The fire alarm was still burning, and the fire sprinkler was still burning.

Amid the alarm of the smoke sensor, the attached fire sprinkler started to operate, and a large amount of water with red powder sprayed out from it.

A roar of humanoid creatures came from the first and second floors, which sounded full of anger and fear.

Cheng Xu quickly returned to his shelter and waited for the fire sprinkler to stop operating.

A few minutes later, the alarm that no longer sensed smoke stopped working, and the fire sprinkler also stopped.

When Cheng Xu walked out of the shelter, the entire mall was covered with fire sand, and the sprayed water also gathered into a stream, gradually seeping down along the drain.

Cheng Xu quickly came to the fourth floor to check the situation of the big net on the third floor.

Sure enough, even the toughest spider silk could not withstand the sprinkler valve with fire sand, and all the spider silk had disappeared.

Cheng Xu lay on the edge of the floor and looked down, but he did not see any crab spiders.

Then he hung up a small spider and swung it around the edge of the third floor, but he did not feel any breath.

Cheng Xu quickly jumped down from the fourth floor and landed on the third floor floor, and began to explore the third floor for the first time in a real sense.

According to the vibration from the floor and the breath felt by the spiders, Cheng Xu quickly found a group of crab spiders hiding in a shop.

They crowded in a corner, shaking their petals frantically, trying to spit out new silk threads.

But the spitted silk threads did not fly far before they were stained with water, lying on the ground, and blending with the fire sand.

Cheng Xu had just loaded a crossbow arrow on the arm crossbow, and then after thinking for a few seconds, he took it off and replaced it with a "Ukiyo-e" crossbow arrow.


The "Ukiyo-e" crossbow arrow did not directly hit the crab spider's body, but penetrated a wardrobe door, releasing a large amount of mental shock.

"Squeak! ... Crack!"

Their heads, which were not very big to begin with, were suddenly filled with a large amount of data that they could not understand, completely overloaded, and fell into a kind of madness with only instinct left.

The crab spiders began to attack each other, and their powerful claws broke the limbs of other individuals fiercely, tore them apart and stuffed them into their mouths.

Cheng Xu did not stop, but continued to follow the guidance of the little spider and moved towards other rooms.

In the remaining shops on the third floor, Cheng Xu found two more hiding places of crab spiders and quickly carried out mental attacks with "Ukiyo-e" crossbow arrows.

After they finished fighting, Cheng Xu cleaned up the mess again and used bows and arrows to completely kill the crab spiders that were still alive.

After spending nearly two hours, the threat on the third floor was temporarily eliminated, and Cheng Xu felt much more at ease.

And when Cheng Xu was cleaning up those crab spiders, he found another surprise.

The gray bugs gathered in the fire staircase were also attacked by the water flow, and many black pustules broke.

Some bugs gathered together and began to move outside the mall.

After returning to the shelter, Cheng Xu was in a good mood. He took out a frozen instant sandwich and ate it while thinking about what to do next.

"After those bugs are moved away, as long as I clean up the humanoid monsters on the first and second floors, the whole building will be clean..."

Cheng Xu roughly calculated the time. It was less than a day before the first deformation of the distorted creatures, leaving Cheng Xu with plenty of time.

But the weather that followed really didn't give Cheng Xu a chance, so he couldn't go out to check the situation.

After the "Silk Thread Entanglement" ended, the weather that followed was "Death Plague Fog". As long as you are contaminated with a certain amount of withering breath, you will die suddenly.

Then "Withering Rain", "Withered Dust" and "Cursed Storm" came one after another, forcing Cheng Xu to stay quietly in the shelter.

Taking advantage of this time, Cheng Xu sorted out his equipment and props and found that he had left a lot of things behind.

The first one was "Split Insect Eggs". Cheng Xu's first clone only made half of it and stopped. He still lacked a lot of supplies to complete it.

"Food is easy to solve. There are still more than 40 kilograms missing. The raw meat in the kitchen over there can definitely fill it up. But where can I find this wood..."

Cheng Xu decided to wait until the weather outside was normal, and then find time to check the tables and chairs in the hotel and create a clone for himself as soon as possible.

In addition, Cheng Xu also found that he had a "Rashomon Coin", which he had hoarded from the first round to now and had never used.


"The time when the "He Luo God" invaded my house, I used coins, maybe it wouldn't be so hard to fight..."

Cheng Xu put it together with the "Void Seed" and placed it in the place he used most often to prevent forgetting it again.

"But I still hope that I will never have to use this thing..."


There was a burst of explosions on the first floor of the mall, the sound was very obvious, and Cheng Xu's nerves were instantly tense.


After a burst of explosions, the roar of a beast came from the first floor, resounding throughout the mall.

The sound was enough to make people feel fear from instinct, just like the natural enemy of mankind.

After the roar disappeared, Cheng Xu felt a little uneasy, and reluctantly opened the window a little and sent out a small spider.

Under the attack of the "Curse Storm", the little spider barely moved to the edge of the railing, and fell to the ground on the first floor before it died completely.

Before its signal completely disappeared, Cheng Xu felt a huge existence, and the breath it exuded was extremely complex, as if it had merged hundreds of creatures.

Then Cheng Xu felt a tremor coming from the entire mall, which lasted for nearly two minutes before stopping.

Just when Cheng Xu was completely unable to obtain further information, new news came from the management group.

"Fuji: This is a bit too coincidental..."

"Kashi: Oh, what are you doing? You're watching the live broadcast again."

"Kashi: So what are you sighing about?"

"Fuji: Just watch it yourself."

"Kashi: ...NB."

"Kashi: A sub-plant of "Faith Proliferator Σ6" grew right next to the shelter. It can be said that the luck is very bad."

"Fuji: It can't be said to be bad. It depends on how the little guy "Killer" responds. After all, with this thing, ordinary deformed creatures will not easily approach."

"Kashi: But if he is targeted by the sub-plant, he will be completely finished."

"Fuji: That's right, but I think he can handle it."

"Kashi: Anyway, you are now the full consultant for the "Killer" research, so what you say is it."

"Fuji: The key point is that this sub-plant has not yet completely transformed, and the root system has not yet grown out, so there is still a possibility of migration."

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