The strange sadness lasted only a dozen seconds, and Cheng Xu's tears stopped.

After cleaning his tears a little, Cheng Xu drank half a pot of hot spring water, and made sure that he was not sick, and then he began to think about the follow-up plan with peace of mind.

"Before those guys on the third floor completely complete their evolution, I must find a way to clean them all up..."

Cheng Xu looked at the hot pot piled at his feet and the matches next to him, and still thought about burning them with fire.

"If the fire-fighting facilities of the entire building cannot operate normally, then I will set this fire down..."

Cheng Xu recalled the knowledge he had seen in some popular science videos. Buildings that have been burned by fire have a great risk of collapse.

"It's not advisable to burn directly with fire. If a fire occurs, I might just go and experience the underground survival game..."

"Then change your mind. If the firefighting facilities are intact, then as long as I trigger the smoke alarm, the whole mall will be doused with water."

"Although it may attract more monsters, at least they will only hang around on the first floor, which is still far away from me..."

"It would be the best result if those spiders with flowers can be drowned by water, but I guess I have to go down and kill them myself."

"Those spider silks will definitely not be able to withstand the flushing of the fire nozzles. Even if they can, they can no longer be used to feel the vibration. So now I just need to confirm one thing..."

"Do they have vision?"

After thinking it through, Cheng Xu checked the weather forecast and found that the weather outside was "Tangled Silk".

"Tangled Threads"

"A large amount of spider silk-like substances will appear in every corner of the city. These threads will not be ignited or broken, and have a very terrible stickiness"

"Perfect weather, so even if the fire alarm is triggered, the monsters can't run over!"

Cheng Xu opened the door of the shelter and found that there was no spider silk invading the room, which made him feel a little relieved.

He planned to go to the fourth floor of the mall, which he had never explored before, to ensure that his next experimental plan could be implemented smoothly.

Relying on the invisibility time of the skill, Cheng Xu successfully came to the fourth floor, where the situation was worse than he imagined.

A large amount of broken glass was scattered on the ground, and there were many broken steel frames around, and the tile floor was also full of spider web-like cracks.

"It seems that some huge monster has run through this place..."

Cheng Xu simply observed the surroundings and found that the traces were relatively old, and the huge creature should have left long ago.

He turned around again, confirmed that there was no danger, left a few "strokes" as a warning, and then began to implement his own experiment.

Cheng Xu lay on the platform on the fourth floor, hanging a "Mengque" spider on his finger, controlling it, and slowly falling down with spider silk.

When it approached the huge spider web on the third floor, Cheng Xu stopped and sensed the surrounding breath through the spider's senses.

There was a three-layer spider very close to the edge of the big web, pacing, and Cheng Xu felt the restless breath from the flower on it.

Then, Cheng Xu tried to swing his fingers to make the "Mengque" spider sway slowly.

After a few seconds, the little spider was still alive, and the three-layer spider next to it did not react.

Cheng Xu increased the shaking force, making the little spider's body sway sharply like a pendulum.

As a result, the spider on the third floor still did not move, and even showed signs of leaving.

When Cheng Xu was about to increase the force a little more, he accidentally touched the petals on the back of a three-layer spider, and as a result, the little spider lost the signal in an instant.


Cheng Xu heard a very obvious snapping sound at the fourth floor, right where the little spider had just died.

Cheng Xu decided to increase the test equivalent, took out the previous climbing rope, tied a crossbow arrow, and slowly lowered it like before.

Cheng Xu even saw the petals behind the spider, but it seemed to ignore the crossbow arrow in front of it.

Cheng Xu thought for a few seconds and decided to directly hit the spider with the crossbow arrow to test its attack method.

The result was far beyond Cheng Xu's expectations. When his arrow touched the white petals, the "spider" stretched out a pincer from under the petals.


The strong and powerful pincers tightly grasped the arrowhead of the crossbow arrow, and Cheng Xu slowly lifted it up.

Cheng Xu pulled it out of the three-layer net, hung it in the air, and carefully examined it.


That guy does have a similar limb structure to a spider, and also has eight legs, but those eight legs don't look as agile as spiders, and are full of clumsy obstruction.

And its body is wrapped in a thick shell, which reflects slightly under the light.

In addition, it also has a pair of large claws. Cheng Xu can basically be sure that this thing is more closely related to crabs.


Feeling threatened, the distorted creature suddenly shook its petals and spit out a cloud of smoke-like silk threads, which fell softly on the big net and became part of the net.

Just as it spit out the silk threads, Cheng Xu clearly saw that there was a pair of sharp fangs in its lower jaw.

"The combination of crab and spider genes... is a bit strange... Let's call it crab spider."

Cheng Xu wanted to take this thing back to study it, but he was worried that it would suddenly go berserk and hurt himself with its fangs.

So Cheng Xu strung the crossbow and slowly pulled it to the right height.


The crossbow arrow suddenly fired, piercing the carapace hidden in the petals.

Cheng Xu grabbed the crossbow arrow shaft a second before it struggled, and lifted it up directly.

The clumsy crab spider kicked its legs randomly, a pair of crab claws tried to collide with each other, and the silk-spinning organs on its back continued to work, but none of them could help it at all.

"No wonder there are no traces of them on those webs. How come this thing weighs seven or eight pounds..."

Cheng Xu took advantage of it not to die, and found a pool for rinsing mops in the toilet on the fourth floor of the shopping mall, filled it with water, and stuffed it in.

The crab spider began to struggle desperately the moment it came into contact with the water, and then after more than thirty seconds, the strength of the struggle had been reduced to almost invisible.

When Cheng Xu took it out again, the crab spider was completely dead, and the petals behind it turned into a lifeless gray, with a large number of black spots growing on it.

"Although I can't be completely sure that this thing was drowned, it does hate water..."

Cheng Xu decided to try his "fire sprinkler" plan. Even if it didn't work, he could still connect the entire mall, and his grappling hook gun would come in handy.

After dealing with the crab spider's body, Cheng Xu rushed back to his shelter, took out a match, and planned to light a broken table.

Cheng Xu put the sawdust-filled table on the flame for a while, and a thick black smoke quickly rose.

In an instant, the smoke alarm was triggered, and a long alarm sounded throughout the mall...

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