The two sides of the river are still in the same boat.

"Nanqie: Hurry up, he's ready to go to the second area!"

"Roselle: I'm trying to find my form. I haven't spoken on the loudspeaker for a long time..."

"Shuiqie: Come on, come on! I'll be your data support, just keep reading!"

"Citianqie: The live broadcast frequency is synchronizing..."

The audience watching the live broadcast suddenly found that the audio signal of Cheng Xu was weakened a lot, and there was an extra voice-over next to his screen.

"Today, the wind is cold and the temperature drops sharply. It's time for the distorted creatures to gather together for warmth."

"They huddle together, stay close to each other, and keep warm, which will make their tribe relationship more harmonious."

"Look, the creature pierced by the arrow is the "Compound Eye Toad", one of the "Killer"'s hunting targets today..."

Although Cheng Xu in the picture was hunting mercilessly, the atmosphere of the entire live broadcast suddenly became a little humorous, and the number of viewers began to increase rapidly.

They followed Cheng Xu's perspective all the way and began to get to know those distorted creatures. Occasionally, they could see them preying on each other. The program effect was very comfortable.

Most of the audience recovered from the climax of the fight just now, and entered a relatively calm state, and began to turn their attention back to Cheng Xu.

The last "Compound Eye Toad" was killed by Cheng Xu with a bow and arrow, lying on the cold ground, with the eye-like substances all over his body scattered all over the ground.

Its appearance is not much different from that of a toad, and it propels itself forward with its strong and powerful hind legs.

But they are covered with "compound eyes", and many eye-like lumps grow under the skin, bulging outward, and occasionally one or two will fall to the ground.

But in fact, these compound eyes are its egg sheaths. Whenever a "compound eye toad" dies, they will expel their egg sheaths at the last moment before death to ensure the survival of their offspring.

Cheng Xu stood on the roof, checking the nearby houses, trying to find a safe place to rest. His fingers and toes were almost completely numb.

After searching for a long time, Cheng Xu finally found a facility similar to a rooftop teahouse, with lights on, which looked very safe.

The teahouse was located on the top floor of a large store, and there were several shops next to it whose signs were not clearly visible, all with lights off.

Relying on his invisibility ability, Cheng Xu quickly came to the vicinity of the teahouse and began to scout.

At the same time, Roselle was still explaining.

"In such an environment, even the strongest survivors cannot fight against their own instincts. The fear of cold in human genes is enough to prompt them to seek a safe haven."

"Look, this is how they confirm safety. By analyzing the reaction of sound and light, they can intuitively confirm whether the surrounding environment is safe or not."

Cheng Xu in the picture has looked around for several times and found nothing abnormal, so he left "strokes" in several places where monsters might appear for warning.

After inspecting the indoor environment again, Cheng Xu shuttled through the reflective surface of the glass to the teahouse.

But unfortunately, there is no heating supply in the teahouse. The buildings in this city are randomly copied, and this one happens to be not in a place with heating.

Cheng Xu glanced at the thermometer placed in the store. It has reached minus 27 degrees Celsius. No wonder Cheng Xu felt that his fingers were about to freeze off.

"It's minus 27 degrees Celsius indoors, and it's probably minus 40 degrees Celsius outside..."

Cheng Xu carefully explored the back kitchen. After confirming that there were really no distorted creatures hiding in this store, he turned on the stove for making tea and used the temperature of the flame to warm his body.

"Such a city actually has fuel supply..."

Cheng Xu didn't know how long he could keep the fire going, so he had to let go of his thoughts, get close to the fire, and enjoy the warm moment.

Then Cheng Xu felt that there was not much heat in the air, and it was difficult to warm up his whole body quickly.

Then he brought a large basin of water to the stove and started to boil it.

When the water gradually began to boil, the whole room was filled with warm air, and the thermometer on the wall quickly rose to 17 degrees Celsius.

Although it was still a bit cold, this temperature was already very happy for the sharp cold wind outside.

Just as Cheng Xu was considering whether to make some tea, a "brushstroke" he left outside the door was triggered.

"Tsk... there's no time to rest..."

The waiter in the teahouse

There was a sound of claws scratching the floor in the guest area, which was very slight and did not sound like a sound that could be made by a large creature.

Cheng Xu came to the door of the back kitchen and looked towards the reception area. There was nothing unusual there.

After waiting for a few seconds, a very small ball of fur came out from behind the chair.

The little thing had gray hair, which looked extremely fluffy, and a pair of furry ears that looked very good to the touch.

It sniffed slowly on the ground, scratching its claws back and forth on the ground, and its hind legs would lightly jump as it moved forward.

From any angle, this was an ordinary rabbit, even a little cute.

But Cheng Xu knew that this thing was one of his hunting targets tonight, and he needed to kill a full 120 "eyeball rabbits".

The rabbit jumped around in the reception area for two or three minutes, and found something and began to gnaw on it. The rustling sound did not sound threatening at all.

So far, Cheng Xu has not discovered why this thing is called an "eyeball" rabbit. Its eyes are very normal and appear jewel-red under the light.

Roselle's commentary sounded at the right time, answering the doubts of the audience watching the live broadcast.

"This is a more special existence among the deformed creatures. They are a wonder in the evolutionary branch."

"These "eyeball rabbits" have given up their own attack capabilities and instead put all their development directions on reproduction!"

"Please pay attention, this "eyeball rabbit" will start to reproduce soon! Then you will understand why they are called "eyeball" rabbits!"

Cheng Xu raised the "blood bowstring" and put on the most ordinary scrap crossbow arrow, ready to give the rabbit a fatal blow.


The rabbit seemed to sense Cheng Xu's presence, and suddenly stood up, with its eyes bulging out of its sockets at an extremely terrifying speed...


Cheng Xu's arrow hit its head, nailing the rabbit to the floor, but its eyes continued to swell...

Soon, the size of the eyeball exceeded the rabbit itself, pushing aside the tables and chairs next to it, and flowing all over the floor like liquid.


A corner of the eyeball quickly cracked, revealing the contents inside...

All of them were identical gray rabbits!

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