The two of them were so busy that they were almost like a complete life form..." Cheng Xu barely hung on a street lamp with only half of it left, thinking carefully about how he should hunt the huge creature. Cheng Xu decided to test the hunting mode of these plants first, which would determine the starting point of his hunting. He was not sure that the spiders he created were enough to attract their attention. If not, he would go to the surrounding area and tie up a few deformed creatures. Cheng Xu generated three spiders and threw them directly near the activated plants, letting them crawl back and forth near the branches of the plants. But the plants ignored them and turned a blind eye to the three small spiders. Even when Cheng Xu controlled the spiders to bite their trunks, the plants did not react. There was really no other way, so Cheng Xu could only go to the area next to him and find some ready-made experimental materials.

After experiencing the side effects of the binding thread, Cheng Xu became more adept at controlling it, and it basically became an extra organ for Cheng Xu.

Except for some particularly powerful beings, at this stage, ordinary deformed creatures could not resist the binding thread in Cheng Xu's hand at all.

Soon, Cheng Xu dragged the three deformed creatures back to the edge of the forest with the binding thread.

The three unfortunate deformed creatures all came from a scavenger group, and their bodies were covered with defensive spikes, but they had no combat capabilities.

Such a perfect experimental subject, Cheng Xu naturally could not let it go, and immediately caught it back.

When the three deformed creatures appeared in the range of the forest, the dormant activated plants finally responded.

Some living shrub balls showed amazing speed, quickly blocked the retreat path of the three deformed creatures, and generated a large number of growing thorns.

A distorted creature that felt threatened wanted to escape quickly, but was tripped by the barbs on the ground and fell directly on the thorns full of spikes, and its body was completely locked.

The active trees also began to attack, releasing some hazy mist containing many tiny seeds to the distorted creatures that were surrounded.

When the seeds came into contact with the bodies of the distorted creatures, they quickly took root, and the sharp structures coupled like canine teeth grew out at the same time, stuck on the flesh of the distorted creatures.

Soon, the three distorted creatures were tied up by the rapidly growing parasitic plants and completely lost their activity.

Cheng Xu saw that behind the trees, there were some belated active shrubs. These guys grew the heads of various animals, with their fangs and claws bared, ready to provide physical attack support at any time.

In addition, there were many plants that did not move, and I don’t know how many tricks they could have.

"It seems that there is only one way to go straight to Huanglong..."

The hard shell of the "slit-mouthed anaconda" is extremely thick, and Cheng Xu does not think he can penetrate the nearly one-meter-thick gray hard shell.

At present, the only time it may open its shell is when it processes food, which is also the moment when it is most vulnerable.

Cheng Xu watched the activated plants swallow the bodies of the three deformed creatures and waited for them to slowly walk over there.

As a result, they did not intend to move this time. After swallowing the three bodies, they actually stopped where they were and did not move again.

"Is this... not enough to eat?"

Helplessly, Cheng Xu ran to the gathering place of the scavengers again, killed 17 or 18 individuals, and returned to the edge of the bushes with their bodies.

The activated plants gathered again and swallowed Cheng Xu's "tribute".

But this time, in addition to the increasing number of plants, no one was willing to move.


Cheng Xu suddenly felt cheated.

After three rounds of this cycle, the plants finally began to pace and move towards the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda".

Cheng Xu was already a little irritated at this time. He came to the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" in advance, raised the "Blood Bowstring" and put on a special mirror crossbow arrow, his arm trembling slightly.

"You have to spit out everything you ate from me!"

When the figure of the "Strange Shark" appeared again, Cheng Xu's nerves were instantly tense, staring at the shell of the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda", waiting for this guy to crack again.

When the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" sensed the amount of flesh and blood this time, it actually made a joyful cry and quickly opened its shell, intending to pick the best bone

skeleton out.

Just when the shell opened to a width of one person, an arrow as bright as a mirror flew out and pierced directly into its soft cavity.

The "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" that felt the attack was like a frightened snail, suddenly shrinking and rolling on the spot, trying to crush the undetectable enemy directly.

All the active plants surrounding it woke up, and the wooden shell cracked, revealing the hideous core with teeth, shaking their organs with attack capabilities on their bodies frantically.

The few "Strange Sharks" in the tribe also emerged from the mud, surrounded the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" and kept biting it, as if the air was its imaginary enemy.

Cheng Xu, the initiator of all this, has entered the reflective surface of the crossbow arrow and observed the cavity of the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda".

The internal organs of the "Slit-Mouth Anaconda" are simpler than imagined, with only three vesicles.

One vesicle contained the skeleton of a deformed creature, which was used to cultivate plants that belonged to it.

The other vesicle was the digestive cavity, which was filled with light red plant fibers and was slowly wriggling.

And at the center was its core, a crystal emitting a faint white light.

Cheng Xu used the binding thread to create a sealed package outside his body, and then squeezed out of the mirror world.

Relying on his own memory, Cheng Xu used the binding thread to form a tiny claw, tore open the mucous membrane of the vesicles, and came to the vicinity of the core.

Cheng Xu was merciless and directly pulled off the core and put it in the space backpack.


The "Slit Boa" that lost its core died completely at that moment, and all the vesicles melted instantly and turned into a ball of liquid inside the hard shell.

Cheng Xu, floating on it, looked at his completed task and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If I had known that this guy's insides were so fragile, I should have attacked him directly when I first arrived..."

The animated plants surrounding the "Slit Anaconda" also felt the death of their leader and immediately entered a violent mode, with a large amount of toxic chemicals suddenly erupting as if they were free.

The "Strange Sharks" began to multiply rapidly by splitting, turning into a group of individuals only the size of house cats, rushing in groups like piranhas.

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