After the hunter wrote a few characters that looked like AI works, he used the binding wire to simply arrange a square frame to frame the characters. The hunter even left a place for the bloodstain that Li Zi had sprayed out, which looked like Li Zi was slashed by the words, which was quite dramatic. After doing all this, the hunter seemed to feel that something was missing from the work. Based on the vague memory left in his body, the hunter finally thought of the most important point... Signature. It felt that it had to leave a mark to let those who might have admired it know who the creator of this artwork was. The hunter gathered the blood that was about to solidify at the tip of the binding wire, and drew a layered rose at the end of the words, which was unexpectedly playful.

If Li Zi's body was not sitting at the foot of the wall, this scene would be more interesting.

"Dissolving Logic_98: Wow! This works! Does the boss have peripherals? @Disaster"

"Revolving Structure #94: If you have, can I just take the words? @Disaster"

"Giant Tree Walker #13: It's imitating... Interesting"

All the audience's attention was attracted by the hunter, and everyone had forgotten the "killer" in the small picture in the upper left corner.

At this time, Cheng Xu had rushed back to his shelter and began to use those poisonous bees for experiments.

Those tiny poisonous bees have gray shells, black wings, and a tail stinger that is longer than its body.

Cheng Xu even dissected a few poisonous bees to study their physiological structure, and then he made an amazing discovery.

Those venomous bees, which were only finger-long, actually had a whole venom gland in their abdomens, without any other organs.

In addition to the toxins that accounted for more than 60% of their body structure, there was only the power structure for flying and a white fat substance like a battery.

When Cheng Xu cut open their bodies, the venomous bees were still active. Even if only half of their body structure was left, they could still maintain vigorous activity.

Of course, as long as Cheng Xu cut off their energy supply, these little bugs would be completely silenced.

After finishing the experimental research, Cheng Xu also blocked the mall where he was, and used wire and rubble to remotely block the broken glass.

The deformed creatures blocked on the first floor of the mall were a group of medium-sized dog-sized guys, with ant-like front claws and a large number of plant root-like tentacles, and were good at crawling on the ground.

Another upright creature with a human head and a large number of branches and leaves had been wiped out by the group of ants, and all were dragged back to the nest as food.

Cheng Xu quickly found a fire hydrant on the first floor and flooded the ants' caves in a very ancient way, driving them out of his mall.

Just as Cheng Xu ate something and moved more materials to reinforce the mall's defenses, the daytime world suddenly ended and night fell.

At the same time, the weather forecast that had been silent all day was updated again.

"Tonight, the "bitter cold wind" will continue"

The sudden strong wind without any reason caused the temperature of the entire city to drop suddenly. Even Cheng Xu, who stayed indoors, felt the power of the cold wind.


When the temperature drops to a certain level, the feeling it brings is not just as simple as cold.

The feeling of cold will quickly evolve to the next stage. At that time, all your inadequately protected parts will feel the pain deep into the bone marrow.

At this moment, Cheng Xu, wearing a soft armor and a scaly hood, felt what it was like to be freezing cold for the first time.

Cheng Xu made a prompt decision and gave up the idea of ​​repairing the entrance protection on the first floor and quickly returned to his shelter.

"If I stay a little longer, I'm afraid my fingers will freeze off..."

Cheng Xu searched his wardrobe and found that his winter clothes were still there, but they were obviously not able to withstand such cold.

Most of his winter clothes were thin jackets, and he only had one down jacket, which was damaged a lot because of the previous rounds of games.

In the end, Cheng Xu chose the jacket and filled the inside of the clothes with fluffy binding wire.

"This clothes can even be used as bulletproof..."

In the night when the cold wind was raging, Cheng Xu stepped out of his shelter and started tonight's hunting.

"1. Kill 10 "Walkers""

"2. Kill 6 "Compound Eye Toads""


3. Kill 12 "multi-armed apes"

"4. Kill 7 "twisted mantises"

"5. Kill 9 "floating spine insects"

"6. Kill 120 "eyeball rabbits"

After a day of hunting and observation, although the strength of those deformed creatures has increased compared to before the first deformation, they are still very weak overall and pose no threat to Cheng Xu.

However, Cheng Xu also clearly remembered that in Shuiqie's report, the third deformation will cause all creatures to undergo a real qualitative change, and then perhaps the world will be truly dangerous.

"Only by constantly becoming stronger can we survive..."

The first deformed creature that night, the "walker", is a monster with humanoid deformation, with three slender legs. Although the proportions are completely different from those of humans, the shape is very similar.

On top of the three legs, there is a head shaped like an eye, and there is a crack similar to a vertical pupil on it, with many teeth growing inside.

The "walker" also has a retracted tentacle covered with barbs that can be used to ingest food.

Facing this distorted creature, Cheng Xu chose a safer long-range sniper. Although those things don't look very strong, it's not worth taking a meaningless risk.

In the live broadcast, Cheng Xu's side was finally put on the big screen, because the hunter's side had turned on the walking mode for some reason and walked very slowly.

When Cheng Xu hunted the distorted creatures, a special commentary text would be added to the screen to show the characteristics of various monsters to the audience.

Audiences from different planes of the universe became interested, just like watching a documentary, and began to explore the ecology composed of those distorted creatures from Cheng Xu's perspective.

Those "walkers" with three legs walked very slowly, and their center of gravity was unstable. Cheng Xu only used one arrow each time to kill them completely.

Soon, he had killed enough tasks.

In the cold wind at night, Cheng Xu felt that his fingers were still very uncomfortable. Although he had gloves filled with silk as protection, his joints were still a little sore.

"I must finish the hunt as soon as possible... otherwise the temperature will be enough to hurt me..."

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