The enemy was in trouble.

Before coming in, Cheng Xu secretly hid a back-up plan and threw a few pieces of mirror fragments around the "Slit Boa" as a means of escape.

But the place was already full of crazy activated plants, they had lost their minds and attacked all visible aliens.

"These guys don't look like they will be affected by mental shock... I guess my "Ukiyo-e" won't work."

Cheng Xu found that the range attack skills he had were really pitiful. In addition to the "Ukiyo-e" with mental shock, there was only one "Dense Fog" left.

Seeing the "100 grams of any substance" in the description of the "Dense Fog" skill, Cheng Xu suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

"What if I use the binding wire as an additive?"

Looking at the binding wire full of dangerous energy in his hand, Cheng Xu suddenly felt the excitement of setting off fireworks in his hand.

"I always feel that this is a bit risky..."

In the end, Cheng Xu decided to give it a try. If it didn't work, he could shrink in the mirror and wait for the aggressiveness of the group of plants to subside before escaping.

"Boom! Buzz... Crack!..."

Amid a chaotic collision, Cheng Xu quietly appeared and released the "thick fog" with the binding wire as the carrier among a group of plants biting each other.

In an instant, a very loud noise burst out from around Cheng Xu's body, and a large number of fine white silk threads flew out like a storm!

Each thin binding thread seemed to have its own consciousness, rushing straight towards the deformed creatures around, penetrating their shells and gnawing at their flesh and blood...

The burst of binding threads at that moment almost made Cheng Xu, the actual controller, faint. Each binding thread brought him a lot of information feedback.

The redundant information flow rushed randomly in his mind, and unexpectedly made his mental value increase to more than twice the upper limit for a short time!

The crazy binding thread storm tore apart all the deformed creatures around Cheng Xu in less than ten seconds, and nothing was left within a radius of ten meters.

When the storm finally stopped and all the binding threads returned to Cheng Xu's body, all the activated plants that were just very crazy became quiet.

What Cheng Xu just released was not only the binding threads, but also the mental power carried in the binding threads. The two together formed a "chaotic storm".

The group of plants seemed to be frightened by the sudden explosion of firecrackers beside their ears, and even activated the instinct of playing dead in their genes, and they did not move.

Cheng Xu, whose spirit value was abnormally high, was not tired from overexertion at this moment, but was very excited. The distorted power from the binding thread was aroused by him again.

Cheng Xu took out the crystal that once belonged to the "Slit Boa" from the space backpack and crushed it.

The broken crystal turned into smoke in the air, was sucked into Cheng Xu's mouth, and swallowed quickly.

"Swallow and absorb..."

A binding thread as thick as a finger suddenly appeared around Cheng Xu's body. It seemed to be an individual with an independent life, constantly rotating around Cheng Xu.

Soon, the binding thread began to split, turning into countless smaller existences, guarding Cheng Xu's body.

They formed a more controllable "binding thread storm", constantly shuttling, looking for targets to devour.

In Cheng Xu's eyes, there seemed to be an attractive crystal block in the bodies of those activated plants, some large and some small, flickering slightly in his field of vision.

"Buzz... Duoduoduo..."

Cheng Xu raised his finger and pointed to the plant closest to him.

A large number of binding threads flew out like flying swords, drilling through the shell of the plant, and forcibly swallowed the crystal block the size of a fingernail in its body.

The huge tree with a blood-red single eye had no time to struggle, and the huge eye lost its activity, and the pupil slowly expanded.

As the creature that was once the closest to the "slit-mouthed anaconda", the "strange sharks" actually merged into a huge individual, trying to ambush Cheng Xu from underground.

But their crystal cores shone like stars in Cheng Xu's eyes, and could not be hidden at all.


When the huge translucent body of the "strange shark" appeared around Cheng Xu, countless binding threads had already drilled into the ground, completely turning their bodies that had not yet solidified into a permanent liquid.

Cheng Xu, who was killing crazily, suddenly felt a strange pleasure, and the omnipotent power made him a little intoxicated.

But Cheng Xu

His rationality told him that this state was just accidental and might soon become ineffective. The most important thing was to complete the task as soon as possible.

"Chain Blood Eel, huh..."

Cheng Xu's consciousness surged, and all the "Chain Blood Eels" present were instantly locked by him. A large number of binding threads, like cruise missiles, accurately penetrated the cores of those deformed creatures.

After completing the task, Cheng Xu wanted to leave as soon as possible, but he found that his legs had lost consciousness at some point and he could not control them at all.

"Could it be that my brain gave up the nervous system of the lower body in order to control these binding threads..."

Cheng Xu could not convert himself, so he could only use the binding threads to generate two arthropod legs to replace his legs, and quickly ran towards the shelter.

After he left, the activated plants that seemed to have seen their natural enemies woke up again.

Without their energy source, they no longer had to rely on each other. The former symbiotic partners suddenly became enemies that devoured each other.

The forest ecosystem began to decline rapidly. A large number of revitalized plants were torn apart in less than half an hour, and the remaining individuals began to migrate and leave the ruins.

Of course, the only ones who survived were those plant-based animals. No plant could digest the food that belonged to the "slit-mouthed boa", so they were ignored.

As the initiator of all this destruction, Cheng Xu also suffered retribution to a certain extent.

As soon as he returned to the shelter, his extra mental value began to decrease, and it dropped all the way to 75% of his total mental value before stopping.

Those binding wires that were originally moving at a constant speed completely lost control, running around Cheng Xu irregularly, and even regarded his own body as an attack target.

Cheng Xu forced himself to support the discomfort from the decline in mental value, returned to the second floor of the shelter, and locked himself in the concrete fortress to prevent the running binding wires from damaging the furniture.

"Huh... I hope I can recover before tonight..."

Cheng Xu, who was deprived of the right to sleep, clearly felt his body was tired, but he couldn't fall asleep. He could only close his eyes and pretend to be sleeping, deceiving his body and making it recover faster.

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