The two creatures collided in front of the gradually collapsing mall gate, and the sound they made was louder than the residual explosions coming from the mall.

One of them had three rows of rhino-like horns, and a body covered with extremely dense bone plates, and it charged with heavy steps.

The other one was like a huge bubble, spread out into a large mass. Every time the opponent hit it, it would wrap itself around the horns of the heavily armored monster, trying to suffocate the heavily armored guy to death.

But the heavily armored monster was too powerful, and it could always throw the soft-bodied monster away, and neither of them could do anything to the other.

Right next to these two monsters, there is a grove of trees, which was originally the green belt of the shopping mall, but the plants in it have all died after the weather in the previous three days.

Between the dead branches, there is a group of creatures with hidden bodies.

Their bodies are similar to insects, with slender and short waists, bulging abdomens, and two cracks growing on them.

Each crack is divided into two layers, in which a large number of sharp teeth grow, like the teeth of a blender, which completely crush the food between friction.

The front end of its body is like an overdeveloped mantis, with a pair of serrated curved blades supporting its body. The huge bone blade is like a guillotine, which looks like a powerful beauty.

Compared with the body, this guy's head can be said to be too simple, with only one eye wrapped in a transparent hard shell, which slowly rotates as the prey moves.

These guys are one of Cheng Xu's hunting targets, "Twisted Knife Mantis".

Their prey tonight is not a small thing, but the big creature that collides with each other.

There was a strange texture on these greedy hunters, which made Cheng Xu even forget for a moment that he was still hunting, and put down the bow and arrow that had been opened.


The heavily armored monster finally ran out of energy and was tripped by the soft monster and slid on the ground for several meters.

The knife mantises that felt the vibration signal instantly jumped up, pushed their bodies with their thick thighs that looked like grasshoppers, and instantly came to the heavy armored monster and ejected the serrated bone blades.

The bone blades of the knife mantises have a peculiar hydraulic structure, which gives them extremely powerful cutting ability, and the serrations on the bone blades tightly stuck to the limbs of the prey, making it impossible for them to escape.

The knife mantises locked the body of the heavily armored monster from all directions, and the heavy bone blades slowly tore the plate armor, revealing the soft muscles underneath.

At the moment of feeling the muscle tissue, the rear end of the knife mantis quickly followed up, crushing the tissue of the heavily armored monster and swallowing it into its stomach.

Cheng Xu looked at the group of mantises hunting, and involuntarily stretched out his hands, imitating the mantises' movements, and gestured in the air...

In an instant, Cheng Xu felt something in his head, which looked like the specific structure of the mantis's front blade.


When Cheng Xu came to his senses, he had a pair of limbs at the front of his body, which were exactly the same as the hydraulic bone blades of the mantises.

"This is..."

Cheng Xu tried to control the pair of extremely heavy hydraulic bone blades, but his center of gravity suddenly lost balance and he almost fell directly from the street lamp.

After such a flash, the pair of bone blades suddenly disintegrated, turned into binding silk again, and merged into Cheng Xu's body.

In Cheng Xu's ears, a wild music suddenly sounded, and the swift and unrestrained rhythm was like a group of wild wolves chasing sheep on the grassland.

For some reason, Cheng Xu actually knew the name of this song.

"Hunter's March..."

In the administrator group, seeing Cheng Xu's huge hydraulic blades, Tengjia couldn't help it anymore and started to send messages frantically again.

"Tengjia: I can only say that it is worthy of the work of Lord Disaster..."

"Tengjia: The hunters born from him are learning human abilities, making themselves more like humans, with "techniques" and "moves""

"Tengjia: But he is gradually adapting to the instincts in his body, tapping into the power of distortion, awakening "instinct" and "consciousness""

"Tengjia: When the two meet, they will become the most perfect mirror image of each other!"

"Tengjia: Such a fight is definitely a world championship battle!! I'm looking forward to it... I'm looking forward to it!"

"Tengjia: I really want to find someone to knock me out with a punch, and faint until the day of the decisive battle ah ah ah ah"

"Kaxijia: Who can knock you out? You can't even hit a star.

"A monster that doesn't slow down"

"Nan Qie: I'm too lazy to ban you"

"Rosega: @Shui Qie, stop reading the group messages! Hurry up, where are the follow-up manuscripts?"

"Shui Qie: You can get it from my database by yourself through a thread, and I'll send you the key"

On the other side, Cheng Xu suddenly felt an urge to hunt, which was stronger than any other desire.

A pair of new hydraulic bone knives grew out on both sides of Cheng Xu's body, and they were carried on his back like wings.

Cheng Xu consciously added an extra piece to the joint of the hydraulic bone knife so that it could rotate freely back and forth.

Cheng Xu, who could no longer suppress his bloodthirsty impulse, jumped down from the street lamp, and the bone blade slowly opened in the air.

When he used the binding silk to swing directly over the group of knife mantises, the guillotine-like bone blades quickly closed and cut the two knife mantises that were tearing their prey into two pieces.

Cheng Xu's figure did not stop at all after landing, turning into a shadow, cruising among the deformed creatures.

The huge bone blade was like the sickle of the god of death, and wherever it passed, all the corpses were cut in half.

All the knife mantises died in less than a minute, leaving only their abdomens stuck on the soft tissue of the heavy armored monster, maintaining the basic reflexes of insects.

Cheng Xu felt that there was an attractive smell in the body of the heavy armored monster, so he learned the method of the knife mantis, pried open its shell with his own bone blade, and began to dissect it with the sharper "hundred files".

The heavy armored creature had already suffered a lot of injuries, and after being tossed by Cheng Xu, it died completely in a few minutes.

Cheng Xu searched its chest for a while and found a white crystal block, which was exactly the same as the one taken out of the "split mother" that day.

Cheng Xu looked at the very tempting white crystal, resisted his desire, and put it in his backpack.

"At least go back and eat it..."

"Crunch, crunch..."

A voice suddenly sounded in the green belt next to him. Cheng Xu looked in the direction of the voice and saw a slender figure with six arms chewing something.

"That's it... the last mission, "Multi-armed ape"!"

The ape held the lump that had just been torn off the soft-bodied monster in his hand, chewing happily and making annoying crunching sounds.

Behind it, there were two iron rods with sharp iron pieces tied to the ends.

"This thing... can use tools?"

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