After a long time, the tree was still in the ground.

Cheng Xu cut the tree into small pieces halfway back to the shelter, filling up the entire space backpack.

After feeding the "splitting eggs", Cheng Xu found that there seemed to be a lot of wood left.

Cheng Xu had nothing to do and didn't plan to go out. He read the chat records in the administrator group several times, trying to extract every bit of useful information.

"So, the next stage is the 'plant explosion', and many animals and plants will transform into each other..."

"Then, the 'city revitalization' they mentioned is likely to be accompanied by a large earthquake. I guess the whole city will be parasitized by huge plants."

Cheng Xu took out a piece of wood cut by the mantis bone blade, stroked the wood texture, and felt the vitality still flowing between the wood grain.

"I have been strengthened accordingly in the previous several distortions, and the degree of fusion has also reached the peak. Is there any way to affect the development of my power in the future?"

Cheng Xu broke off a piece of the wood's outer skin and carefully observed the texture on it. There were drops of tree sap between the thin substances.

"Could it be that my body has a tendency to become a plant? For example, I will not die even if I am cut into two pieces, or I can directly generate food through photosynthesis..."

At this moment, the sound of rain came from outside, and the weather forecast that had not changed for a long time finally ushered in a new weather.

"Thunderstorms will continue for the next six hours."

The sound of thunder came from afar, making Cheng Xu vaguely feel a strange sense of relief.

"Maybe I should try to learn to adapt to plant life in advance, so that I can surpass the hunter and make it my prey..."

Cheng Xu opened his window and stretched out a binding thread like a plant root, which slowly grew in the rain.

"The powerful existence named Disaster gave me the task of promoting my growth as much as possible and letting me understand the rules of this area."

"To be honest, this sudden favoritism makes me a little worried. I always feel that He wants to get something from me."

"But what is there for a weak existence like me to grab for a god?"

Cheng Xu thought of a possibility, and his palm suddenly clenched, causing the binding thread outside the window to curl and tighten together.

"He has worked so hard to train me... Does he want me to be his backup body or something?"

While Cheng Xu was daydreaming, the "split egg" lying in the room suddenly moved and spit out a fertilized egg, inside which lay an identical Cheng Xu.

The moment it appeared, the binding thread on Cheng Xu's fingertips uncontrollably rushed to the egg and drilled directly into it.

Cheng Xu quickly turned his head to look at the egg, and the sleeping clone suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes met Cheng Xu's.

Then, the clone suddenly began to shake its body, tore open the egg that wrapped him, and crawled out of it.

At this moment, Cheng Xu felt that there was a set of interconnected signals in his head, just like the connection between him and the summoned creature, which was very clear.

The signal came from the clone on the ground. He slowly got up and looked at Cheng Xu himself. The visual overlap of the two sets of signals looked like looking in a mirror.

"You... No, no need to speak, yes, common, same consciousness..."

Cheng Xu wanted to say something, but at the same time he could receive the signal from the other party, and every word could reach the brain of the clone before the sound.

Cheng Xu felt that his words were like a microphone placed in front of the speaker, the sound kept circulating, and finally turned into a piercing whistle.

Cheng Xu tried to calm himself down and tried to control the newly born clone to recall the memory just now.

Without any deliberate reaction, Cheng Xu got the memory that was different from his perspective.

From the time when the binding tentacles stretched out of the window to get wet in the rain, the consciousness of the clone entered the insect egg, it was pitch black, and he couldn't breathe.

Just when he wanted to figure out where this place was, the clone found that all the binding threads in his body disappeared, and no matter how he summoned, there was no response.

Just when the clone was considering using the prop "Void Seed" to escape, he found that he had nothing on him.

Then, he felt a chill as the eggs were expelled from the mother's body and fell to the ground.

And the binding thread that he had been calling for for a long time was also transmitted from the self by the window.


At that moment, the memory of the clone and Cheng Xu's original body was connected, and the consciousness of the two was completely synchronized.

"Could it be that the strengthening of the binding silk has caused a bug in my body, causing an error in the copying process?"

Cheng Xu checked his clone and found that he did not have any of his own props. His health, physical strength, and mental strength were much less than his own, and he was still in the stage of using skills and needed to be stingy.

Cheng Xu tried to give him some of the binding silk, stretched out a spider-like binding silk from his fingertips, and attached it to the fingertips of the clone, carefully observing the subsequent changes of the binding silk.


Just when Cheng Xu wanted to withdraw his hand, a large amount of binding silk directly broke away from the restraints of Cheng Xu's original body and quickly poured into the clone's body, forming a new right chest heart.

Feeling the tingling sensation from the clone's body, Cheng Xu hurriedly checked the binding silk on his body, and the total amount was indeed reduced by half.

However, since Cheng Xu swallowed all the crystal cores of the entire giant beast, the binding silk was not in short supply and could still maintain his body function.

After completing the transmission of the binding thread, Cheng Xu continued to sense the various data of his clone.

"The skills have been replicated to "Stealth", and even the two disaster skills are still there, so I want to know if he can open up the memories of the past..."

Just as Cheng Xu was controlling his clone to explore the memories of the past, the familiar demon appeared.

"Are you sure you want to relive those painful memories? I don't care."

The demon leaned against the wall and looked at Cheng Xu and his clone with a lazy look.

In two completely different perspectives, the demon's eyes looked straight into their eyes.

"He also has the same memories as me, so why didn't he give birth to two of you?"

"Ha, can two cups of 50-degree warm water poured together become 100 degrees? "

The demon's figure slowly disappeared, leaving only a slightly teasing remark.

"It can't become 100 degrees, but the amount of water has indeed doubled..."

Cheng Xu and his clone looked at each other, and for the first time, they felt that their appearance was so novel.

"If this goes on, maybe I can really beat up the hunters in a group..."

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