The old man was very happy.

"Tengqie: The reason why it went to this mall is because it is greedy."

"Tengqie: Those "splitting pus worms" migrating from the mall are more to its taste, so it followed all the way to the mall."

"Tengqie: To lead it away, you only need a little courage, a little wisdom, and a little of its favorite food."

"Kaxiqie: When did you become so cultured? What have you eaten recently?"

"Tengqie: I just conducted a systematic analysis through careful structural demonstration and detailed experimental data. Finally, I got detailed and real data results. My cognition is one dimension higher than yours!"

"Kaxijia: Speak nicely"

"Tengjia: @Shuijia just did an experiment, feeding the plant body with different things. I thought it was interesting, so I stayed for a while..."

"Kaxijia: So that thing is really called "splitting pus worm"?"

"Tengjia: I made it up"

"The plant body ran into the mall..."

Cheng Xu suddenly felt a headache. He had just cleaned up the mall, and there was another unstable bomb with great threat.

"As long as this thing is in the mall, my survival cannot be guaranteed. I must lead it out..."

Cheng Xu sighed as he looked at the "splitting worm eggs" that kept wriggling on the ground.

"I'm afraid the first clone will be used here."

The weather outside was still not normal, so Cheng Xu could only stay indoors and waste time.

"There are still seven hours... There is still one hour until the "Curse Storm" ends, which means that I only have six hours of activity time at most..."

"Collect wood and food without being discovered, then go to the stairwell to risk my life to collect the bodies of those insects, and finally go to the plant body to attract its attention..."

"Let's not talk about whether it can be completed within six hours, collecting those insects may be a problem, after all, the name "splitting pus worm" was also mentioned by Teng Qie..."

"If the bodies of those insects are full of pus under pressure, my collection work will be very difficult, so why not change my mind..."

"Since I want to use my clone to lure, why not directly anger the plant body and let it chase me? The farther I run, the safer the shelter will be!"

After making a plan, Cheng Xu began to organize his belongings and decided what to take out of this journey to hell.

After all, Cheng Xu didn't know what it would feel like to be resurrected from the "splitting insect eggs", nor did he know whether his equipment and props would still exist after his resurrection.

Finally, he packed a small space backpack with two hooked ropes, three "Ukiyo-e" crossbows, and an ordinary short sword.

The hooked rope was a simple hook made by Cheng Xu using the steel bars and climbing ropes in the store to replace the hook gun.

When the weather forecast changed, Cheng Xu knew that his plan was about to begin.

"In the next two hours, there will be a continuous "ash rain""

"Ashes and fire rain"

"A large amount of burning ashes will continue to fall from the sky, and the possibility of fire in the city will increase significantly. Any combustible material will become a starting point for fire"

Cheng Xu quickly came to the restaurant and shop on the fifth floor with the "splitting insect eggs" and tested the materials of the tables and chairs one by one.

Most of the tables and chairs have nothing to do with wood. They are basically more wear-resistant composite materials that look like wood.

But to Cheng Xu's surprise, the cartons used to pack goods in the warehouse can actually be counted as wood.

Cheng Xu took the "splitting eggs" and swallowed all the visible food storage along the way, including the cartons.

When he emptied the things in the third warehouse, the "splitting eggs" finally completed their preparations and gave birth to an egg that wrapped Cheng Xu's clone.

Cheng Xu quickly returned to the shelter with the eggs and began to unload his equipment and props.

When the two growth seeds were forcibly peeled off by him, Cheng Xu's upper limit of health and physical strength suddenly dropped, almost making him faint.

After he completely unloaded those things, Cheng Xu took the dagger and ran downstairs quickly without any hesitation.

In the hall on the first floor, a huge flower with hundreds of legs was swallowing the "splitting pus worm", and the chewing sound kept echoing.

The plant body was indeed not completely transformed, and there were still some animal structures at the lower end of the body, which could

You can see its wriggling stomach.

The legs that support its movement come from various creatures, some are very slender, while others are abnormally strong. When they are put together, they look like some kind of unbalanced abstract painting.

Cheng Xu did not hide at all this time, nor did he stop at all. He jumped down along the edge of the mall and landed on the tile floor, making a very obvious sound.

His voice quickly attracted the attention of the plant body. When Cheng Xu fell near the plant body, he did not hesitate to activate his skills, turned into a ghost, and stabbed the bulging stomach of the plant body.


The stabbed plant body roared like a beast, and the huge white petals stood up like a peacock, revealing the scarlet eyes in it, staring at the "black creature" in front of it that made it angry.

Cheng Xu followed suit, stomped his feet hard on the tile floor, and shouted with all his strength.

The plant felt the provocation from Cheng Xu and was immediately furious. All its limbs exerted force together and directly pulled off the roots that had just sunk several meters deep.

Cheng Xu did not look back and quickly ran to the entrance of the mall. There was a big hole there that had been knocked out by the plant, and he could see the ashes gradually falling outside.

Cheng Xu felt a strong tremor coming from behind him. The plant was like a rhinoceros, pushing its extremely heavy body towards Cheng Xu.

After just a few seconds, Cheng Xu felt that the tremor was getting closer and closer to him, as if it would tear his body apart in the next second.


The hook in Cheng Xu's hand was thrown out quickly and stuck in the middle of a street lamp.

Cheng Xu's legs suddenly kicked hard, and his body drew an arc and flew onto a layer of awnings.

The plant was too heavy to make a sharp turn, and it crashed directly into a shop, smashing the shop and the deformed creatures in it.

The scorching air outside made the already angry plant even more frantic, and it blamed all the damage it had suffered on Cheng Xu.

So it completely forgot its goal, no longer thinking about taking root, but trying its best to tear Cheng Xu's body apart.

When it struggled to stand up from the ruins, Cheng Xu did not leave, but made a very provocative gesture to it on the street not far away.


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