After Qi Ling filled his body, Duan Zhicai trudged through the dangerous jungle, avoided several dangers according to Qi Ling's prompts, and kept moving forward. On the way forward, he found that his body seemed to have been strengthened, which was very different from his previous self. Among the three people, he has always been the weakest one, and his profession of "watchmaker" basically has no combat power. The only thing he can do is to create various ingenious mechanical structures, and even transform the surroundings of his house. So at the beginning of this round of the game, Duan Zhicai frantically made machines and covered the five floors of his shelter with various confusing devices, so that ordinary monsters could not find him at all. Relying on the food and pure water he had stored, Duan Zhicai hid in his room every day and didn't dare to go out.

But on the night of the plant outbreak, his shelter fell into a deep pit underground along with the collapsed residential building.

In the pit, Duan Zhicai didn't think about going out, because his house structure was very solid, without any damage, and all kinds of supplies were very abundant, so there was no need to go out.

But he had a very short dream during his nap, dreaming of a purple giant and his third sister in white.

The third sister pointed to a pile of sand covered with weeds and covered her face and cried.

After being awakened by such a weird dream, Duan Zhicai could no longer bear the throbbing in his heart, and rushed out of the door directly, running in the direction of his dream.

"Fortunately, that dream was real..."

"Second brother, you and eldest brother have exactly the same problem. I have told you so many times that you should be cautious and think twice before you act..."

"Ah, okay, sister, stop nagging me. I will never do it again..."

Although the surrounding environment was not much better than hell, Duan Zhicai felt very comfortable.

In this life-and-death competition, it is very lucky to have someone who can tell you your mistakes.

"By the way, sister, have you figured out where our eldest brother is?"

"Yes, I can sense his breath."

"Then tell me how he is doing now? Is he reckless, impulsive, or does he not follow the rules you left behind? I will tell him off when I get back."


Qi Ling's voice paused for a while. The sadness and loneliness were not hidden at all, and they were directly transmitted to Duan Zhicai's mind.

"Ah? Did my elder brother die... No, if he died, there's no need to look for him. Did my elder brother become like you?"

The figure who threw her into the purple crystal car appeared in Qi Ling's mind, and his majestic figure was still as heavy as a mountain.

"I don't know how my elder brother is doing now..."

"Sister, don't worry, look at your elder brother's strong appearance, there is absolutely no problem, I have survived, he can hold on until you and us get there, it's not easy to catch him!"

"Second brother, can you see the picture I'm thinking of..."

"Yes, I thought you knew..."

Qi Ling quickly recalled the picture she just thought of, and confirmed that there was no embarrassing situation, so she was relieved.

When they arrived at the location of their elder brother Zhang Duanxing, they didn't see anything related to humans at all.

There was a rare open area in the jungle, with purple crystals all over the ground, piled up into a hill more than ten meters high, and a huge plant growing on it.

The plant also appeared to be wrapped in crystals, like a staircase made of crystals, spiraling upwards and extending continuously.

"I feel... Big Brother is down there..."

Qi Ling sensed the familiar breath, but it was mixed with many deformed things, making her feel a little uneasy.

Duan Zhicai walked to the side of the huge purple crystal and tried to look into the crystal.

In the depths of the crystal without light, there seemed to be a vague black shadow of a human figure, which looked larger than a normal human.

"Is that figure holding a shield in his hand?"

Duan Zhicai vaguely saw a round shadow next to the figure, which looked very much like the shape of a shield.

Qi Ling gently placed the fragrant flower on the crystal block, emitting a gentle wave into it.

After a moment, the gentle wave spread to the entire crystal, and Qi Ling also saw the true face of the black shadow.

"It's Big Brother! But he seems... the proportions are not right?"

Duan Zhicai also

Through Qi Ling's shared information, I sensed the specific form of the black shadow, which gave me an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Zhang Duanxing, who became a giant beast, still kept his face as a human, without much change.

Even though his body was completely transformed into purple crystals and his entire body proportions became short and thick, his ordinary but resolute human face still existed.

During the time when he turned into a giant beast, Zhang Duanxing gradually became the overlord of the nearby area and killed many giant beasts that competed with him for territory.

He was able to devour steel and turn it into his own strength, and his body density gradually increased, eventually reaching an extremely terrifying level, and some roads could not bear his weight.

At the moment of the plant explosion, Zhang Duanxing was devouring a plant-type deformed giant beast.

As a result, the plant-type giant beast that was already on the verge of death suddenly came back to life, proliferated violently, and a large number of branches grew around Zhang Duanxing.

The angry Zhang Duanxing ignited his own flames, trying to kill the plant by directly burning it.

As a result, those branches that had grown rapidly became Zhang Duanxing's fuel, without any resistance, and turned into pure energy at an extremely terrifying speed.

The sudden surge of energy quickly broke the balance in Zhang Duanxing's body, making his burning core extremely unstable.

When he wanted to leave, the growth of the plant also reached its peak, and the energy supply suddenly increased several times.

Even if Zhang Duanxing had a strong body, he could not stop the explosion of his core. A large amount of flames spewed out of his body, forming large crystals that wrapped him and the plant.

After a few hours, the plant that had been crystallized grew out again, broke through the barrier of the crystal, and grew spirally upwards.

When Duan Zhicai and Qi Ling arrived here, the plant had just completed a growth cycle and was resting, waiting for the next cycle of growth.

Just as they were trying to figure out how to open the crystal, the hunter's mental fluctuations were transmitted...

Duan Zhicai and Qi Ling did not react much, but the huge crystal in front of them began to tremble, and a long-silent roar of a giant beast emerged from the ground...

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