes on the sofa in the living room."


A single footstep came out from the direction of the middle door, and it sounded like he was carrying something heavy, rubbing against his back.


"Slow down!"

"It's too heavy, I can't see it..."

Cheng Xu held his breath, hid his figure behind the wall, and slowly raised the blade...

The guy carrying the clothes slowly walked out of the middle door, then put the things on the ground and began to pant.

"Brother... it's too heavy, how about you help me?"

"I'm still picking up things! You can just go up and take the elevator, what are you afraid of!"

"Okay, then I'll press the elevator button..."

As he said that, the man took a step and crossed the partition wall, not noticing Cheng Xu's presence at all.

At that moment, Cheng Xu suddenly jumped up and stabbed the blade directly into his neck, from the connection between the cervical vertebrae and the back of the head.

The sharp blade instantly pierced his skin, along the gap between the bones, and cut off his nerves.

Without any sound, the guy who was so excited just now fell into a permanent sleep.

Cheng Xu propped up his body and slowly put it in the corner of the wall, so that his blood would flow as little as possible.

"Did you press it?"

His companion waited for half a minute and found that his younger brother did not seem to come back to get the bag of clothes, and was a little confused.

"Zhen Tao?"

The guy was more cautious than Cheng Xu had imagined. He did not come directly, but stayed at the partition for a while.

Cheng Xu heard his breathing gradually getting heavier. If this continued, he would sooner or later smell the blood in the air.

So Cheng Xu lifted the body and threw it into the partition!


A wrench hit the head of the corpse hard, adding a dent to his already bleeding skull.

Cheng Xu seized this opportunity and stepped on it, making the wrench temporarily unable to move. He stabbed the exposed neck with the saber.


Blood burst out, and the guy slowly fell down with his throat covered...

Cheng Xu did not let him fall to the ground, but quickly stepped forward, supported his body, and stabbed his heart again.

After confirming that the other party was dead, Cheng Xu lifted his body outside the elevator partition and placed it in the corner just now.

Cheng Xu took the body with the crushed head and piled them together.

Then Cheng Xu returned to the partition wall and continued to wait.

Five minutes later, no sound came from the three houses.

"Maybe there's no one there."

Cheng Xu quickly pulled the wire apart and set up two trip wires at the staircase and elevator entrance.

The wire tied to the sewer pipe and fire pipe was extremely tough, and the height was just right for people to walk.

calf position, and you will be tripped if you are not careful.

After installing the two traps, Cheng Xu began to search for supplies.

He found that the supplies seemed to have been searched by the two guys, packed into four sacks and placed in the living room at the middle door.

"Food, electrical appliances, clothes, tableware..."

Cheng Xu abandoned the bag of pots and pans, picked up the bag of food weighing 50 kilograms, and walked towards his house.

After returning home, Cheng Xu felt that he was almost exhausted. Just one flight of stairs almost killed him.

He checked his physical strength and found that there were only 19 points left.

"The rest are just clothes and small tools. They are only used as traps. There is no rush."

Cheng Xu decided to slow down and eat something.

At this time, the management group finally received news.

"Nanqie: Okay, the group meeting held by Lord Disaster is over. Do you have any comments?"

"Shuiqie: Is it okay to adjust the monster types from 4369 to 5771? Some of them we haven't even gone through closed testing..."

"Nanqie: This is also the purpose of this survival game, evolution, change, and leap!"

"Bidongqie: He even asked us to increase the amount of weapons released. I really don't understand..."

"Nanqie: What he meant was to make the entire survival game less dull and more exciting."

"Ruqie: Boss, this is the release point for today. If you think it's okay, I'll start releasing it."

"Ruqie: Release"

"Nanqie: Very balanced, no problem."

Cheng Xu's desire to rest just now disappeared, and he hurried to check the file.

The number of weapons released has indeed increased a lot, and the closest to Cheng Xu is even in the garden downstairs.

Cheng Xu looked downstairs. There were only two people picking up things, which looked like canned food.

"We should give it a try."

Cheng Xu ate a piece of luncheon meat and drank a lot of water.

He took his tattered schoolbag and walked downstairs.

"Kaxijia: The little guy you pushed alone seemed to have done a lot of things today."

"Tengjia: Really, did he raid other people's houses? Wow! There are actually two kills in the record!"

"Shijiajia: I haven't been injured yet. To be honest, I'm pretty good."

"Citianjia: What does he want to do now?"

"Tengjia: Of course he's doing the mission. Can he pick up canned food to eat?"

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