The two men were so angry that they had to wait for the door to be opened.

"Boss, I sense at least fifteen threatening rule weapons. Are we just going to wait?"

"Wait another ten seconds. If they don't open the door, you open it for them. Remember to be gentle."

The councillor looked at the two alien visitors in the picture, and his face became extremely gloomy.

One of her men hurried into the room where she was, panting breathlessly, begging her to leave.

"Mr. Congressman... the transmission anchor point has been connected. Please go to the Congress quickly. We will buy you as much time as we can here..."

"Aim the 'reversal of existence' at me."


"I'll only give you two seconds."

The subordinate hurriedly connected the light path on his body, and the whole person was like a light bulb, with a large number of light signals rapidly surging.

In less than half a second, a wave of distorted waves gathered around the congressman.

Feeling the powerful rule power of the causal weapon, the congressman felt a little more at ease.

"Next, aim all the rule weapons at me. Once the 'reversal of existence' is activated, activate all the weapons."

"This... is!"


Before the subordinate ran away, a buzzing sound came from outside the door of the institute, and a large amount of radiant heat energy poured in, directly melting the heavy door that was enough to prevent the stellar ion storm.

Under the effect of a strong magnetic field, all the equipment around the congressman failed, and the brains in the culture dishes were directly burned by the chaotic light energy.

In the smell of roasted meat, the congressman saw the two visitors who entered the room.

They still maintained a deliberate reserve and did not show any aggression.

The moment they stepped into the room, the whole world suddenly fell into silence.

The room that was originally full of culture dishes was replaced by pure darkness. In the center of the dark world, a small round table appeared.

On both sides of the round table, there was a chair. The plain black wooden chairs had no patterns, just like this space, deep and silent.

"Madam Congressman, I think we should sit down and have a good talk."

The visitor with an octopus face sat down slowly, and his hands made of tentacles stretched out from his sleeves and crossed on the table, forming an extremely complex emblem.

The moment he saw the emblem, the congressman's pupils suddenly shrank, because the emblem was exactly her code symbol in the parliament - the Ouroboros.

The congressman felt the pressure from the high-level existence again, reluctantly pulled out the chair, and sat down calmly.

"First of all, we need to show our identities. Although the person has talked to you last time, it seems that you have not reached a consensus..."

A tentacle stretched out from the visitor's sleeve and wrote a name on the table, which immediately exuded a strong breath of rules, as if the name was the first nebula at the beginning of creation.

"You can call me, Nanqia, this is my code name, and the one over there, you can call it, Tengqia."

"What do you want to do."

The congressman did not let Nanqia continue his introduction, and interrupted him with a very rude attitude.

Nanqia did not have any emotional reaction, and still maintained that gentle tone.

"Of course I want to discuss the issue of renting the venue with you. You should have conducted a certain degree of investigation on us, but just in case, I will introduce it to you a little bit."

Nan Qia showed an extremely abstract picture, which was a real mapping from a high-dimensional space. In the eyes of low-dimensional creatures, it had incomprehensible directions and angles.

"This is our company. We are now trying to produce a program that will be broadcast to the entire universe. It is a large-scale variety show of survival competition."

"And the 'Witness Council' where you are and its affiliated 'Eye of the Universe Containment Foundation' are very suitable for the next development of our program."

"So my boss sent me to negotiate with you and give you a suitable reward. Now, please ask the congresswoman to notify the remaining congressmen to organize a meeting and we will discuss it in detail."

The congressman did not speak, but just stared at his fingers, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a few seconds of silence, the congressman spoke again, his attitude was even worse than the last time.

"Conditions are not proposed by you. The rules must be set by us. Given your rude and arrogant attitude, you cannot leave the foundation regardless of whether you cooperate in the future!"

"I know what you are thinking, Ms. Curtis, but I advise you for the last time. We have no ill intentions. We will meet your compensation requirements as long as you agree to provide us with a venue."

The councillor showed an extremely morbid smile on his face, raised one of his hands, and pointed at Nanqia across from him.

"You ants from the alien universe, why dare you give me orders! Kneel down!"

A wave of distortion came, covering the dark space, all the light and matter began to distort, and a large amount of matter that should not have appeared suddenly appeared...

But the next moment, everything returned to normal, and Nanqia was still sitting opposite the councillor, with a "smile" on her face.

"Kurtis was born in the Wilgard Galaxy Federation. He successfully joined its fringe organization by selling a large number of people to the Foundation."

"Then he relied on his own skills to trick the entire Wilgard Galaxy Federation into joining the Foundation, so that the Foundation had a high-quality experimental field."

"After becoming a senior member of the Foundation, you came into contact with the real founders of all the Foundations, the guys who called themselves the 'Witness Council'."

"After helping them unify the Hilbert Void Quadrant, you were officially invited to become one of them, and your name became the only one in this quadrant."

"If it weren't for the powerful weapons provided by the witnesses to complete the unification, maybe I would respect you more. Unfortunately... you are a hypocritical 'empress' who lives in the illusion of your own pride."

Nanjia's words made the congressman's face a little distorted, because what he said was the truth, and because of her identity, she had been in extreme arrogance and extreme inferiority.

"Shut up!! You bunch of dirty maggots!"

She felt a lot of rule fluctuations, and her expression suddenly became extremely arrogant, because in her opinion, as long as her fifteen rule weapons were activated, even gods would be unable to escape.

"Alas... It's tiring to communicate with a guy like you who thinks he is very smart. It's not so troublesome to communicate with primitive species..."

Nan Qi waved his tentacles, and three obelisk-shaped protrusions suddenly appeared on the round wooden table, emitting extremely terrifying heavy fluctuations.

Those chaotic rules that had just been activated by the weapons were swept away before they formed a storm, turning into a pile of loose sand.

"What is this..."

The voice of the councillor was trembling, and her faith had just completely collapsed.

Nan Qi gently moved one of the obelisks, and the planet where the laboratory was located and several satellites next to it suddenly fell into chaos.

"This is the basic engine of the universe, which controls the laws of physics, mathematical rates, and the boundaries of the universe."

Nanjia's voice was still very gentle and patient, but the councillor opposite him had begun to gradually collapse...

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