The fusion is complete, but why...”

The plant clone, which has completely merged with its original body, found that there is still a consciousness in its original brain.

However, that consciousness has a strange sense of childishness, and the thoughts that come out are all pure desires.

“No, no! The table legs cannot be eaten. If you are hungry, I will take you to eat proper food...”

Cheng Xu’s original body has always been very interested in the wooden legs of the coffee table. As long as the control of the plant clone is relaxed, this body will lie on the ground and gnaw on the table legs.

Cheng Xu’s clone stood by and watched, feeling that the scene in front of him was a little absurd.

In his perception, the consciousness of the original body has indeed been completely connected with the two clones, but it seems to be in a very strange state, as childish as a baby.

"... I said no! Get up!"

The nerve center from the plant clone began to compete with Cheng Xu's original body for the ownership of the body, just like two mecha pilots arguing with each other, and his body began to show many contradictory behaviors.

"It's fun, in fact, you look like this every time you are stimulated, but you just don't know it..."

The demon who disappeared for a while reappeared, looking much recovered, with that familiar smile on his face, and the overall temperament was still cynical.

"He... what happened to me?"

"Traumatic stress reaction, short-term amnesia, it may be cured in a few minutes, or it may last a lifetime. After merging with the plant, it should be better faster."

"Ugh!... Bah! What's in my mouth..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Xu's original body woke up and began to spit out the wood residue he had just eaten.

When he woke up completely, he found that there seemed to be an extra biological system in his body, and he and this system actually formed a perfect cycle.

On Cheng Xu's back, there were three green scales covering the side of the spine, which were trembling slightly. Those were the three snake heads embedded in his back.

"It feels like... I have another brain."

The plant clone's entire autonomous consciousness was completely annihilated in this almost self-destructive mental explosion, and it completely became an attachment to Cheng Xu's body.

At this moment, the two consciousnesses belonging to Cheng Xu were completely converged, and his mental value limit was greatly improved, doubling.

Moreover, Cheng Xu, who had perfectly integrated with the plant, also changed his perspective on the world.

Cheng Xu found that there was an extra layer of detailed energy map in his vision, and all the energy fields around him became extremely clear, completely presenting a visual state.

Moreover, the binding silk in Cheng Xu's body also integrated with the new plant of the "aquatic lin snake", and the two evolved together and turned into a new substance similar to plant fiber.

This material has the plasticity of binding silk and the toughness of plant fiber, and even has the ability of photosynthesis. As long as it is spread out on the spot, Cheng Xu does not need to eat or drink water.

"I... really became a new species?"

Cheng Xu carefully examined his body and found that in addition to the completely changed physiological structure, a crystal core also appeared in his chest.

In Cheng Xu's eyes, the crystal core was no longer a simple white crystal. Many complex energy fields appeared on it, forming a very obvious keyhole.

As for the "key" that originally had no clues, Cheng Xu also got a glimpse of it and felt some resonance.

And the thing with the strongest resonance was the human clone beside him.

"Does the key have to be shaped with my own body?"

After careful comparison, Cheng Xu found that the fluctuations emitted from his clone were still missing a part and could not form a complete "key".

When Cheng Xu wanted to continue to explore more, a spiritual fluctuation emitted by the hunter was transmitted to the vicinity of his shelter.

Multiple overlapping mental fluctuations conveyed the call of the stalker, calling on Cheng Xu.

Although Cheng Xu was not interested in this call that was obviously a trap, the stalker's behavior gave him inspiration.

"Maybe it's time for me to go out... maybe I can find something that complements me."

When Cheng Xu opened the door again, the world outside was still the same, with a large number of tangled plants spreading without restraint, and branches and organs growing randomly everywhere.

But this time, Cheng Xu could clearly feel the

The fluctuations emitted by a plant can even fully understand their language.

Most plants have very pure emotions, and they all emit malice without reservation, cursing any creature that dares to invade their territory.

The plant that caused Cheng Xu to fall into insanity before was a vine growing near the ground. After sensing Cheng Xu's presence, it cursed him.

And the curse was mutual. Now the vine is almost completely withered, but the breath it exudes is still very violent.

Cheng Xu bypassed these intricate plants and came to his two shelters that were about to be destroyed.

The two shelters were actually located in the same place, surrounded by a group of plants, and forcibly pieced together in a very awkward state.

Looking at the shelters piled up in the bushes, Cheng Xu decided to get rid of the surrounding plants first.

After completely possessing a completely developed plant clone, Cheng Xu has thoroughly understood how to quickly and effectively kill a plant completely.

So the plants surrounding his shelter soon turned into pure wood, which was thrown to his "split eggs" by Cheng Xu.

But this time, the "split eggs" directly spit out the wood mixed with eyes and blood vessels, and refused to accept these things at all.

Then Cheng Xu himself tried to use props and binding wire to devour those things, but the result was the same, as if those things were not compatible with him.

"It feels like they are semi-finished products with failed matching, and they are not worthy of being absorbed by me..."

Cheng Xu's instinct told him that these plants were garbage, and absorbing them would not benefit his evolution at all.

Since there were no ready-made reinforcement materials on this map, Cheng Xu put his two shelters on the ground again, and just used the previous reinforcement material inventory for simple repairs.

When the two houses were restored to 80%, Cheng Xu did not continue to repair them, and prepared to hurry up and set off to respond to his instinctive call.

The moment he stepped into the ruins jungle, the whole city trembled, and a huge and primitive existence was slowly waking up...

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