The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

"Nanqie: @All members, come to work, Lord Disaster is very dissatisfied with the current evolution progress and has changed the rhythm of evolution"

"Nanqie: Tonight, all distorted creatures will undergo the second and third distorted evolutions. They will gain wisdom and merge with each other to produce a huge biological race"

"Nanqie: @Rosega, I'm sorry, your vacation will end early, but you will have four times the salary compensation"


"Rosega: Can't we change the commentator... We can take turns"

"Nanqie: Except for you, none of us can take care of both commentary and translation at the same time, please keep up the good work"

"Rosella: @thorny sky eggplant, @ten calyx eggplant, aren't these two a consciousness connection? Can't they explain it?"

"Nanqie: No one can understand their explanation except the consciousness-type tribe. The data flow is too large and the program effect is not very good."

"Kashiqie: Well, um, maybe I can try?"

"Rosella: Oh, I almost forgot about you, the defected mechanical intelligent life, what is V?"

"Kashiqie: Vex tribe, the voice, although I am a half-silicon-based creature, I can access your LAN, just share the key with me."

"Nanqie: Very good, then you two coordinate and take turns Or you can do the joint explanation."

"Nanqie: @Shuiqie, the data support is up to you."

"Shuiqie: I'm ready and on call!"

"Nanqie: Very good, @Tengqie, Lord Zaijie wants an advanced report on the "killer", so I'll give it to you."

"Tengqie: I really can't write... I spent a long time writing the last report."

"Nanqie: You don't have to write like that. Lord Zaijie specifically told me to tell you that you only need to analyze the attack mode of the "killer."

"Nanqie: Just describe it in the words you are most familiar with, no written language is needed, and you can finish it any time, but it is best to finish it within 24 hours. "Success"

"Tengjia: This is what Lord Zaijie said, you can't go back on your word, you can't blame me if you can't understand the report"

"Nanjia: Don't worry, He won't dislike your report"

"Nanjia: The rest of you, you will be emergency response personnel, there may be some bugs, you need to fix them, just be on standby at any time"

"Nanjia: @Bidongjia, send the detailed repair link so that they can get familiar with it first"

"Bidongjia: I'm still adjusting the dimension parameters, can I send it in five minutes?"

"Nanjia: Okay, thank you for your hard work"

Cheng Xu, who was lying on the bed, was somewhat speechless when he heard the news.

His legs had regained consciousness, but he felt very strange, his nerves were very slow to react, and occasionally failed.

All the binding threads that had been colliding had returned to his body, and brought him a piece of information buried in the binding threads.

Those messages cannot be described in words, and they contain many instinctive activities. After activation, Cheng Xu has the ability to actively evoke the binding storm.

And because Cheng Xu swallowed too much white crystals, he finally awakened an ability to directly see the binding content in his body.

Those things are stored in the heart in Cheng Xu's right chest, and there are many in the white "blood vessels" spreading from the right heart.

These liquid binding threads circulate in his body, reabsorb the waste produced in his body, turn into new liquid binding threads, and then output the waste to his original excretion organs.

Even a considerable part of the binding threads have filled his stomach, replacing the original gastric acid system, and decomposing food more efficiently.

When necessary, these binding threads can also form a hard shell in his body to protect his body.

But unfortunately, Cheng Xu found that those binding threads did not have the effect of restoring mental value, perhaps he has not yet unlocked the corresponding function.

"I don't know how those deformed creatures will evolve in the future, since they already have wisdom..."

Cheng Xu just lay on the bed, maintaining the most comfortable posture, thinking about random things, waiting until the night falls.

At the moment when the night falls, the warm pollen snow arrives as promised, and the whole city is once again shrouded in a dim orange-yellow color.

The binding silk in Cheng Xu's body began to stir, and the heart on the right began to beat more violently, sending the binding silk to Cheng Xu's whole body.


With the help of the accelerated binding wires, Cheng Xu's legs completely regained consciousness, and the nerves of his whole body began to become more sensitive.

"My spirit value is actually floating..."

Cheng Xu felt that the grand music came to his ears again. At the same time, his spirit value began to float, like the gradually boiling water in the test tube, becoming unstable.

Cheng Xu looked out through the window of the bunker. The huge flower was dancing in the white haze, shaking its petals, and the branches emitted a very conspicuous red light.

Cheng Xu closed his eyes and squatted quickly, but the enchanting red light still existed, dancing in his eyes.

Cheng Xu finally realized that the thing was not a physical entity at all, but an illusion from his mind.

In the whole city, all the deformed creatures lowered their heads, staring at the ground, and the dancing red light flashed in their eyes.

Whether it was insects, plants or humanoids, their mental reactions were constantly expanding, and a lot of wisdom was directly poured into their consciousness.

Some races with insufficient brain capacity actually burst their heads, and a large amount of proliferating brain tissue grew out, causing their physiological structure to undergo extremely terrifying changes.

The heads of all creatures began to swell, and the redundant brain tissue broke their skulls and began to escape into other structures.

Their bodies became extremely ridiculous at this moment, with swollen heads, necks and shoulders invaded by bloated tissues, mouthparts and facial features crushed, leaving only the brain tissue that was still expanding.

For people like Cheng Xu who had the blessing of the binding silk, those red lights were like hot iron, which made his mental value boil instantly.

Cheng Xu felt that his soul was full of completely incomprehensible things, and those things made his mental value grow abnormally.

But perhaps because Cheng Xu had tossed himself during the day, the growth rate this time was not so terrible, and was slightly lower than during the day.

That familiar feeling of fullness spread throughout Cheng Xu's body, and a large amount of binding threads began to flow out unconsciously, spinning around Cheng Xu.

"Knowledge, curse, wealth, power, blessing, all are one thing..."

A grand voice suddenly sounded in Cheng Xu's mind, causing his mental limit to begin to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye...

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