The night was long and there was still a long time left, and Cheng Xu felt a little bored for the first time in a long time. Although the appearance of the clone did bring him some freshness, after more than ten minutes of neural synchronization, Cheng Xu found that there was no difference between the clone and himself. Whether it was the neural reaction or the memory of these days, it was basically a complete copy of himself, without any interesting changes. However, just when Cheng Xu felt bored, the clone felt a little sleepy, which was a feeling that Cheng Xu had been completely deprived of. After the sleepiness continued to surge, Cheng Xu controlled the clone to lie down and fell asleep. The comfortable and relaxed feeling came from the other end of the nerves, allowing Cheng Xu himself to experience sleep in the third person. After a while, the clone actually began to dream. The scene in the dream looked like his old house, and the furnishings of the community could be seen outside, but the sky and the scenery in the distance were all pure white.

The clone in the house seemed to be sitting in front of the computer, with his hands on the keyboard, typing some unreasonable text symbols.

A few seconds later, the scene in the dream changed, and it became the scene when Cheng Xu's original body observed the dream of the clone.

The face of Cheng Xu's original body in that picture was not very clear, and the picture of the dream in the dream was also very chaotic, a bunch of completely unclear color blocks.

In order to prevent his dream from overlapping, Cheng Xu no longer focused on the clone, and turned his attention to the only thing in the house that could be considered a plant.

Those were the "lush moss balls" and "lush seaweed balls" he had confiscated in the last game, both of which were the collections of a survivor hiding in a coffin-like fortress.

These two props provided Cheng Xu's room with a very sufficient amount of oxygen, relying on the micro-light source at the core to continue to grow.

"Plantization... After the whole city is planted, I guess all the street lights will become like this..."

Cheng Xu picked up the moss ball. The moss inside was like a grassland that was shrunk a hundred times. Under the illumination of the core light source, it actually looked like a landscape.

"I wonder if there are any plant-like deformed creatures that I can study so that I can prepare for the subsequent changes."

Cheng Xu put down the moss ball and was about to make a bed and lie on the ground to rest. As a result, a heavy sound suddenly sounded not far away.

The sound was like the roar of a large truck passing through a speed bump, and the floor of the entire shopping mall was shaking.

Cheng Xu looked out the window and saw the huge deformed creature that made the sound.

A group of creatures as big as coral reefs were walking on the street. Its body was covered with various tubular objects, which were very similar in shape and size. They were spliced ​​together to form dense holes.

At the bottom of those tubes, there is a mass of white sediment, which is like a shell. Layers of calcium hard shells are stacked on top of each other to form a scale-like structure.

At the bottom of those scales, there is a group of fluffy black limbs, which looks like a tarantula that has been enlarged several times.

It moves very slowly, and small things fall down while it moves.

Those small things are not the remaining fragments of its body, but a group of slender creatures like worms. After falling, they will quickly climb up its body and get into the pipe.

"This thing... is a bit plant-like."

The huge creature, which is more than ten meters tall, slowly walked from the other end of the street, and then, under Cheng Xu's gaze, lay directly in front of the mall.


The sound of it lying down was like a small mountain hitting the ground. It is conceivable how heavy the body full of tubes must be.

"Why stop here..."

Cheng Xu found that his clone had also lost sleepiness in the collision just now, and was a little annoyed.

So Cheng Xu planned to go to the first floor of the mall to take a look, let his clone stand on the fifth floor to keep watch, and take a look at the movements outside the street.

When Cheng Xu was hanging in the air with the wire, he saw the appendages of the huge monster extending from the tube, shaped like tree branches.

On the appendages, there were many white worms, crawling around on them, as if guiding the appendages to move in a certain direction.

After a few minutes of searching, Cheng Xu observed that one of the appendages had found the toilet on the first floor, and it was completely in it.

Fully stretched.

Cheng Xu quickly came to the first floor and followed the behavior of the appendages to see what they were doing.

Then, Cheng Xu saw an amazing scene. Two worms were cooperating with each other to try to open a rusty faucet.

The two worms were like two human fingers, interlaced and exerted their strength to twist the faucet used to wash mops in the utility room.

The branch-like appendage quickly inserted the front end into the water and began to absorb a large amount of water. The speed of pumping water was comparable to that of a water pump.

In other areas, wherever there was a faucet, it was occupied by the appendages and began to transport tons of tap water to the giant beast at the door.

After nearly ten minutes of absorbing, the giant beast retracted its appendages and set off again like a vehicle filled with fuel.

The sound of boiling liquid came from the tubes on its body, and then a large amount of water vapor was discharged from its body, forming a thick white fog.

Cheng Xu instinctively did not feel the slightest aggression from the giant beast. It was so docile that it was like a real stone.

Out of curiosity, Cheng Xu came directly to the body of the giant beast and carefully observed the tubes growing on its body.

At the bottom of those tubes, there was a crystal core that was constantly rolling, and its volume was only slightly larger than a fingernail.

But the tiny crystal core continued to release energy, fusing the surrounding water with the substance of the giant beast itself, and performing a certain energy-gathering reaction.

When the water stored in the tube was completely consumed, the shell of the giant beast cracked into more than a dozen cracks, and more than a dozen transparent long tubes quickly grew out of it.

Those tubes quickly cooled in the air and turned into calcified white, gradually converging with other tubes.

The body of the giant beast became much larger, and the shell outside the body also thickened a bit, and continued to move along the street.

Cheng Xu also returned to the mall, reorganized the protection of the front door with binding wire, and piled a lot of bricks over.

While moving, Cheng Xu was thinking about what he had just observed.

"It turns out that not all giant beasts are predators. Like the one just now, putting all resources into defense is also a means."

"But... I feel that it can no longer be called an animal or a plant. It is more like... an inorganic substance?"

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