The 687th Space Protocol has been activated.

"The space structure has been stabilized, and the 687th Space Protocol has been activated. Councillor, please give your instructions."

On the periphery of a space rift, a dozen humanoid creatures in protective clothing are constructing some kind of space cage, seemingly preparing for what is about to appear in that space rift.

"Very good, has the monitoring protocol been activated?"

"Report to the Councillor, it has been activated."

"Okay, you guys come back."

"Received, the Forger Team is returning."

In a room full of petri dishes, tens of thousands of brain-like biological tissues are arranged together, connected to each other, and light signals are constantly flashing between them.

A woman who looked extremely slender was meditating among the petri dishes. Occasionally, there were flashes of light in her closed eyes, and even the blood vessels of her eyelids could be seen.

Her clothes were like a ball of condensed smoke, with a very active vitality, growing like a plant, and flowing with complex light signals.

"Madam, it has been twelve standard days since the last time the Hilbert Quadrant was invaded by a visitor from another space. Are you summoning thirteen departments this time to prepare to contain them?"

A projection of a humanoid creature very similar to her appeared next to the woman. He was slender, but he seemed to be a man.

"Perth, what I need is an executor, not a questioner."

"I'm sorry, Madam, I'm worried that there are not enough people in the Hilbert Quadrant to contain the visitors from another space..."

The slender figure had already folded his body, like a bow, and let his head almost vertically close to the ground.

"I think if you want to ensure the absoluteness of containment, it is better to notify the Witness Council..."

"No need."

The woman twisted her body slowly, and the light signal on her body quickly accelerated the flashing frequency. A lot of information gathered in her mind, and then scattered again after being processed.

"You just need to tell me whether the 'reversal of existence' and the 'super causal agreement' are ready?"

"It's ready, Ms. Councillor!"

The female councillor slowly opened her eyes, and a pair of bright and deep starry eyes gradually opened, full of starlight filled with powerful power unique to the rules.

The moment she opened her eyes, it seemed that the rules of the entire universe were in her control, and the world was silent because of this.

"I hope our distinguished guests will like this great gift I have given you."

The space crack that had been silent for a long time suddenly began to tremble, and various reading indicators began to become abnormal, and the frequency of the light signal on the councillor suddenly increased several times.

"Hmm? Why is this space so hard today... I can't even break it apart... Let me give it a kick!"

The specially reinforced space crack suddenly exploded, and a hot wave surged out of the crack, and the light and flames that spread out shone like the surface material of a star.

When the light faded, a figure appeared in the space crack, with violent pulses all over his body, and was wandering around in the space cage at this moment.

"Boss, the space is locked, do you want me to blast it open?"

The figure with pulses all over his body spoke to the back of him, as if communicating with another existence.

"I didn't have these things when I came last time... and I definitely spoke nicely last time..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether it's there or not. We came here this time to make them recognize their strength and status."

A figure in a simple black robe walked out slowly. His body was slightly hunched, and his steps were a little staggering, like an old man of some age.

However, his octopus-like face was very conspicuous, and the drooping tentacles were like dense beards, shaking slowly, weaving a complex energy structure.

When the congressman zoomed in and wanted to take a closer look at the new visitor, he found that his lower body seemed to be symbiotic with the universe, sticking to time and space, and inseparable from each other.

"Oh, I guess this is the new member of the Witness Council. Nice to meet you."

The visitor who noticed the observation instrument turned his face to the congressman's observation direction and said a very friendly greeting.

Although the visitor with an octopus face did not have as violent energy fluctuations as the other one, he brought no less pressure to the congressman.

Moreover, the congressman found that she actually saw an expression called "smile" on the face of the octopus-faced creature, but his facial muscle tissue did not have any

What displacement.

This means that the alien visitor can cross the barrier of space and exert mental influence on her.

This silent demonstration caused the light spots on the councillor's body to surge, like the rising tide of the sea, surging a wave of light signals.

"Council... Councillor, the visitor has disappeared!"

The dazed councillor had just recovered from the wave of light signals, but the two observed signals disappeared in front of him.

"Check the integrity of the space cage!"

"No damage, the structure is intact... and there is no sign of infiltration..."

The councillor narrowed his eyes slightly, clenched his hands for the first time, and continued to issue orders.

"Does the observation track exist?"

"Report to the councillor, we did not see any observation track in the Hilbert quadrant... Whether it is optical tails, curvature changes, or subspace vesicles, they do not exist!"

"Does not exist..."

The councillor understood what this meant. If all his observation instruments failed to find the other party's trace, there are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the other party has returned to the alien world through the space rift. Based on the conversation just now, this possibility is almost negligible.

The other possibility is that the other party's technology and ability have completely crushed her technological level, and she is not worthy of knowing the other party's movements.

At this moment, she felt a sudden humiliation, like an ant whose anthill was trampled, and could only make a weak hissing at humans.

The other party did not take her seriously at all.

"Member! Mr. Member!"

A sudden shout sounded beside her, coming from the research station where she lived.

The member of parliament, who was already irritated, was completely annoyed by this call and almost lost his temper.


"They... They are coming!"

The screen was connected, and it was still the figures of the two visitors, one shining like a star, and the other as deep as the universe itself.

They were standing outside the research station at this moment, like real visitors, waiting for each other's response very politely.

Although the deafening alarm sounded in the research station, the two visitors still turned a deaf ear to it, remaining reserved and restrained, as if all this had nothing to do with them.

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