The only way to get out of the way is to go to the edge of the forest.

When Cheng Xu really approached that area, he really felt the oppression of the plant-like deformed creatures.

The mall, which originally had a very human style, had collapsed and turned into a pile of ruins. Various deformed creatures took root and grew between the broken steel bars and concrete.

The green plants that covered the sky and the sun had an uncomfortable vitality, entangled with each other, devoured each other, and formed an expanding deformed rainforest.

When Cheng Xu arrived, a hunt was going on at the edge of the rainforest. A huge creature was dying and was eaten by three plants.

The upper part of the three plants still maintained the shape of trees, but the lower part was not connected by roots, and instead developed into a clam shell-shaped mouth.

The toothless trees clumsily stuffed the prey into their mouths and cut it up with their own weight.

"Are these trees... the original green belt?"

The upper parts of the three plants were common trees next to normal roads, and there was even white tree varnish on the trunks.

After they completely killed the prey, more low plants emerged from the forest and joined the feast, cutting up the food with their newly grown mouthparts.

These plants all retained some traces of the green belt, and the bushes that still appeared in a spherical shape were indescribably funny.

Soon, these plants took what they needed and ate up the huge creature that had just died.

After swallowing, these plants began to gradually move deeper into the jungle, with a unified and even pace.

Cheng Xu quietly followed them into the lush rainforest, deliberately controlling his body and avoiding every inch of the area where the deformed creatures might exist.

In those rainforests, Cheng Xu found that some plants could not move, just like the most common plants, keeping silent and standing upright.

They were exactly the opposite of those green belts. The branches and trunks were in the state of animals, but they were completely woody and had no movable joints.

However, the forms of those animals were more or less incomplete, and it was impossible to recognize the specific species. It could only be barely seen that it was not a plant.

"The deformed creatures transformed from plants look like animals, and the animals after transformation are more like plants..."

Cheng Xu followed the living plants all the way to the center of the square, and saw a huge sphere as high as three stories in the ruins of the shopping mall.

That thing was his number one target today, the "slit-mouthed boa", and at this moment, it was enjoying its food.

Cheng Xu looked at it intently. The gray sphere was like concrete that had been polished dozens of times, with an extremely heavy luster.

Around the sphere, there were five soft tentacles with patterns drooping, tearing something.

"Is it eating... trees?"

The five tentacles that looked like anacondas were tearing at a tree, and a large amount of light red liquid sprayed out and spread around the ground.

The tree that was eaten was the "plant-like animal" that Cheng Xu had seen at the edge of the forest before. The trunk was rugged, and some limb joints could be vaguely seen.

The plants that were slowly walking also approached the center of the square, gathered around the "slit-mouthed anaconda", and spit out the prey they had just swallowed.

The broken body parts were piled together and placed in front of the "slit-mouthed anaconda", like some kind of ritual tribute.

The "slit-mouthed anaconda" did not seem to be very interested in the body parts, and was still tearing the tree with big mouths, swallowing the dark red wood fibers.

After a while, a mass of translucent substance suddenly appeared in the cracks on the ground, and then quickly solidified, forming a huge mouth four or five meters wide, and suddenly bit down on the pile of body parts.

A large amount of flesh and blood was swallowed by the translucent giant mouth and slowly melted in its belly.

That guy was naturally one of Cheng Xu's targets, the "Strange Shark".

After seeing the flesh and blood being swallowed by the "Strange Shark", the plants began to slowly move to the periphery, no longer maintaining that very neat pace, and dispersed from each other.

After they left, the body of the "Strange Shark" began to split, splitting out a group of transparent bubbles wrapped in melted flesh and blood, and pushed it close to the "Slit-Mouthed Anaconda".

After completing all this, the body of the "Strange Shark" liquefied again and seeped into the ground.

After enjoying its food, the "Slit-Mouthed Anaconda" slowly pushed the transparent bubble to its spherical

Near the body, a high-frequency humming sound was emitted.


The sound was like someone blowing, but it was so penetrating that even Cheng Xu could hear it clearly.

Then, the huge spherical body of the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" slowly opened, revealing the translucent cavity inside.

In the soft cavity, Cheng Xu saw many white things, which were very blurry and could not tell what they were.

The "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" carefully selected for a while, inserted its tentacles into the cavity, and took out a white object...

It was a huge skeleton, without any flesh and blood on it, and it should have belonged to some unlucky giant deformed creature.

The "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" closed its spherical shell again, and used its tentacles to put the things left by the "Strange Shark" next to the skeleton.

After a moment, the skeleton actually entered the translucent sphere directly and merged with the light red liquid...

A few minutes later, a brand new tree appeared in the translucent bubble, and its branches also maintained an animal-like posture, showing a high degree of woodiness.

After the plant was basically formed, the "Slit-Mouthed Anaconda" bit through the outer membrane of the bubble, picked up the tree without any leaves, and moved to the periphery of the forest.

Finally, the new tree was planted in the pile of bricks, and many green leaves quickly grew out, enriching its crown.

Cheng Xu noticed that there were almost no duplicate leaves, all from various tree species, which looked very rich and pleasing to the eye.


After planting the tree, the "Slit-Mouthed Anaconda" suddenly stretched out its five tentacles, spit out a large amount of light red liquid, and swung back and forth along the edge of the forest.

The liquid soon permeated every corner of the forest, causing the living plants to rustle.

"It's like watering these plants..."

Cheng Xu discovered that the plants seemed to have formed a symbiotic relationship, relying on each other and rapidly expanding their own population.

This symbiotic model was much stronger than those distorted creatures fighting alone, so much so that no other distorted creatures could be seen nearby.

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